News Liste Fireworks Mania - An Explosive Simulator
- Disabled PickUp logic when you have the Physics Tool equiped as some players reported that they sometime pickup an object when they tried to rotate the object they hold with the Physics Tool. I couldn't reproduce the issue, however, multiple players reported it, so I simply disabled the pickup logic when using the Physics Tool
- Upgraded Unity to 2022.3.55 + upgraded various packages
- Trying out a new shader on the default smoke particles to work a bit better with lighting in some cases. I might change it back again, as it do look better in some cases but worse in others
- Changed some sky lighting/color settings to make it possible to make maps darker if needed (Like German Town and German City District)
- Updated the "What's New" link in the menu to show the overview of updates on Steam
- Added 2025 cake to Cody's Workshop
- Updated translations from
- Added Hungarian and Ukrainian language support, so if you speak one of these you can help translate the game here
### Fixed
- Fixed issue where empty mortars were not saved in blueprints
- Fixed bug where you couldn't select another tool if you were holding an object in your hand. If you tried it would drop what you where holding, but never actually pick the tool you wanted. That works now
- Fixed issue where some mortar racks was not saved/loaded propertly from blueprints and generated an error when you were looking at it
There are still a lot of languages that have not fully been translated, if you wanna help out you can do so here:
YouTube | Twitch | Twitter | Discord
- Enjoy!
Laumania ApS
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos