Dear Stormworkers,
It is minor update week! This weeks update includes a bunch of reworks, improvements, and quality-of-life fixes, as well as a bunch of bug fixes.
This update adds keyboard movement to some of the editor cameras that did not have them. It is a minor change, but is a player request that is great to add because it makes the various editors more consistent.

In response to player feedback, we have also reworked the oil spills, as well as adding the "clear oil spills" button, a change that will be supported by a great many players!
Several important issues have been resolved such as some of the dedicated files being missing from the main application (Steam adds these automatically to "dedicated server" applications). This change will help many dedicated servers.

Please see the patch notes for full details on this weeks changes and improvements.
We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this update.

Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Patch Notes
Feature - Added directional WASDEQ movement to vehicle editor and addon editor cameras
Feature - #20199 Clear oil spills button
Rework - #22954 #23920 Rescaled and rebalanced oil spills
Rework - #22954 #23920 Fixed oil spill cleaning issues
Rework - #22954 #23920 Fixed oil spill map edge coordinates wrapping crash
Fix - Fix issue with fluid level resolving not respecting a to b oil resolution as expected with pressure leveling
Fix - #22814 Handheld and vehicle mounted weapon projectile start positions at high speed
Fix - #23111 Aljon hospital name
Fix - #23258 Fix ocean water surface clipping for ultrawide aspect ratios
Fix - Fixed arecibo observatory microcontroller
Fix - #24422 Included missing Valve dedicated server files
Fix - #24574 Diesel burner air consumption values
Fix - #24552 Modular engines air consumption not reacting to pressure