Hey, Feudalists!
In this devblog we would like to share our global plans for the near (and not-so-distant) future.
We are super close to opening, and launching, new CIS countries Worlds. We’re partnering with local gaming platforms and advertisement companies in order to provide sufficient marketing support for this launch so keep a look out for info!.
We believe that opening a new world will provide our CIS countries players with a more fair primetime window, so that JHs and IBs will not take place during late night hours for them.
There have been numerous questions regarding the opening of this region, thus we plan to address them in detail in a separate post - but that doesn’t mean we can’t share some definitive information with you guys for now:
There will be no character transfers to this region at least until the new world has been running for a minimum of 3 months. This applies to all new worlds that we’ve created and will create - pioneers of the new worlds should not be harmed by maxed out characters transferring from older lands.
We plan to organize a couple of ticket giveaways among the current CIS countries player base.
While on the topic of new worlds and regions, we would like to inform our players that we’re getting closer to securing a publishing agreement for the Asian region, which should make it possible for us, and our partners, to open new servers in this area.
The opening of new regions and servers should not - and will not - stall the development of the game itself.
In fact, in May of this year, we are planning to release an exciting, major update for our game, which should entice some of our older players to check back - while simultaneously appealing as friendlier to newcomers!
Stay tuned for more details!
– The team