Greetings Lampbearers,
Today marks the arrival of Version 1.5 - Master of Fate, the culmination of over 30 updates released since launch, resulting in significantly improved performance, stability and optimisation, alongside rigorous difficulty balancing in response to your feedback.
As part of this, we’re delighted to also release our highly-anticipated Advanced Game Modifier System, available to all players (both new and old), granting the ability to fully customise your playthrough. This now concludes the Free Content Roadmap announced shortly after launch, which has added the following content and quality of life enhancements for Lords of the Fallen, vastly improving the experience for all players:
- Significant performance, optimisation and stability improvements
- Rigorous difficulty balancing including mob density reduction & nerfed ranged attacks
- Split PvP and PvE game balancing
- Online multiplayer enhancements for improved matchmaking and connection stability
- New questlines including Season of the Bleak, Trial of the Three Spirits, and Way of the Bucket
- New armour and weapon sets
- Additional secret boss weapon abilities
- Improved boss encounters with additional movesets & new AI
- 12 new spells including the arena-devastating Immolation
- New grievous strikes: each weapon family now features two unique finishers: one for single-handed wielding and another for two-handed wielding
- 3 new projectiles: Blood Vomit, Explosive Mines, and Frost Worms.
- QOL updates including: inventory expansion, appearance reset, storage functionality & gamepad rebinding
The latest new feature – the Advanced Game Modifier System - places power directly into your hands, allowing you to fully customise your game experience, using any combination of seven modifiers, to make the game easier, more difficult, or simply a completely new experience every time. Modifiers include the ability to randomise enemies, alter mob density and even enable a form of permadeath. Please find additional details in the new video below, with an introduction from our Head of Studio, Saul Gascon:
Advanced Game Modifier Options
Ironman: Dying in Umbral resets your current playthrough, and you will awaken at the start once again. The world progression is reset, but player progression and inventory is retained. Certain scripted moments are excluded from this.
Pre-Upgraded Loot: Weapons, shields and catalysts found as loot from enemies, or in the world, will come pre-upgraded based on your player level.
Randomized Loot: Loot dropped by enemies, and found in the world, is randomized. Does not affect quest and progression items, nor unique boss items.
Randomized Enemies: Enemies encountered in the world now appear in a random order. Does not impact named boss enemies.
More Enemies: The world contains significantly more enemies.
Withered Healing: All healing received is Withered Healing, and must be confirmed by dealing damage to enemies.
Vestige Decay:
- No Vestige Decay: No Vestige has withered away, leaving you all possible places of respite.
- Minor Vestige Decay: Some Vestiges have withered away, leaving you with fewer places of respite.
- Extensive Vestige Decay: Many Vestiges have withered away, often leaving you without rest for long stretches.
- Tremendous Vestige Decay: All Vestiges, except for a rare few, have withered away. Truly, a restless experience.
How to Activate the Advanced Game Modifier System
1. Start Lords of the Fallen
2. Choose New Game

3. Make your Class Selection and customize your character’s appearance

4. On the final screen of the Character Creator navigate to the right button Advanced Game Modifiers

5. Enable Advanced Game Modifiers
6. Choose a character name
7. Press Play
8. The Game Modifiers screen appears

9. Select any combination of modifiers, and Confirm.
We hope you all enjoy returning to Mournstead with an all-new purpose, or if this is the first time you’re embarking, then the very best of luck, Lampbearer.
In Light, We Walk.
Patch v1.5.17 - Additional Updates
- Players can now make use of AMD's latest FSR version.
Additional Changes
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause the player to fall through the elevator, if the coop partner interacted with the corresponding lever while the elevator was still moving.
- Increased the maximum stack count of Vestige Seeds from 5 to 99.
- Fixed a rare crash caused by AI under special circumstances.
Check out our roadmap here.
Virtual photographies in this post are courtesy of @HavocRains - created with the in-game 3D Photo Mode

Official Website: https://lordsofthefallen.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lotfgame
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/cigames