Lords of the Fallen is currently 60% off for a limited time, offering the perfect opportunity to dive into the realms of Axiom and Umbral. For those of you who are yet to start your adventure, we’ve compiled a list of 60 essential tips to help master Mournstead and all the dark forces it holds.
You’ll find the first half of our list below, covering everything from parrying and stamina management, to avenging fallen players... and even learning how to embrace death itself. Check back on Monday for the second half of our list (and add your own tips below!)
Getting Started: Building a Strong Foundation

Mastering Combat - Tactics for Survival

And that's it for the first part of our 60 essential tips. Come back on Monday for the second, concluding part, and if you're a veteran player don't forget to share your suggestions for newcomers below.
In light, we walk.