Extraction Changes Preview
Agents, a major topic of feedback we’ve been following for a while is the extraction phase and how “ping stalling” makes it a tedious process in a lot of matches. As we approach the launch of season 4, we wanted to share some changes that will land to address some of the frustrations around this topic and make the extraction phase more dynamic.
Briefcase ping changes
In season 4, there will no longer exist any way to entirely stall the ping. Scanning with the briefcase will now slow the speed by 50% instead of stopping it entirely. On the agents front, Larcin will now continue to build up ping even while cloaked and Madame Xiu will receive a specific balancing lever that makes her build ping faster than walk speed when teleporting.
With all this, the maximum time before a ping happens is now 45 seconds instead of whole minutes when players are running builds that are purpose made for stalling. We think this makes the phase far more exciting for everyone involved.

Changes to auto-calling logic
Previously, when the timer runs out and the extraction car is called, it would be called at the closest extraction point taking only distance into account. This was a faulty logic, often leading to the car being called at a location that is much longer to reach even if pure distance puts it closer to you.
In season 4, the calling logic is now path based, meaning that the game will calculate a path from where you are taking into account stairs, obstacles and everything else in between. This means that the extraction called will now be more in line with player expectations.
Nav Mode Camera Sensitivity settings
While not directly tied to the extraction phase, nav mode is a crucial part of being the briefcase carrier. We are adding a new setting that will now allow you to tweak your sensitivity while in navmode, allowing you for instance to greatly increase turn speed to allow faster scans. This was a heavily requested feature from controller users and it will also be available to keyboard and mouse users to further customize their experience.