Dear Stormworkers,
Crew Overboard!
This minor update introduces new search and rescue mission content - person overboard missions!
These new missions involve locating and rescuing crew members who have fallen overboard from a vessel. Their location is unknown and they require locating and rescuing to a medical facility.

As well as the new mission type, are several important fixes and improvements. See the patch notes below for details.
Join us again in 2 weeks for the Commercial Fishing Major Update!

We hope you enjoy the new content and fixes, and look forward to your feedback!
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Patch Notes
Feature - Man Overboard missions
Fix - #24563 Aerial mobility issues at ground level
Fix - #24867 Gas spawners now spawn at high pressure
Fix - Internal issues caused by detecting ocean floor in unloaded tiles
Fix - #23286 Furnace heating due to coolant loop pressure issues
Fix - #23430 Fix radiation leaking for doors, fluid ports no longer create fallout
Fix - #23534 Added additional server side checks for creative menu client events
Fix - #23564 Ignore static vehicles when building unloaded radar data
Addon Lua:
Default missions decorative NPC support
getTile no longer returns nil for unloaded ocean tiles
getComponentData now returns: