Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where idling too long kicked you to a public private tavern
Fixed an issue where weekly quest update function wasn't called it's set schedule
Fixed an issue where you could reroll dailies by exiting the current instance and back
Fixed an issue where it wasn't saving the correct weekly time stamp
Changed the default kick level to the town rather than the private tavern on profile save errors
Added duplicate protection to weeklies on timer refreshes
Fixed an issue where the campaign questline was out of order
Fixed an issue where the drenched shard would work on other defenses if affected by it
Fixed an issue where entity based defenses wouldn't count for kill quests
What’s Next?
Interested in learning more about the next big update? Tune into the Chromatic_Games Twitch channel Wednesday the 25th of January for [CG] IDHC and [CG] Paimon to talk details! In the meantime, you'll have to wait idly with our friend the engineer!
Social Defenders
To stay up-to-date on the latest news from Chromatic Games and the Dungeon Defenders franchise, follow us on all our social channels:
For Etheria!
Chromatic Games