News Liste Gloria Victis

Update 364 – Season of Feudal Lords
Gloria Victis
22.06.23 11:11 Community Announcements
Hello warriors and welcome to the new Glory Season that will bring a lot of new and interesting features for the players to enjoy. The top players of the just-ended season have earned their rewards and titles, so it’s time to compete against the others and fight your way to the top of the ladder! See you in battle!

In today’s update, we are bringing you a new feature that is letting the guilds own a national location and get profits and discounts from owning it. The owner of a given location is determined by the Fief points that the guild is getting from defending a given location and from caring. With the introduction of the above system, we are reintroducing a Guild technology Sangmarian Official that is increasing the profits and discounts from the owned location.

On top of the introduction of a new system, we are making combat tweaks and improvements in Humanoid AI and today we are introducing a first iteration of changes related to NPC and chest loot drop. In today's update, NPC and chests in the loot zone are dropping better loot. We want to make killing NPCs more profitable and make hunting them a good way of earning income.

Today we are introducing a new system, that is letting players build and repair some structures during the ongoing siege and today we are delivering a lot of fixes and quality of life improvements.

Also, we'd like to show you the updated roadmap!

A little explanation for the new players: Glory is a season–based ranking which rewards you for activity in the faction v faction v faction PVP. The seasons last around 2 months (depending on the current updates schedule) and the top players are rewarded with unique titles and gold. Also, every Thursday night you’ll get Contribution Points – an in–game currency used to purchase special items from the Glory Quartermasters. The amount of earned CP depends on your position in the leaderboard, so get to the fight!

The screenshot’s authors will be awarded. Rambs, DarkShin and Kai Havertz – Contact Koma#4247 via Discord to receive your ambers!

Video of the Week

We always look forward to watching and sharing the awesome videos posted by our community. It brings us a lot of happiness and gratitude in the office to see players exploring content, having fun, and showcasing their skills. This week, the reward of 2000 ambers goes to Skryta Modliszka
Congratulations to the winner and good luck to all competitors for next week’s Video of the Week award!

Changelog v.1.2

Location owned by Guild

In today’s update, we are introducing our new system allowing Guilds to own nation locations. Guilds owning nation locations will earn money from taxes from crafted items in the workshops and will get discounts for using the logistician.

Determining the owner

Up until now, the person who captured a location captures that location for the nation they belong to and the player is set as the owner of that location. If the player was in a guild, then the guild owns that location and their guild heraldry shows on the location banner.

Now, the captured location will be assigned to the nation that captured it, and Fief Points will determine the owner of that location. What does that mean? A guild that works around a location generates Fief Points which accumulate as guild members actively participate in various activities at the location. Fighting with enemies and defeating them, building structures, supplying the Bastion with resources, doing quests and events in the area, or crafting in that location all generate Fief Points. The location window card on the map will display tabel of location challengers - guilds competing for location.

Accumulated Fief Points are saved, and they do not reset to 0 when the enemy nation captures your location, so even if you lose the location and it is taken back, you can still be the owner of it, even if you do not participate in this siege. But, the guild that captures the location receives a chunk of Fief Points for capping, so in some cases another guild might over jump your total Fief Points and become the owner of that location. The owner of a location changes dynamically, so this means that if another guild gathers more points than the current owner, then they will immediately become the location owner.

Each location will have its own ranking, so everyone will see how many Fief Points each guild has in a location.

Fief Points explanation
The owner of a location has a bonus that increases the number of fief points by 20%. This means that a guild that has earned for example 100k points will actually have 120k points. This bonus is intended to ensure that the owner of a particular location does not change every few minutes but requires time to acquire.

With each server restart, guilds will lose 25% of their points in all locations, and guild owners will lose the total number of points earned without considering the bonus. So, if they have for example 120k points with the bonus, and 100k points without the bonus, after the restart, the 100k points will be reduced to 75k, and the 20% bonus will be applied, resulting in 90k points after the restart.


