News Liste Lords of the Fallen (2023)

60 Tips, 60% Off - Your Beginner’s Guide to LOTF (Part 2/2)
Lords of the Fallen (2023)
25.11.24 17:46 Community Announcements
Greetings Lampbearers,

Lords of the Fallen is now 60% off for a limited time, offering the perfect opportunity to dive into the realms of Axiom and Umbral. For those of you who are yet to start your adventure, we’ve compiled a list of 60 essential tips to help you master Mournstead and all the dark forces it holds.

Below is the second half our list, and features tips how to upgrade your Umbral lamp, explains the benefits of 'death from above' kills, and even provides a cheeky reason as to why you might consider using Photo Mode for more than taking beauty shots.

If you missed the first part, it's available to read here, and includes a range of tips from the importance of deciding when to rest at a Vestige, how to bank Vigor, and how to enhance your Sanguiarix.

Exploring Mournstead - Finding Secrets and Lore

31. Exhaust NPC Dialogue - Make sure to speak to NPCs multiple times and exhaust all dialogue options. Not only do they provide valuable lore, but they may also give you crucial tips, side quests, and rewards.
32. Engage with Merchants for Upgrades and Quests - Merchants in Lords of the Fallen provide vital services like equipment upgrades, item trades, and stat boosts. Found in Skyrest Bridge, some are unlocked through quests or progression. Be sure to also interact with Traveling Merchants, who offer unique inventory and rewards.
33. The Road Less Traveled - Mournstead is full of hidden paths and shortcuts. Those curious to stray from the path might discover quicker ways to travel, bypass enemies… and even access secret areas.
34. Procure the Pilgrim’s Perch Key - It’s an expensive item at 9,500 Vigor, but buying the Pilgrim’s Perch Key from Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis, at Skyrest Bridge is worthwhile. The key unlocks many of the otherwise inaccessible doors in the area, where many rewards, including the Sacred Resonance armor set and Adyr’s Hardiness spell, can be found.
35. Use Soulflay on the Environment - The Soulflay mechanic isn’t just for enemies - look out for interactive objects in the Umbral realm that can be manipulated with the Umbral Lamp. For example, platforms that are out of reach can be pulled closer using Soulflay, opening up new paths and opportunities.
36. Use Photo Mode for More Than Taking Photos! - As well as capturing a snapshot of some of Mournstead’s incredible vistas, Lords of the Fallen’s photo mode can be (cheekily!) used as a way to scout the local area for enemies and chests ahead, and even as a makeshift pause. So remember to take a break!

37. Listen to Audio Cues - The sounds in Mournstead are often your first clue to an enemy's presence. Listen for enemy growls, footsteps, and other audio cues to prepare for incoming threats.
38. Unlock the 10th Character Class - The Dark Crusader Starting Class offers a unique and powerful playstyle. With the Deluxe Edition, you can start your adventure with this class right away. Standard Edition players can unlock it by completing a hidden questline, making it available for future playthroughs.
39. Unlock Three Hidden classes via Specific Endings - These include the Radiant Purifier, unlocked via the Radiance Ending (cleanse all the beacons and defeating the demon god, Adyr); the Lord, which is unlocked through the Inferno Ending (which requires you to—among other actions—refrain from beacon cleansing, collect the Rune of Adyr and turn it into the Empowered Rune of Adyr, before extinguishing the five beacons instead); and the Putrid Child, unlocked by achieving the Umbral Ending (a challenging conclusion to achieve, which—among other steps—requires the killing of several NPCs including Gerlinde, and avoiding beacon cleansing.)

Advanced Techniques - Pushing Your Skills Further

40. Experiment with Dual-Wielding - Orius gave you two hands for a reason - Wield weapons in both hands to unlock new attack patterns for advantages against foes. For example, you can use a short sword in one hand, and then a dagger in your shield hand as the dagger allows for faster parrying, than other weapons and shields.
41. Even Caveman Need Spell Sometime - Even melee builds can use magic effectively, and it doesn’t take many points to unlock some effective spells. So if beating enemies is proving difficult with a giant sword, maybe use a few spells to help even the battlefield?
42. Hammer Those Antediluvian Chisels - One of the rarest upgrade materials in Lords of the Fallen are Antediluvian Chisels. Found in Umbral Bellies in the land of the dead, take them to the merchant Molhu (found by crossing into the Umbral Realm at Skyrest Bridge) and upgrade your lamp so it can add more Soulflay charges and Umbral eyes to enhance its abilities.
43. Stay on Your Toes in Umbral - While Umbral’s deathly landscape may prove enticing, staying in its embrace for too long will attract the attention of the Scarlet Shadow, a wicked foe and the apex predator in the land of the dead… Confront it, if you dare.

