Hello, Feudalists!
After a period of silence, we would like to get you up to date on what the future holds for Life is Feudal: MMO. Our first and foremost priority right now is a combat update. While we’re not ready to give details about the planned changes just yet, we can certainly say that they will include horse resistance tweaks, some weapon and armor updates, and more! As always, stay tuned for more information on this.
Other changes that are currently in work will include: tweaks to Crown prices, improvements for personal claim mechanics, new ability to remove owner’s cooldown on your mounts and carts, ability to expel yourself from the currently occupied house and rework for a system that governs opening doors and gates. These changes might not be delivered all at once, but rather in a bunch of smaller updates, depending on our progress and their state.
We would also like to mention that Life is Feudal will be a part of ChinaJoy festival this year, as we’re getting closer and closer to launching on the Chinese market with each passing week!
Now for the community spot!
A new article from our old-time player, [MIG]Device_RU is now available! This time, you can learn about the average amount of damage dealt by certain types of weapons throughout the time Godenland has been open. As always, this information is gathered based on the logs provided by players to his project lifdamage.online.
That’s it for today’s devblog! Have a great weekend everyone!
— The Team