Like we previously discussed in our “what’s coming for DI” brief, we have been working on updating expertise options for multiple characters in season 5. We have three characters getting an update to their kit and we wanted to give a sneak peek at one of them here today. Without further ado, let's talk about the one and only Chavez and how his expertise 2 is poised to change in season 5. Keep in mind, the balancing aspects of the ability are very much in the process of being tweaked and might be different at release. Now let’s get to it!
Immovable object becomes an unstoppable force.
It has become a bit of a meme how passive Chavez is as a character. The entirety of his toolkit is built with a very defensive approach which leaves very little lee-way to create a different build for him. His expertise 2 is the biggest offender in that regard. The resistant status effect has always been a contentious subject and having a playstyle that rewards you for simply standing in a circle while shooting was not very interesting.
Enter ALL-STAR, a new expertise replacing unshakable fortresses starting with season 5.

(Click on the image above or this text to see it in action)
ALL-STAR puts Chavez into a stance where he gains amped up, but cannot shoot for 5 seconds. During that stance, he can shove any npc he enters in contact with. When colliding with a spy, Chavez deals damage and breaks both his and their cover while shoving them away with FORCE.
Additionally, Chavez can open doors immediately by ramming them in this stance if he either has the intel/keycard to open it or if it’s already unlocked. The intel will still be consumed when opening a door in this way, but it won’t stop your charge, allowing for very decisive actions.
We have a lot of fun using this ability to play Chavez in all new ways and we think this new energetic take on the character is going to make quite a splash once it hits the game. We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek at what’s coming and we’ll be back with more very soon.