- Fixed a critical error in navigation on the global map (for the Sambro faction - a port, the battalion got stuck when starting a new game).
- Fixed critical errors in the fog of war (sometimes led to a black screen, as well as to disabling the fog of war in the tactical game mode).
- Added quick save and load, to the F5 / F9 keys (on the global map).
- Fixed the cost of some shells on the world market.
- Improved the production window (information about the production time).
- Fixed a critical error due to which the game could freeze at the end of a tactical battle.
- Optimized the operation of the video card memory, eliminated game crashes due to lack of video memory (after a tactical battle).
- The workshop has been improved (the system for creating modifications without using UE4 has been simplified), a new type of modification has been added (small arms).
- The graphics of the game have been significantly improved, all biomes, vegetation, etc. have been improved.
- The ability to start a new campaign in 2023 has been added (the range of starting date selection has been expanded).
- The ability to send supplies from battalions to other battalions, cities, and to the world market has been implemented.
- Diplomacy has been improved, the ability to request battalions from puppets has been added.
- Critical errors in the "peace enforcement" system have been fixed.
- The optics of armored vehicles have been improved, a division by types of optical devices has been added (zoom, in the future we will add a stabilization system for guns).
- Total Conflict SDK is now in the game folder by default (only in the beta version branch).
- Added the ability to land your troops in the ports of allies and puppets.