Dear Stormworkers,
In this minor update, we are adding new pulley components for fluid and electric components!
These new components allow creating pulley systems that allow fluid connections, or electric and data connections. This feature has been frequently requested by the community.
We are also adding new racing clothing and helmet outfits!
As well as these new features, are several fixes and improvements. Please see the patch notes below for details!

Thank you to all the players who have provided feedback on the new Asset Modding Major Update currently available on experimental. We are working on several improvements which we hope to move into Experimental soon.
Something that many players have shared their concerns about is the impact on the workshop of vehicles with modded components. The dependence of modded components on vehicles means that it is complicated to download and try out vehicles from the workshop if they use these modded components. Many players have asked for various new features to address this. We plan on discussing with modders, and also consider what gives players the best experience. While we are considering what the best solution is, we will disable workshop uploading for vehicles that use modded components.
An updated version of modding will launch on experimental soon!
We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this new minor update.
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Your support makes these updates possible.
Patch Notes
Feature - #23813 Fluid and Electric Pulley components
Feature - #6373 Racing Clothing items
Fix - #8341 Host now has authority over mic/speaker is_transmit state
Fix - #25117 Fluid jet mirrored animation issues
Fix - #25943 Limit maximum fluid cannon force
Fix - Winches now check rope type is valid for a proposed connection
Rework - #25844 Removed rope mass scaling, added rope tension impulses