New Map - Aquarion Throne Room

The mighty King Aquarion has fallen victim to the Old One's magic, twisting the once benevolent ruler of the ocean into a conquest-driven tyrant! Defend the Aquarion Throne Room from the Old One's Army's invasion and put an end to the Corrupted King's madness by whatever means necessary.
The Aquarion Throne Room is accessible from within The High Seas map pool.

New Boss - King Aquarion
Successfully defend the Aquarion Throne Room and face the corrupt king himself! Defenders will need to be swift to dodge a torrent of aquatic attacks. Be wary, for King Aquanos possesses allies in deep places!

New Pet
- Gray Shark Cat - Obtainable as a rare drop on Aquarion Throne Room.[list]
- Ability: Feeding Frenzy - Increases hero speed by 50% for 7 seconds. During this time attacks deal an additional 115% water hero damage.
New Weapons
Aquarion armaments! These weapons are potential rewards from defeating King Aquarion;
- Coral Weapon Set - This includes an axe, bow, canister, dagger, rifle, arm, staff, sword, and tome.
- King Aquarion's Polearm

New Mods
Weapons obtained from King Aquarion may possess unique mods;
- Rogue Wave - Primary attacks have an x% chance to spawn a rogue wave, dealing x% of your hero damage and knocking enemies back.
- Water Pool - Generates a pool of water around you that deals x% of your hero damage as water damage to nearby enemies every second.
- Tidal Trifecta - Every third primary attack increases the next attacks damage by x%.
- Drenched Power Chip - +x% damage to drenched enemies.
- Raging Rapids - +x% hero damage for each quarter of missing maximum health.
Defender Packs
- Added Subzero Siren Legendary Aquarion Costume to Defender Pack drop pool.
- Added Harbinger of the Deep Legendary Aquarion Costume to Defender Pack drop pool.
- Added Jade Guardian Legendary Aquarion Costume to Defender Pack drop pool.
Black Market Dealer
- Removed Gold Barbarian Costume from the Black Market Dealer.
- Added Gold Abyss Lord Costume to the Black Market Dealer.
New Bundles have been added to the Emporium, including;

- Summer Fairy Flair Bundle - 1500 gems. This bundle includes;[list]
- Flower Hat
- Wood Fairy Mask
- Woodland Fairy WIngs
- Enchanted Root Aura
- Captain Boom Witch Gunwitch Costume
- The Grim Corsair Barbarian Costume
- EV2 Pirate Costume
- 5x 'Power Gambit' shards
- 5x 'Mage Gambit' shards
- 5x 'Sundering Blow' shards
- 5x 'Hero Crit Chance' shards
- 5x 'Destruction' shards
- 5x 'Defense Rate' shards
- 5x 'Defense Range' shards
- 5x 'Fortification' shards
- >
- 18,000,000 Gold
- Sharken are now affected by crowd control effects.
- Fixed a bug where the Seadragon's ability; whirlpool, lasted for only 6 seconds as opposed to 10.
- Altar Assassins will no longer leave the map during the "Altar of the Athame" Incursion.
- Fixed an issue on "Buried Bastille', where players could soft-lock the map by retying the wave before the core destruction cinematic played.
- Initiate's Talisman of Empowerment now shows the correct icon when examining an effected tower.
- Implemented a potential fix for Crystal Mines crashing upon map restart.
- Fixed the Blessing of the Dragon shard being usable on any hero.
- Fixed the description for the daily mission; 'Gridlock's Demise Incursion'.
- Fixed the description for the daily mission; 'Spa Day'.
- Fixed the description for the daily mission; 'One with Chi'.
- Fixed a typo on the Generic Hero Shard container.
- Fixed a typo on the description of the Captain's Fury mod.
- Players should no longer be able to escape the playable area on Wild Westival.
- Fixed a bug where players were able attempt retrying the wave before the core destruction cinematic started, leaving them in an unresponsive state.
- Chi Boost ability now works as intended.
- The 'Evolve' button is now properly hidden once a pet is at max level.
- Fixed an issue where bosses could receive unintended knockback from certain effects.
- Fixed an issue regarding the Hunter's Cloak ability interrupting boss fights.
- Fixed various issues with ability targeting on bosses, most noticeably with the Barbarian and Dryad heroes.
- Fixed an issue where some pet operations would not trigger saves.
- Implemented a potential fix for a crash that occurred when restarting a mission on Crystal Mines.
- Fixed some see-through geometry on the Captain Boom Witch costume.
- Removed Markets game mode from the Wartable.
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For Etheria!