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60 Tips, 60% Off - Your Beginner’s Guide to LOTF (Part 1/2)
Lords of the Fallen (2023)
22.11.24 15:52 Community Announcements
Greetings Lampbearers,

Lords of the Fallen is currently 60% off for a limited time, offering the perfect opportunity to dive into the realms of Axiom and Umbral. For those of you who are yet to start your adventure, we’ve compiled a list of 60 essential tips to help master Mournstead and all the dark forces it holds.

You’ll find the first half of our list below, covering everything from parrying and stamina management, to avenging fallen players... and even learning how to embrace death itself. Check back on Monday for the second half of our list (and add your own tips below!)

Getting Started: Building a Strong Foundation

  • Pick Your Class - Your starting class defines your early stats, playstyle, and equipment, but it’s not a permanent choice. You can completely change your build by investing points into different stats as you progress. For example, if you start as a Pyric Cultist focused on fire magic, but want to switch to a more physical, melee-oriented playstyle, simply allocate points into strength or dexterity to transform your character’s abilities and combat style.
  • Embrace Death - Dying is an essential part of the game. Thanks to the power of your Umbral Lamp, when you die in Axiom (the land of the living), you’ll resurrect in Umbral (the land of the dead) for one final chance of survival. However, die in Umbral… it’s permanent.
  • Use the Umbral Lamp - But death isn’t the only way to enter the Umbral realm; a world with its own pathways, treasures, and of course… foes. You can use the Lamp to peer into the Umbral realm at any time, and if there’s something worth exploring further, you can use the ‘death wish’ ability to transport over to this mysterious realm. Though you’ll need to find an Effigy in order to travel back!
  • Illuminate Your Path - As well peering into the Umbral, the Lamp is also very useful for illuminating darker areas throughout your journey.

  • Master Stamina Management - Nearly every action (dodging, attacking, blocking) consumes stamina. Keep an eye on your stamina bar, and avoid overextending by timing your attacks and dodges carefully.
  • Look for Safe Havens - Vestiges are your safe zones to rest, heal, and level up, but be cautious—they also reset enemies in the area, making them a double-edged sword. Choose when and where to rest wisely.
  • Save Vestige Seeds for Key Locations - Use Vestige Seeds to create your own Vestiges in strategic locations. Rather than wasting them in areas with plenty of existing vestiges, save them for areas far from safe havens.
  • Upgrade As Soon As You Can - Use Vigor (the game’s XP) gained from defeating enemies to upgrade your stats. We recommended investing in Vitality and Endurance early to enhance your health and stamina respectively, helping you face tougher enemies without running out of breath in the heat of combat.
  • Parry Practice - Mastering the Parry mechanic is crucial for survival. Start by practicing against weaker enemies to perfect your timing, and then use it to stagger enemies, providing you with an opportunity to execute a Grievous Strike - devastating attacks that cause high levels of damage.
  • Gather Runes - Runes offer stat boosts, and can be equipped to your weapons after fulfilling a questline for Gerlinde (more on that later) which drastically improves your damage output. Experiment with different rune combinations to find synergies that suit your playstyle.
  • Farm Safe Enemies - If you're struggling with a particular area or perhaps boss encounter, revisit earlier environments to farm weaker enemies for Vigor and gear upgrades.
  • Use Different Armor Sets - Don’t stick to the same armor! Some Armor Sets offer various resistances, such as fire, poison, or magic. Switch armor based on the enemies you face, and adapt to the threats ahead.
  • Don’t Forgo Consumables - These are vital for success, whether it’s Briostone for healing over time, Salts to increase damage type, or Wards to increase your defenses. Don’t hoard them—use them when needed, especially in tough fights or against specific enemy types.
  • Recover Withered Health - Some enemies will inflict Wither Damage—one of three elemental damage types in the game—represented in your health bar when the red is replaced with grey: This is known as Withered Health. Withered Health can be restored by dealing damage to enemies, so prioritize quick, successive attacks to reclaim as much of your Withered Health as possible. Avoid defensive play during this window, as even a minor hit will result in losing all Withered Health, bringing you closer to death.
  • Mine’s a double (or triple!) - If you’re after some rapid healing or looking to replenish mana, you can consume multiples of resources (either by selecting them one at a time, or by heading to the inventory and selecting ‘Use Several’).

  • Play Seamless Co-op with Friends or Strangers - Lords of the Fallen supports two-player co-op, allowing you to explore and fight alongside a friend or a random player. To summon an ally, interact with any Vestige and choose the Multiplayer option. Select Beckon Friend to invite someone from your friends list, or Beckon Lampbearer to call a random player. To restrict your session to specific players, set a Session Password in the Multiplayer settings. Co-op partners can stay as long as the host remains alive, providing uninterrupted exploration and support, but keep in mind both players will die if the host falls.
  • Banking Vigor - In Lords of the Fallen, you can bank your Vigor for later use by purchasing Vigor Skulls. While an expensive resource, it means you don’t lose that hard-earned currency when you die in combat. Visit Molhu in the Umbral Realm version of Skyrest to make your purchase.

