Hey, Feudalists!
Today we would like to say a few words about combat system tweaks, which will come to the world of Life is Feudal in one of the upcoming patches. Some of the changes are really long-awaited on
The first and the main point is the confrontation between cavalry and footmen. To balance the cavalry advantage we have fixed the bonus of 60 level pikeman horse stopping ability: Using the proper angle of attack with pike against a horse at the skill level above 60 you will stop the horse moving at any speed (even with unstoppable effect). Standing on the ground against other classes would also be a little easier thanks to increased padded armor effects.
Meanwhile, life in the cavalry will be more difficult due to a decrease of armor protection from piercing and slashing attacks. This is also a gift for archers, and it is not the last one. The strength needed for the proper use of bows will decrease for all types (except primitive), which in combination with the increased initial velocity of arrows and less stamina drain per shot (for longbow and composite bows) will make archers more effective.
That’s not all for the archers! A new iteration of the Volley ability will be available for you to try out! It has less range and arrows have less initial velocity. Up until now this sounds like a nerf, well, frankly it is, but it makes this ability useful in several in-game combat scenarios. Also, the new ballistics system increases arrow damage from heights.
To make the life of cavalry a little less miserable we will increase the damage of 1.5H swords and buff the spirited warhorse’s stamina pool as well as its regeneration rate.
There are more combat changes and updates which you will find in the corresponding patch notes.
Also, it has been a while since we shared some work in progress art with you guys. The time has come to fix that, please welcome the soon to be added addition to the customization options for your blades and a sneak peek of one of the upcoming outfits:
Stay tuned for more news!
– The team