Attention, Feudals Lords!
Tomorrow, the long-awaited King of the Hill event returns!
Note: All players will be granted a unique weapon that doesn't require special stats to use, so you'll all compete under similar conditions, that is except for your characters' own stats.
This means anyone can sign up, even if you've never battled before. So what are you waiting for? Come and have a blast!
Coverage of the event will take place on our Discord server, curtosy of Madiakz who will be the event’s extra special host! If you’re a participant, tune in for the event instructions, and if you’re just there to watch, then enjoy it as a spectator!
As there have been a lot of registrations, we’ll be splitting all participants into the maximum possible groups. Each group will take the center stage in the event arena at a specific time, please check your email now for instructions and information about your group and your times.
If you’ve not signed up yet, it’s not too late! Registration is still open, but only for today!
Want to stay informed about event etiquette? Check out the detailed rules for participants right here.