The guild controlling a location will receive a base of 5% of the money from the workshop usage fee, and they will also receive a base of 5% of the costs incurred by players for using the logistician to that location. These values will be modified and increased by the Sangmarian Official guild technology.

The money accumulated from taxes will not be transferred to the guild's account but will instead go into a special chest located in each bastion. Guild members will have to interact with this chest to transfer the money to the guild's account. Players of the same nation will not be able to interact with this chest to prevent theft within the nation. Guild members cannot take this coin for themselves, it only goes directly to the guild treasury.

These chests can be plundered during sieges. This means that guilds will have to defend their castles to prevent enemies from looting their chests containing the money because the owners can’t transfer the money from the chest to the guild bank during an ongoing siege.

Sangmarian Official
With the introduction of the guild-controlled national castle mechanic, the guild technology known as the Sangmarian Official will be reintroduced. This technology will increase the amount of money from taxes from the usage of craft workshops and logistician fees.

Developing this technology will significantly impact the amount of money acquired from taxes. For instance, reaching the tenth level in this technology will provide a whopping 50% of the money allocated for crafts or fast travel.


Guild members who transfer to a castle controlled by their guild will pay less money, allowing more funds to remain in the player's pocket. However, the money spent on moving to the controlled location will not be taxed.

How significant will the discounts be? They will depend on the level of the Sangmarian Official technology. The basic discount value is 5%. With technology at level 5, it will be 25%, and with technology at level 10, it will be a 50% discount.

Allied guilds will also enjoy discounts for teleporting to allied castles, but this discount will be 50% of what guild members have and the remaining 50% will go to the account of the guild controlling the castle. Here's an example.

1. Fast travel Cost 4 silver. Owning guild has technology level 1 (5% logistician discount).
– Guild member pays 3.8 silver, and of that 0 goes to the treasury
– Member from an allied guild pays 3.9 silver, and 0.1 of that goes to the treasury
– Other players pay 4 silver, and 0.2 go to the treasury
2. Fast travel Cost 4 silver. Owning guild has technology level 10 (50% logistician discount).
– Guild member pays 2 silver, and 0 of that goes to the treasury
– Member from the allied guild pays 3 silver, and 1 of that goes to the treasury
– Other players pay 4 silver, and 2 of that goes go to the treasury

Guild members and allies will see discounts by hovering over the castle.


Some locations in the looting zone will be protected from takeover during the Nightlock. This rule applies only for major locations, near the guild’s homeland – check the list below.

For Sangmar: Greatfall, Audunstede, Aquitania.
For Midland: Lublin, Skergard, Audunstede.
For Ismir: Norfolk, Skergard, Aquitania.

Sangmar captured Skergard –> it can be besieged all the time.
Midland or Ismir captured Skergard –> siege can’t be started during the server night time.

Motherland castles
The motherland castle, which is shared by both nations, such as Aquitania for Ismir and Sangmar, will be protected during Nightlock as long as it is controlled by Ismir or Sangmar. However, if the castle is controlled by Midland, Ismir and Sangmar will be able to attack and capture it.

The start of Nightlock will not immediately block the ability to attack and take over a castle that is currently under siege. Ongoing sieges must come to end and then the castle will be safe in Nightlock. During Nightlock, it will not be possible to initiate a new siege on a location that serves as the parent castle for any nation.

Coat of Arms

With the introduction of the above system, NPC’s that wield shields will display the Guild heraldry of the location owner and we added banners to gatehouses and towers that are displaying guild heraldry. Banners will be displayed on level 1-6 gatehouses and level 3-6 towers.

Building repairing during the ongoing siege

From now on, players will be able to repair some buildings during an ongoing siege. We are introducing this system to give defenders more tasks during the siege and to give players more ways of supporting and helping their own nation during the location defense.

We have divided the buildings into two categories. Fortifications and Civilian Buildings. Only Civilian Buildings will be repairable during an ongoing siege.

