Greetings Lampbearers,
With the first update after releasing VERSION 1.5 ‘Master of Fate’ we are reacting to findings from both our own and community-led investigations to improve the overall gameplay experience.
In light, we walk.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from transferring items from their Coffer into their Inventory.
- Fixed a visual glitch caused by a mud asset near Shrine of Adyr.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to escape an invasion area by jumping on environment assets near the cemetery close to the Shrine of Adyr.
- Increased the Shader Compilation timer to 10 minutes to allow for longer shader compilation one lower end hardware. We also updated the Shader Compilation text to indicate that this process can happen on every game start.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur in multiplayer invasions under special circumstances.
Check out our roadmap here.
In Light we Walk.
Virtual photographies in this post are courtesy of @HavocRains - created with the in-game 3D Photo Mode

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