New Gadgets Preview
We are continuing our dive into new elements coming into season 5 with something that has been a long time coming: The addition of new gadgets! Yes, gadgets with a S. This is no mistake: We have TWO new gadgets dropping with season 5 to open up build possibilities in interesting ways. Let’s welcome the newest gadgets to join the deception and recon families:
The Bait Box - Deception Gadget

(Click on the above image to see a webm in action)
Our first new gadget is here and ready to make some noise. The bait box is a new deception gadget based around creating fake sounds to bait your opponents into traps, away from fights or simply drive them mad in pursuit of an illusory keycard.
The Bait Box is a deployable gadget that can play the selected soundtrack (you can change tracks with your secondary action) to bamboozle foes. There are four different tracks you can play:
Gunshots: Play an assortment of gunshots in quick succession to simulate an ongoing fight. Ideal to bait aggressive players into a fake fight or drive them away from where you are going.
Character Alerted: Play an alerted voice line from a npc to sell the illusion that an out of cover spy is nearby.
Keycard Jingle: Play the iconic sound telling players that a keycard is nearby, driving them to madness and sadness like no other gadget can.
Keycard Printer: Plant chaos into the infiltration phase by faking that a gold keycard is currently being printed!
The D-Eye - Recon Gadget

(Click on the above image to see a webm in action)
We’ve wanted to add more elements that reinforce the spy fantasy for a long time and our second new gadget, the D-eye, is a step in that direction. You will be able to shoot a camera from a handheld pen launcher to create your very own surveillance network. The cameras can stick on surfaces, but also on people, allowing you to spectate a bugged NPC (or player!) from afar.
Of course, breaking or changing cover will immediately break the camera on a bugged spy. With the possibility of setting up to three remote cameras, the D-eye can be used in a wide variety of creative ways and we can’t wait to see you all use it on the field.
And there’s more!
In addition to these new additions to the gadgets roster, we are also revisiting some of the existing tools in your arsenal to give them newfound uses and devious new ways to play. Expect new functions for the remote turret, the scrambler and tripwires to make their appearance this season as a step forward in making more options interesting and viables.