  • Mastering Combat - Tactics for Survival

  • Use Dodges Wisely - Aside from blocks and parries, dodging is your bread and butter for avoiding damage. Practice single-tap dodges to quickly sidestep smaller attacks and double-tap dodges to roll out of the way of larger, heavy attacks. Master the timing to stay agile in battle.
  • Watch for Patterns - Bosses and enemies have attack patterns. Learn to recognize these patterns to avoid taking damage and to find perfect moments for counterattacks.
  • Master the Kick - Kicking is a versatile move for creating distance or exploiting the environment. Near ledges or high places, a well-timed kick can send enemies plummeting to their doom or leave them severely injured. Even if they survive the fall, you can often follow up with a plunging attack to finish the job.
  • Explore Three Unique Schools of Magic - Magic in Lords of the Fallen comes in three forms: Inferno for fiery area-of-effect attacks and damage-over-time, Radiant for healing and buffs, and Umbral for spectral weapons and explosive damage. Each school of magic offers unique tools to shape your playstyle.

  • Catalysts and Spellcasting - To wield magic, you’ll need a Catalyst tied to your chosen school. Catalysts replace ranged weapons and consume mana when casting, so managing your build and mana pool is essential. If you didn’t choose a magic-based character class, such as an Orian Preacher or Pyric Cultist, you can still dive into spellcasting early by acquiring the Charm of Fortune’s Sight, an Umbral-focused Catalyst from Molhu, giving you a head start in harnessing powerful magic.
  • Soulflay in Combat - The Umbral Lamp’s Soulflay ability lets you rip an enemy’s soul from their body, creating a window to stagger them and interrupt their attacks. While their soul is separated, attacks on it deal Withered Health damage, which can be made permanent with a single follow-up strike once their soul and body reconnect. Soulflay is especially potent near ledges or hazards; use it to tear an enemy’s soul off a cliff and their body will follow, often plummeting to their death.
  • Beckon NPCs for Help - Most boss fights allow you to summon NPC allies to assist in battle. Prior to starting the boss battle, look for a humanoid-shaped figure made of moths near the moth wall, and interact with it to beckon the NPC. These allies can significantly ease the challenge of a fight by distracting or damaging the boss. In some cases, you may need to die once before the option to summon an NPC appears, so if you don't see the figure initially, try again on your next attempt. And remember, different NPCs specialize in different attack types, meaning some might be more useful against certain bosses than others.
  • Enhance Your Sanguinarix - After acquiring Saintly Quintessence (a relic located in multiple areas across Mournstead), visit Pieta in Skyrest Bridge to upgrade your Sanguinarix. This powerful consumable grants various effects, from restorative properties to removing some Status effects, and more. Each upgrade increases its effectiveness and boosts the number of charges, which gives you a crucial edge in longer battles.
  • Utilize Different Salts - Salts apply elemental buffs to your weapons, offering extra damage or effects against specific foes. For example, Fire Salts are highly effective against Pieta, the game’s first boss, while Holy Salts excel against Umbral enemies like the Remnant. Experiment with different Salts to exploit your enemy’s weaknesses and gain a significant edge in combat.
  • Limit Wither Damage - Blocking causes Wither Damage, but the amount of health converted into Wither Damage depends on what you’re using to block. Shields, especially heavy shields, significantly reduce wither build-up compared to lighter weapons like daggers. Invest in sturdy shields for reliable defense when facing heavy-hitting foes.

  • Check for Umbral Parasites - Some enemies may seem immune to damage—this could be due to unholy creatures known as Umbral Parasites. Use your Umbral Lamp to peer into the Umbral realm and siphon the parasite, weakening the enemy and making them susceptible to your attacks.
  • Vengeance for the Fallen - During your treacherous journey, you may occasionally come across a red lantern, a symbol marking where another player died during their playthrough. Soulflay it, and follow the red moths to your fallen comrade’s killer. Avenge their death, and earn Plucked Eyeballs, which can be used at the Shrine of Putrid Mother in Skyrest Bridge in exchange for rewards including armor, Umbral Scourings, and Rebirth Chrysalis (more on these special items below).
  • Beware of Mimics - Not every item in Mournstead is as it seems! Mimics are Umbral creatures that closely imitate loot awaiting collection… if the floaty ‘tail’ looks like it’s blowing in the breeze… AVOID!
  • [/olist]
    And that's it for the first part of our 60 essential tips. Come back on Monday for the second, concluding part, and if you're a veteran player don't forget to share your suggestions for newcomers below.

    In light, we walk.
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    Release:13.10.2023 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: HEXWORKS Vertrieb: CI Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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