Dear Stormworkers,
Happy holidays!
We have had a fantastic time developing the updates of 2024 and are really looking forward to next years updates. In this post, lets announce some of the updates due for release in the first half of 2025!
Jan 15th 2025 - Viewing Scopes
This new component is a new type of screen, that you can interact with to enter a full screen, full resolution video camera feed. The component otherwise works in a similar way to normal screens, and includes a lua overlay of the same resolution as a large screen. We expect this will be very useful for turrets, periscopes, gimbal camera controls, and more.

Feb 12th 2025 - Overlay Helmet
This new feature adds a video input to some seats, which renders over the top of the players screen, as a helmet mounted HUD. This gives the player the ability to have HUD rendered overlay to display information in their normal view as they look around. The resolution of the lua overlay is similar to above, the same as a large screen.
Mar 12th 2025 - The Sails Major Update
We are adding new sails to Stormworks. Sails will be similar to fishing nets with respect to be cloth simulated surfaces, except they react to air movement and wind, applying force to their vehicle. We are also adding keel components to help stabilize the movement and lean of sailing boats.

Apr 9th 2025 - NPC Sentries
We are adding new support for NPCs to equip weapons and engage targets with their handheld pistols and rifles. This will be supported via a lua API.
May 7th 2025 - Firefighting Respirator Outfit
The new firefighting outfit includes a respirator and oxygen tank, to allow fighting fires inside enclosed compartments. Fire within a vehicle does consume oxygen within that compartment, making the air dangerous to breath, so this equipment is essential for larger vehicles such as ships.

Jun 4th 2025 - Bike Seats
As previously leaked, an upcoming update will add support for a saddle-type seat, suitable for quad bikes, etc.
Note that these updates are spaced 4 weeks apart. As previously announced, we want to try making larger minor updates with more meaningful features for a bit and see how that goes. As well as these features, these updates will include other changes, fixes, and improvements, so there is much more than what is listed here.

Beyond this release plan, we have many other ideas and suggestions contributed by players which we look forward to working on, and a big thank you to all those who have provided feedback.
In the mean time, we hope you are enjoying the holiday season and catch you in the new year!
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Your support makes these updates possible.