Dear Stormworkers,
Head mounted displays are here! Connect your microcontroller video feed to a seat with a video input, jump into the seat, and use the overlay rendering to show any data over the top of the players view.

The system works in a similar way to the screens and the viewing scope. The resolution is the same as the viewing scope. This is more similar to a head mounted holographic lens rather than a worn augmented reality display, as the image blends additively.

We have also added pitch and yaw rotation output data to the composite output of gimbal cameras. This is in addition to the laser target position which is still being output. This is in response to player requests, to help with logic systems.

This update also includes some fixes. Underwater rendering is fixed for the viewing scope, and other fixes are described in the patch notes below.
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Your support makes these updates possible.
Patch Notes
Feature - #2818 Seat helmet HUD overlay
Feature - Stabilized camera pitch and yaw composite values
Fix - #27099 Viewing scope underwater shading effects
Fix - #26571 Initial world autosave time of day incorrect
Fix - #26574 Underwater propellers applying relative fluid force in wrong direction
Fix - #26570 Jet engine turbines now explode correctly when exceeding their max rps
Fix - #26570 Damage meshes are now rebuilt correctly for all components with self damage mechanics