Civilian Buildings
– Houses, Barracks, Warehouse, Inn, Workshop, Well, and other less significant buildings.

– Walls, Gates, Towers, Bastion

Better rewards from NPC and loot chests

We found that loot drops from human NPCs were not satisfactory, and this is going to change with today and the next updates. This is just the first iteration of the changes that we are planning, and the first iteration is touching the loot zone but not the whole. We want to make killing NPCs more profitable and make hunting them a good way of earning income. Also, we are adding more loot chests to the NPC camps, and we are changing the loot in the loot chests to match the zone where they are, so from now on, clearing NPC camps will be more profitable, and people should feel more encouraged to clear NPC camps which they are just passing by.

We made new NPCs and assigned them to proper zones depending on the NPC level. From now on, NPCs will drop things related to the zones where they are. As the first iteration is touching the loot zone, from now on in the loot zone you will meet human NPCs from level 60 to level 100 but in some areas, you might find NPCs with lower levels and they will be changed in the next updates.

Resource adjustments

– Added more pyrite nodes to the open world and increased the total yield of pyrite nodes in the open world.
– Added more quartz and tektite nodes to the open world.
– Added more good wood nodes to the open world and increased its drop rate from open world nodes and deposit versions.
– Added more decent wood nodes to the open world and increased the drop rate from the deposit version.

New burning effects

We are introducing a new burning effect in today's update. These new effects will bring a new look to the burning structures, making them look fresh and greater. Besides the new look, we take care of the performance side of the burning effects making them less performance consuming. The next reworked effect will be related to the smoke of burning structures.

Quality of life

– We implemented tweaks to the reinforcement window. From now on players will receive more precise information.
– The way your crafting level impacts the chance of success of getting a successful reinforcement has changed. From now on, players don't need to have 100 levels in a crafting profession to get the max chance. The max chance will be calculated based on the item recipe max crafting level. In other words, if an item requires crafting level 0-7 and the player reaches the max crafting level of that item (level 7 in this case), then the max bonus chance from crafting for the reinforcement of that item will be achieved. While this change doesn't affect the overall balance of the reinforcement kits, it offers a better chance for adept crafters to further enhance their newly crafted items.
– Humanoid AI combat tweaks and improvements.
– Reworked inner second gatehouse at Twinfall.
– Added mistletoe to the loot zone.
– From now on players walk much smoother while using siege engines.
– Debuff “Far from Home” is no longer given during Siege Events.
– Lowered the ground under the last gate in the Pilgrims Rock. It was too high and the door went into the ground when opened.
– Howl elixir no longer regenerates health during arena duels.
– Humanoid NPC can have their shields broken.
– Completed events that are nearby a location will give morale boosts to that location.


– Fixed Character Development node related to the Tier 4 bows.
– Fixed some of the level requirements at Character development to make it equal for all armors.
– Fixed a notification related to the mentor reward. That notification was displaying the wrong level, 40 instead of 50.
– Fixed edge case where guards from a bow were shooting players through the gate walls.
– Fixed edge case that was making players invisible if the player was using a machine and was not moving.
– Fixed local issue with invisible players in the Siege VoD.
– Fixed issue which made oil particles not visible at one of Bastion models.
– Fixed remaining collision on a destroyed wagon.
– Fixed edge case when player leaving a siege machine would snapto a position far away on another player’s screen.
– Fixed edge case with holding a banner and starting waving animation being blocked when receiving a heavy hit.
– The Heal effect that comes from Guild Banners should be working correctly.
– Fixed an issue with plants at the Crafting quest for becoming.
– Fixed issue with an infinite loop of opening and closing doors.
– Fixed Wooden bridge between Waterford Castle and Dundrum Fort.
– Fixed glitched textures in hideouts.
– Bunch of fixes related to level design.
Logo for Gloria Victis
Release:09.06.2016 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Black Eye Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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