- Fixed an issue with Essence Orb effect 'Foraging Yield', causing it to give higher amounts than intended.
- Fixed tasks always listing hunter renown and wooden theron as the rewards.
- % Chance for spells to not remove your Magic Reflection now only works against AI
- Minor art fixes
- Fixed some spots with double terrain
- Fixed an area that didn't have navmesh which caused Pets to not path properly.
- Fixed fishing tasks not correctly giving a compass and map marker.
- Fixed all modifiers to bow draw speed not doing anything.
- Fixed magic flower pot decoration in houses.
- Fixed entrance issues at Risar Hideout Dungeon where Ai and players would pop out of thin air.
- Updated the code for random relic drops with more checks to make sure the point is somewhat reachable and not inside a dungeon.
- Improved the code for moving relic equipment out of houses when dropped inside of houses.
- Remade the pagination for the broker UI adde first page,previous page,next page and last page buttons.
- Made some changes to the rain in the login screen.
- Fixed server not correctly tagging broker buy orders and pet broker sales leading to them not being found with searching with free text.
- Fixed a rare issue on the broker that made certain items never get added to the broker sales.
- Fixed an issue where picking up a certain decoration gave the wrong item.
- Updated who carried relics gets placed once dropped.
- Fixed some minor issues with guild buffs staying on the client even after leaving a guild.
- Ore relics now have a beam and marker when opened.
- Broker filters now support:
- Potion Units
- Potion Units Max
- Consume Type (eat or drink)
- Consume Effect (ex Direct Healing 1-5)
Broker updates do not apply to items added to the broker pre-patch.