44. Death from Above - Plunging attacks can be an effective way of taking out enemies; delivering more damage the higher your weapon’s attack power, do not underestimate how deadly these drops from ridges, roofs, and raised platforms can be.
45. Backstabbing - Stealth kills can make light work of enemies not paying attention. Approach from behind and fully charge your heavy attack to stagger them, making them vulnerable to Grievous Strikes. Backstabbing is a useful technique for those not looking to draw attention to themselves.
46. Keep your Distance - In addition to close-quarters combat, keep a safer distance from enemies by attacking them with a broad selection of ranged weapons, including grenades, hatchets, spears and crossbows. They’re very powerful, and while not upgradable, they do scale with your level.
47. ‘Eye’ See You - The Umbral lamp has a socket for Umbral Eyes. These items, which can be acquired after defeating enemies in the land of the dead, can be installed into the lamp to unlock a range of buffs, including extending immunity to damage when transitioning to the Umbral realm, or increasing damage to an enemy’s soul.
48. Avoid Environmental Damage - See a powerful piece of loot, but it’s surrounded by flowing lava or dark water? Use the Umbral lamp and shift to the land of the dead, which is bereft of these environmental features… grab that now accessible item, and find your way back to Axiom.
49. Know Your Damage Colors - As you battle your enemies, pay close attention to the color of the damage figures under their health bar: Red means the blow has caused critical damage, white means it’s causing the typical amount of damage, while gray means the enemy is receiving a less than typical amount of damage.
50. Right Between the Eyes - Headshots do extra damage, so sheath your sword and aim an arrow (or crossbow shot) at your enemy’s head instead!
51. Light the Way - There are occasions where you won’t have to fully switch to Umbral in order to cross a chasm or pass through block pathways. Lift the Umbral lamp to cast a light between realms, and walk along the undead routes while remaining in Axiom.

Optimizing Your Build - Gear and Stats

52. Master the Stats - There are six different stats in Lords of the Fallen. While some—such as Strength and Agility—are self-explanatory and affect elements such as attack power and weapon damage, others like—Radiance and Inferno—are specific to the game, and give the ability to wield stronger Catalysts to cast spells and other magical abilities.
53. Armor Sets Matter - Choose armor sets that complement your stats and playstyle. Lighter sets improve dodging and agility, while heavier sets provide tank-like durability for those who prefer a defensive approach.
54. Unlock Boss Gear and Spells - Defeating bosses in Lords of the Fallen doesn’t automatically grant their powerful gear and spells. After a major boss fight, switch to Umbral and soulflay a memory fragment to collect Umbral Scourings. Exchange these with Molhu to acquire Remembrances; special items that unlock exclusive sets of armor and weapons related to your defeated foe.
55. Customize with Tincts - Use Tincts (found throughout the world) to recolor any and all armor pieces to mix and match various pieces from different sets.
56. Buff Before Bosses - Use consumables like elemental salts, resistance balms, or temporary stat boosters to give yourself an edge in boss fights. Preparation often makes all the difference.

57. Locate the Blacksmith Gerlinde - Once you’ve rescued Gerlinde from her imprisonment in the mines underneath Pilgrim’s Perch, you’ll be able to find her at Skyrest Bridge and upgrade your weapons and gear. Her skills with a hammer and anvil can significantly increase your damage output and durability, making her services essential.
58. Respec Your Stats, but do so wisely - If your character build isn’t quite as you hoped, speak to Pieta and use a Rebirth Chrysalis. This is a rare material that can be found in the gameworld, or purchased from the merchants Molhu and Winterberry, to fully respec your level points into something more suitable.
59. Embrace Pre-Upgraded Loot - Tired of farming for upgrades? Turn to the Advanced Game Modifier System (accessible at Vestiges) and activate Pre-Upgraded Loot to find gear that scales with your level, ensuring a smoother progression through tougher challenges.
60. Don’t Fear Failure - Every defeat is a chance to improve. Learn from your mistakes and keep pushing forward.
BONUS TIP! Don’t Miss the 60% Off Sale - If you’ve been waiting to dive into Lords of the Fallen, now’s the time! A 60% discount is the perfect opportunity to step into the dark and challenging world of Mournstead

We hope these tips help guide you on the treacherous paths ahead. Don't forget to share your top tips for navigating Mournstead in the comments below!
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Release:13.10.2023 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: HEXWORKS Vertrieb: CI Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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