We’re excited to announce that 0.52 is now live! Just make sure to update your game to continue your journey through Zakov.
As mentioned in our dev blog last week, this update will be introducing a new skills system to ZERO Sievert that will replace the legacy gun skills. We’re looking forward to seeing what you think about the 24 new skills we’ve added!
Without further ado, let’s get into the patch notes.
Patch Notes 0.52

We’ve introduced 24 New Weapon Skills and gun types that only get better the more you use them.
All new weapon skills:
- Close Quarters TrainingDescription: Minimum effective range of this weapon is reduced by 40% Weapons classes applicable: Assault Rifles tier.2, DMRs tier.2, Sniper Rifles tier.3
- Reload Artist: Scopes Description: Allows you to remain zoomed-in while reloading this weapon when scoped Weapons classes applicable: DMRs tier.1, Sniper Rifles tier.1
- Reload Artist: Speed Reload Description: Double-press the reload button to speed up the reload process of magazine-fed weapons, but any ammunition already in the magazine will be lost Weapons classes applicable: Pistols tier.2, SMGs tier.1, Shotguns tier.2, Assault Rifles tier.1, DMRs tier.2
- Reload Artist: Double barrel Description: Allows double-barreled shotguns to be reloaded in one go by inserting both shells at once
- Run and Gun Description: You can now shoot this weapon while sprinting Weapons classes applicable: Pistols tier.1, Shotguns tier.2
- Marksman Awareness Description: When using this weapon while scoped, you will be able to partially see the area beyond the reticle interface, while the cross-hair will also be instantly visible Weapons classes applicable: DMRs tier.1, Sniper Rifles tier.1
- Fast Focus Description: Hover over the target with the cursor to make the cross-hair shrink more quickly Weapon classes applicable: SMGs tier.1, Assault Rifles tier.1, DMRs tier.1, Sniper Rifles tier.1
- Fast Hands Description: Switching to this type of weapon is 50% faster Weapons classes applicable: Pistols tier.1, SMGs tier.2, DMRs tier.2, Sniper Rifles tier.2
- Penetrating Shot Description: A killing shot will result in the bullet continuing on its path to hit a second target behind the first Weapons classes applicable: SMGs tier.3, Shotguns tier.3, Assault Rifles tier.3, DMRs tier.3, Sniper Rifles tier.3
- Empowered Backup Description: For 2.5 seconds after swapping to this weapon, all shots will have 15% increased damage Weapons classes applicable: Pistols tier.1, SMGs tier.2, Shotguns tier.1
- First Bullet Description: The first bullet of each magazine deals 30% more damage Weapons classes applicable: Pistols tier.2, Shotguns tier.3, Assault Rifles tier.2, DMRs tier.3, Sniper Rifles tier.3
- Impaler shot Description: Hitting an enemy will decrease its speed by 30% for 1 second Additional: Speed decrease duration is increased to 2 seconds for sniper rifles Weapons classes applicable: Pistols tier.3, SMGs tier.2, Shotguns tier.1, Assault Rifles tier.2, Sniper Rifles tier.2
- Prolonged Vision Description: When you hit a target they will remain visible for 2 seconds when going out of sight Weapons classes applicable: Pistols tier.2, SMGs tier.2, Assault Rifles tier.1, Sniper Rifles tier.2
- Killer Reload Description: Increase reload speed by 20% for 1.5 seconds after killing an enemy Weapons classes applicable: SMGs tier.2, Shotguns tier.1, Assault Rifles tier.2
- Vital Shooting Description: By hovering over a target with your cursor for a short time before shooting, the shot will ignore some of its armor
- Improvised Sniper Description: Hovering over the target with the cursor for 1 second will increase the maximum effective range of the weapon for that shot Weapon classes applicable: Assault Rifles tier.1
- Shotgun Master Description: If using Slug ammunition the maximum effective range is increased Weapon classes applicable: Shotguns tier.2
- Phantom Bullets Description: When shooting Automatic weapons for at least 0.3 seconds, you can continue shooting for a short time even after the magazine is empty Weapon classes applicable: SMGs tier.3, Assault Rifles tier.3
- Crosshair Myopia Description: Increases the radius of the circle in which the cursor must stay to avoid glancing shots
- Emergency Sprint Description: After switching to this weapon, your movement speed will increase by 20% for 3 seconds
- Armour? No Problem Description: All shots have an additional 20% chance to penetrate armour
- Suppressive Fire Description: Provides a 15% damage boost to weapons while firing continuously for 0.5 seconds
- Flank Master Description: If you are undetected, or not in the viewing cone of an enemy, you will receive a 15% damage boost
- Steady Sniper Description: After hitting an enemy while scoped, the optic crosshair will have double the Ergonomics statistic for 2 seconds
Other Features
- First Time User Experience prompts - NPCs are more chatty when you first start a game and might comment on the success or failure of starting raids
- Improved support for Steam Deck
- Exit sign on Bunker
- Improved display for debug controls
- Localisation for new features
- Legacy gun skills removed (replaced with new Weapon Skills system)

- Fixed an issue with Steam deck functionality being inconsistent when playing with KB & M
- Fixed a crash involving stacking items from Hideout stash into player inventory
- Fixed issue where you could spam shoot to stop the reload being finished for single bullet fed guns
- Fixed wrong word prompt being displayed for actions on some gamepads
- All DMRs are no longer included in sniper perks
- Inventory now displays correct controls when the player remaps them
- Connecting a gamepad when booting up the game now displays correct text size
- Added different button prompt icons to match the icons for the main gamepad manufacturers

- Player damage blood graphic size reduced, no longer obscures the close-up
- Teleporting now functional when you have a weapon equipped
- Player inventory can no longer be opened at the same time as the weapon closeup
- Player location will now display on the map when you’re inside a building
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