Nights of Dragonfall Part II - Patch Notes
New Maps - Dragonfall Castle
Two new maps are now available to intrepid adventurers in the Dragonfall Castle region! These two maps are Malakai's Sewers, and Malakai's Manor.

Of course, these new additions wouldn't be complete without new challenges and rewards;
New Enemies
- Stone Wolf - This malicious canine can morph itself into stone for a short period of time, rendering it immune to damage. This also taunts nearby towers into attacking it! The Stone Wolf has an elite variant; a bigger, badder, Stone Wolf.
- Sniper Wyvern - This flying fiend boasts a larger attack range than its other wyvern counterparts.
New Boss - Lord Malakai
An ancient vampiric lord who feasts on the essence of the living! Not only was Lord Malakai responsible for the Hunter's supernatural abilities, but his curse as well. Striking down this foe will not be easy, but you must try for the good of Etheria!
Defeating Lord Malakai may yield powerful rewards, such as;
New Weapons
- Gothic Longbow
- Desecrated Canister
- Bloodstained Athame
- Ostentatious Rifle
- Malakai's Arm
- Ancient Crimson Staff
- Vampiric Harvester
- Malakai's Old Mace
- Ritualist's Codex
Malakai's Manor Unique Mods
- Blood Craze - When damaging an enemy, you have an X% chance to charm them for 3 seconds. Then, they explode, dealing Y% of your ability power as damage to up to ten other enemies. 10 second cooldown.
- Spectral Vanishing - After taking damage from an enemy, you have an X% chance to become invisible to enemies for 5 seconds. 15 second cooldown.
- Spicy Garlic - Enemies killed have an X% chance of spawning 'spicy garlic' that lasts for Y seconds. Spicy garlic poisons surrounding enemies dealing Z% of your ability power as damage over 10 seconds.
- Vampiric Embrace - Gives you a life-stealing aura, dealing X damage to up to 10 enemies within it. Heals for Y% of damage dealt.
- Wrath of the Bat - You gain X% jump height. While in the air, attacks deal Y% more damage.
New Pets
- Friendly Ghost - Obtainable on Malakai's Manor. Pet Ability: Ring of Fire. Ring of Fire: Pet unleashes a blast of blue flames, burning enemies hit for 500% hero damage and igniting them for 6 seconds. Also obtainable as a golden variant.
- A new, secret second pet lurks somewhere deep within Malakai's Sewer.
New Twitch Drops
- The 'Spooky Skeleton Arms' back flair is now available for those who watch 2 hours on participating channels.
- The 'After Life Portal' ground flair is now available for those who watch 4 hours on participating channels.

Please note if you have not participated in one of our Twitch Drops campaigns before, you'll need to register at
Winter Wonderland Returns!
The tavern and town have been decorated in a cheery fashion once more to balance the eerie and sinister atmospheres introduced by Malaki's Sewers and Manor. This marks the end of the Halloween Spooktacular event for now.

Winter Themed Goodies return and are available to claim each day from under the Winter Tree in the tavern or town.

- In the giving spirt, prices for many in-game purchases have been reduced by 50% until the end of the season!
- The Winter Wonderland Skin Bundle returns to the emporium. It includes; Reaper of Future Winters, Nymph of Yesteryear, Mournful Moorley, and Lord of Winter’s Bounty.
- The Winter Wonderland Flair Bundle returns to the emporium. It includes; Krampus Hat, Krampus Tail, Krampus Wings, Snowflake Wings, and Candy Cane Wings.
- Winter Wonderland Accessory Bundle returns. It includes; Elf Hat, Festive Antlers, and Gingerbread Mask.
- Winter Pet Bundle returns. It includes; Penguin Commander Egg, King Nutcracker Egg, and Snow Mage Egg. Individual winter pets are available from the Winter Tree.
- Golden winter pets return to the Black market Dealer.
- The Halloween Spooktacular Bundle and adjacent spooky items have been removed from the Emporium.
- Changed armor damage reduction cap to 75%.
- Made Blood Effigy ability usable in the air.
- Fixed single, triple, and quintuple mods not working on the Hunter.
- Fixed 'Petrify' modifier removing other buffs when applied.
- Fixed the Scarab Abyss Lord skin not being purchasable from the cosmetics UI.
- Fixed various boss health scaling and resistance values.
- Fixed the Harbinger doing too much damage to cores.
- Fixed World Tree causing lots of server lag when around other towers.
- Fixed material vault occasionally not loading.
- Fixed 'Remove Listing' option in player shop checking for gold amount instead of just removing the listing.
- Fixed AP and ability power calculations.
- Fixed Betsy's damage not being adjusted for stat squish.
- Fixed 'Little Horn Incursion' daily quest not being marked completed upon completion of map.
- Fixed EMP Trap not showing correct damage value when utilizing the Range Gambit talent.
- Fixed Blood Ritual having an internal cooldown on self-damage.