Greetings Feudal Lords!
Brace yourselves for an awesome wave of updates in Life is Feudal: MMO! This patch is packed with bug fixes, improvements, and new features to boost your gameplay experience. Check out what's new:
General Changes:
- New Item - Storage Box: A new craftable item, the Storage Box, has been added for optimizing resource or item storage in warehouses.
Recipe: 10 boards, 2 metal bands, 1 lock.
Skill Requirement: Carpentry 90.

- New Inventory Functionality - Splitter: This feature allows players to quickly divide items in their inventory into several equal-sized stacks.

- Character Deletion Update: Personal claims are now deleted along with the character.
Fixes and improvements:
- Fixed Trade Journal Functionality: Transaction history is now correctly displayed in the trade journal.
- Booster and Profession Gear Fix: Simultaneous use of the Hour of Inspiration booster and Profession Outfit now works as intended, providing the proper action speed boost.
- Fixed item set retrieval: Sets of identical items from the Account Inventory are now transferred to the character's inventory as a complete set, rather than one item at a time.
- Dashboard Error Fix: The "Error 01.04 You should be mmo access to view this page" in the dashboard has been resolved. This error will no longer interfere with guild or claim management.
- Easy Anti-Cheat: Updating the anti-cheat client will help fight against cheaters.
- Weapon Disappearance Fix: Fixed an issue where a character's weapon would disappear when picked up from the ground after fractures.
- Updated Game Launch Preview Video: The game launch preview video has been updated.
We are actively working on resolving the "Waiting for server" issue and optimizing the overall performance of the game servers. For this, we have added additional logging on the LIVE server, as the error does not reproduce on the test servers. Your patience and feedback are greatly appreciated as we continue to improve the game.
We hope these updates improve your gameplay experience and look forward to your feedback. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Life is Feudal: MMO. Happy gaming!