News Liste Gloria Victis

Update 357 — Adjustments and Optimization
Gloria Victis
20.04.23 12:27 Community Announcements
Hello Community!
While the team is working on some new and interesting features for the weeks to come, we have decided not to wait and prepare a bundle of fixes and adjustments that should improve certain aspects of the gameplay – most importantly the new Valley of Death Siege mode and the fight with the Werewolf!

We have also prepared an in-game questionnaire for you about the upcoming changes to Gloria Victis. We want to know your thoughts and opinions about what is most important right now for the development of the game. On top of that we have selected some of the best videos created by our Community for the past weeks!

Without any further delay, let’s jump to the contents of today’s patch!

The screenshot’s authors will be awarded.Rambs, Ayiina and Lone Starr – Contact Koma#4247 via Discord to receive your ambers!

Changelog v.1.1.2

WiP Insight

We would like to share with you some insight into the features we are working on. Our top priority right now are the Guild Islands and the State of War rework that the core of our team is constantly working on. But we have a multidisciplinary team where not all members can help with this feature, thus we want the remaining part of the team to focus on other important features that can be achieved by them.

More challenging PvE activities

We are working on new locations and events that will become new, more challenging dungeons and PvE events. We want these events to be more strategic and require certain build types or activities to be done in order to complete them. Currently we are working on a special Guild Dungeon and another location for small groups of players.

We believe that implementing more activities of this type will improve the fun and challenge for PvE players.

Carrying objects

We are currently working on a new mechanic of carrying objects. While it’s still in it’s early days, we can already see many applications of this feature in the game – from carrying stones and oil pots to throw down on the attackers, to implementing trade runs and a more intricate logistics system for the Bastions.

We are very curious to hear your thoughts about possible use cases of this feature!

Expanding the Siege Mechanics

With the introduction of the Valley of Death Siege mode, we have started the process of testing some of the features that we want to implement to the open-world sieges.

We want the sieges to become more fun and challenging for both sides, thus we are working on adding more destructible buildings to the locations, which will become some of the points of strategic value during a siege. This way, the attackers and defenders will have more objectives to compete for during the sieges.

We are also testing some other mechanics connected with the above mentioned feature of carrying objects, as well as ladders.

We hope to be able to share some more information about this feature in the upcoming changelogs!

Every two-week video contest

We cannot stress enough our happiness and gratitude to see such nice videos posted by our active community! This week, we have chosen a few combat videos, that will be rewarded with the main reward of 2000 ambers:

SunriseQQ, for his Guilds’ fight with the Werewolf:

Lokarn, for his PvP video, showcasing amazing battle for Reksvald:

Noob3rt, for the video showing a fun trap in the Catacombs event:

We would also announce the change in the video contest formula. We want to reward cool videos every week, thus since the very next week, we will be selecting one video per week that will be showcased as the "Video of the Week".

Siege Valley of Death mode improvements

We’re happy to see the new Siege mode for the Valley of Death PVP Tournament brings a lot of participants! Based on the data gathered from the held Tournaments, we made a number of improvements for the special mode:

– Removed the flags in attacking factions’ camps as they used to generate too many points for the defenders.
– Added 2 new flags to concentrate the fights near the gates: Market District and Temple District.
– Added a lot of detail objects and obstacles to make the fight area more interesting.
– From now on, the defenders have a teleport, similar to the one available for attackers after breaking through the lower gate, to allow defenders get on their positions quicker at the beginning of the match. It can be used by interacting with the wagon at the spawn area but only until one of the lower gates is broken.
– Increased the HP of gate doors and barricades to give defenders more time to get on their positions and hold the lower ring for longer.
– Replaced the barricades on walls with new dedicated ones that allow defenders fighting back the attackers from elevated positions
– Fixed a bug causing that destroying buildings wasn’t counted properly for all factions.
– Fixed a spot allowing to bypass the lower ring’s wall near the church.
– Added more light sources to the location.
– Increased the VoD duration from 20 to 25 minutes.
– From now on, the Siege mode VoD is forced at 8 P.M. of the local time of each server

Berserk Skin Weapons Pack

Following the introduction of the Berserk Skin last week, we are adding a weapons pack fitting the skin. Check them out and be sure to enrich your Berserk look with this bundle of cool weapons.

Quality of Life

– Further improvements in the Market backend optimization few tweaks to the UI.
– Improved the translations for the new mount ageing system making it intuitive.
– Increased the time to collect items from the Supporter Shop for Greenleaf players from 3 to 7 days.
– Improvements in the calculation of points for destroying structures during the Siege Valley of Death mode.
– Added a notification for the player destroying a structure during the Siege Valley of Death mode.
– Tweaks and improvements to the Werewolf boss. From now on the fight should be more challenging and based more on proper communication and cooperation.
– Added a memorial for the recording of our Gloria Victis Launch Trailer to the world. It is located in the place of the final battle from the recording, near Blackrock.
– Added a new feature connected with the lycanthropy buff that can only be triggered in the loot zone.
- Decreased the time of excavation digging to 120 seconds from 300 seconds


– Fixed an issue causing some of the quest NPCs to spawn too frequently.
– Fixed a treasure quest location near Werewolf’s altar in the Ismir Frontier region.
– Fixes to colliders and terrain around the Werewolf Altars.
- From now on placing tents in the Werewolf Altar location will not be possible.

Logo for Gloria Victis
Release:09.06.2016 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Black Eye Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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