Dear Stormworkers,
Next week we will be releasing another minor update focused on fixes and improvements.
Fixes will be included for the following topics:
Trading add-on, keep active blocks, enemy AI, large fire box, diesel burner, water jets, underwater doors, air scoop, turbo props.
We remain determined to clean up all these issues for good, and there is plenty of other stuff that we are also getting to, that players have reported on the tracker.

Thank you to everyone who have reported issues and helped us resolve these problems!
If you are experiencing an issue with a component not listed above, have not reported it yet, and have a simple example, please do get in touch via the in-game "report a bug" button. We want to make sure we are aware of all remaining issues so we can get them resolved as soon as possible.
With the above said, we have made huge progress, fixed the majority of problems, and fixes are for increasingly rare issues.
We are also working on the unit test system and should have this integrated into our process in the next few weeks.

Fixes and improvements remain the priority, but further ahead we are planning some great new content and features which are highly requested. 2024 should be a great year for updates!
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers