News Liste Lords of the Fallen (2023)

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Lords of the Fallen (2023)
20.06.24 17:01 Community Announcements

Greetings Lampbearers,

If you've been waiting for the perfect moment to embark upon the epic world of Lords of the Fallen, that time is now. We're offering an exclusive 50% discount on Steam, following the recent release of two major content updates as we hit Version 1.5 - ‘Master of Fate’ & ‘Clash of Champions’.

Version 1.5 Master of Fate

Released in April, Version 1.5 - ‘Master of Fate’ marked a pivotal moment for Lords of the Fallen, the culmination of over 30 post-launch updates resulting in significantly improved performance, stability and optimisation, alongside rigorous difficulty balancing in response to player feedback. As part of this, the Advanced Game Modifier System was also added to the game, allowing you to fully customise your playthrough right from the start, whether that’s making it easier, harder, or just swapping a few things around.

Advanced Game Modifier Options

Ironman: Dying in Umbral resets your current playthrough, and you will awaken at the start once again. The world progression is reset, but player progression and inventory is retained. Certain scripted moments are excluded from this.

Pre-Upgraded Loot: Weapons, shields and catalysts found as loot from enemies, or in the world, will come pre-upgraded based on your player level.

Randomized Loot: Loot dropped by enemies, and found in the world, is randomized. Does not affect quest and progression items, nor unique boss items.

Randomized Enemies: Enemies encountered in the world now appear in a random order. Does not impact named boss enemies.

More Enemies: The world contains significantly more enemies.

Withered Healing: All healing received is Withered Healing, and must be confirmed by dealing damage to enemies.

Vestige Decay:
- No Vestige Decay: No Vestige has withered away, leaving you all possible places of respite.
- Minor Vestige Decay: Some Vestiges have withered away, leaving you with fewer places of respite.
- Extensive Vestige Decay: Many Vestiges have withered away, often leaving you without rest for long stretches.
- Tremendous Vestige Decay: All Vestiges, except for a rare few, have withered away. Truly, a restless experience.

Observe the Advanced Game Modifier System in action.


Clash of Champions

Launched in May, ‘Clash of Champions’ introduced our formidable boss-rush mode, as highly requested from the community.

Accessible through the game’s Vestige checkpoint markers, ‘Clash of Champions’ features two distinct experiences for players: ‘Echoes of Battle’ and ‘Crucible’. While Echoes of Battle allows players to relive their favourite boss encounters, including Ellianne the Starved, Congregator of Flesh, and Radiant Sentinel, Crucible is a series of six increasingly challenging trials of pre-selected bosses that must be overcome without dying to unlock rewards, including Shrine Currency and exclusive new armour tincts.

Crucible - A gruelling test of combat
Undergo the ultimate challenge in Crucible, where you can choose from pre-selected trials, each offering different bosses to face with differing rewards based on the level of difficulty. As for those who are truly one with Mournstead, we challenge you to take on the Crucible of the Lords. Crucible mode is available after finishing the campaign once, with different crucibles unlocking after meeting certain criteria.

Echoes of Battle - A rematch to the death
For those of you who still have a bone to pick with a felled foe, we offer unlimited access to vent your frustrations - re-challenge foes you have defeated in battle to your heart's content.


Official Website:



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Release:13.10.2023 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: HEXWORKS Vertrieb: CI Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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