Hey, Feudalists!
As every week goes by, we continue to work on the server node crossing issues, the Newbie Island new player experience and, of course, we continue our process of eradicating bugs and crash fixes.
For more than three months since our OBT start in November 2017, we have continued to keep the fast pace and present you with a patch on a weekly/biweekly basis.
We'd like to express our most sincere gratitude for staying with us and supporting Life is Feudal. Developing a feature heavy Sandbox MMORPG with a fully terraformable world would be no small feat even for some of the larger studios in the industry, and with our more humble team perhaps you can imagine the stress we are under every day.
However, with your support we know we will pull through, and your support will keep us working hard and giving it our best every single day. Thank you again for your help, feedback support and faith from every one of us here at Bitbox.
Oh, and some upcoming shovel skins for you to check out what our Art team is doing ;)

– The team