Dear Stormworkers,
This week, we introduce refuelling missions!
These new lower priority missions involve vehicles and crews who are low on fuel requiring resupply. Deliver and transfer the required fuel type to resolve their emergency.

As well as these new missions, are several fixes and improvements, including a couple of issues that could result in AI vehicles being spawned below the floor, causing poor performance when nearby one of these AI vehicles. Mission and add-on fixes are only applied after starting a new game, as these scripts are part of the game-save file.
Please see the patch notes below for full details.
Many thanks to all those who joined for last weeks live questions and answers stream! There were loads of great questions and it was great fun to chat to the community.

You can view the stream on Captain Cockerels YT channel, where he has kindly indexed the questions with time codes in the description.
We hope you enjoy the new missions and improvements!
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Patch Notes
Feature - Refuelling Missions
Fix - #21006 #23999 Several trainline junctions inverted or derailing
Fix - #21640 AI mission vehicle spawning in floor
Fix - #21708 AI boats spawning in the Beginner Island floor
Fix - #23191 AI boat horn stuck on with inf-electric
Fix - #22066 Scaled vehicle handle counter force with atmosphere factor
Fix - #22250 Adjusted rope forces in space
Fix - Crash caused by physics data access by projectiles after an object was destroyed
Fix - Missions do not despawn full vehicle groups
Fix - Fixed some missions missing names