News Liste Dungeon Defenders II

Seas of Dragonfall Part I
Dungeon Defenders II
29.03.24 16:37 Community Announcements

Seas of Dragonfall Part I

New Hero - The Aquarion

From the depths of Aquanos, within the sunken citadel where murmurs of ancient tales resonate, the Aquarion emerges. Born of the noble King and Queen of Aquanos, the young Queen now shoulders the weight of her royal lineage, fighting to stop her now corrupted father from claiming Aquanos for the Old One's Army.


Primary Attack

The Aquarion utilizes polearms to dispatch enemies at close range. When attacking, every third-consecutive attack will drench enemies!

Secondary Attack

The Aquarion charges up and fires a ranged frigid shard of ice, piercing enemies and dealing frost damage.

Active Abilities

  • Ice Orbs - The Aquarion summons four rotating balls of ice, dealing damage to enemies they come in contact with and granting them a chance to evade incoming attacks!
  • Whirlpool - Calls forth a raging whirlpool at the target location, damaging enemies and drawing them towards the center.
  • Oceanic Rift - Summons forth a geyser of high-pressure water that damages, knocks-up, and drenches enemies.
  • Bubble Bulwark - Creates a bubble-shield around the Aquarion. This reduced incoming damage and provides gradual health regeneration. When the bubble expires it detonates damaging nearby enemies.


  • Water Sprite - Fires three bubbles in quick succession at its target, dealing water damage to enemies in a small area.
  • Pufferfish - Launches a large cluster of homing spines at enemies. Spines poison those hit, dealing damage over time.
  • JellyFish - Generates arcs of electricity that deal lightning damage to multiple enemies within its radius.
  • Artillery Crab - With its unusual ammunition, the Artillery Crab damages and oils enemies in a wide area upon impact.

Passive Abilities

  • Icy Fury - Consecutive hits of the Ice Shards ability deal increased damage.
  • Venomous Overload - The Pufferfish defense's spines deal more damage the further they travel.


  • Quick Orbs - Increases the spin rate of water orbs by x%.
  • Current Trade-Off - Whirlpool no longer displaces enemies, however damage is increased by x%.
  • Empowered Bulwark - Increases the damage of Bubble Bulwark by x%.
  • Enduring Bubble - Decreases the mana cost of Water Orbs by x mana per-second.
  • Greater Rift - Increases the damage of Oceanic Rift by x%.
  • Hailstorm Cascade - Ice Shards has an x% chance to spawn an additional shard dealing y% of your hero's damage stat.
  • Hard Water - Increases the damage of Water Orbs by x%.
  • Enhanced Bulwark - Increases the healing of the Bubble Bulwark by x%.
  • Heavy Current - Increases the damage of Whirlpool by x%.
  • Sharpened Ice - Ice Shards piercing damage reduction per enemy hit is reduced by x%.
  • Permafrost Punisher - Increases Ice Shards crit Damage by x%, and crit chance of Ice Shards y%.
  • Restoring Ice - Ice Shard critical hits restore x mana.
  • Rift Quake - Oceanic Rift unleashes an earthquake dealing x% of your ability power as magical earth damage.
  • Superheated Water - Oceanic Rift has an x% chance to unleash superheated water, igniting targets and causing them to take 20% extra damage for 5 seconds.
  • Heavy Current - Increases the damage of Whirlpool by x%.
  • Water Warrior - Increases the Aquarion's melee damage by x%, but reduces the damage of Ice Shards by 30%.
  • Caustic Venom - Increases the poison damage of the Pufferfish defense by x%, but reduces its defense damage by 20%.
  • Escalation - When the Water Sprite's attacks damage an enemy, the Water Sprite's defense damage is increased by x% for 2s. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
  • Focused Current - Increases the defense damage of the Jellyfish defense by x%, but reduces the maximum number of chained targets by 5.
  • Giant Shells - Increases the projectile damage radius of the Artillery Crab defense by x%, and increases its defense damage by y%.
  • Nerve Shock - The Jellyfish defense paralyzes enemies with its attacks for 8s. Paralyzed enemies have an x% chance to deal 80% less damage with their attacks.
  • Puff Up - When the Pufferfish defense takes damage, it temporarily bulks up, gaining x% defense damage and taking y% less damage for 5s.
  • Spiritual Focus - Increases the projectile damage radius of the Water Sprite by x%, and increases defense range by y%.

Shard Vault

Introducing the Shard Vault! Professor Proteus has refined his Stash System, providing players with the ability to up to 3000 shards after purchase of the new vault. Do note, while the Shard Vault is limitless in capacity, stored shards will have any upgrades removed. Gilded shards will not lose their gilded status, however.

Daily Login Calendar

The Daily Login Calendar is a new feature that rewards players for--as the name implies--simply logging in! By speaking to Ol' Peepers in the Tavern, players can receive a free item once per day, with the reward varying depending on the cumulative number of times they've logged-in since the launch of Seas of Dragonfall Part I. After claiming the final reward, the calendar will be reset, allowing players to claim all rewards again!

Balance Changes

  • Reduced Bling Bow damage scalar from 3 to 2.
  • Reduced 'Single Shot 4' shot type damage scalar from 2 to 1.5.
  • Reduced Werewolf Commander health scalar by 25%.
  • Werewolf Commander attack rate increased from 0.65 to 1s.
  • Werewolf Commander damage increased by 50%.
  • Reduced Drain Aura Damage by 66%.
  • Added target limit of 10 to Drain Aura.
  • Reduced Thick Vines damage by 20%.
  • Frost and Electric Aura now have a range cap of 5000.
  • Increased Stone Wolf enemy health by 15%.
  • Angry Nimbus range scalar lowered from 1.3 to 0.85.
  • Angry Nimbus damage reduced by 10%.
  • Fixed Friendly Ghost doing more damage than intended.
  • Removed 2,000,000 damage cap for Poison Dart Tower poison damage.
  • Dragon Nest max range reduced from 6000 to 3500.
  • Dragon Nest base range lowered from 3000 to 2000.
  • Dragon Nest range scalar lowered from 0.7 to 0.55.
  • Dragon Nest damage reduced by 10%.
  • Flame Aura max range reduced from 5000 to 1850.
  • Water Aura max range reduced from 5000 to 1850.
  • Fissures of Embermount max range reduced from 2800 to 1850.
  • Squire Shard 'Fight Me Not' now works with all damage sources, not just tower damage.
  • Increased Hailstorm damage scalar by 20%.
  • Crystal Hammer can now rotate.
  • Crystal Hammer's targeting width increased from 15 to 30.
  • Firework Cannon now always shoots three projectiles regardless of the number of enemies.
  • 'Turn The Tides' mod damage lowered from 500% to 300%.
  • Reduced Sonic Bat Damage Scalar by 30%.
  • 'Overpowering Screech' shard damage increase reduced from 50% to 25%.
  • Lowered Spectral Knight damage by 15%.
  • Made identical pet abilities between seperate pets share a global cooldown.
  • Arcane Barrier now destroys projectiles after they damage the tower.
  • 'Blazing Phoenix' Shard Damage reduced by 50%.


  • Fixed Motes drops on Chaos VIII and Chaos IX difficulties of Malakai's Manor.
  • Fixed an issue where the Earth Guardian's Staff wouldn't mark targets.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vampire's Embrace VFX would occasionally get stuck.
  • Fixed an issue regarding core health on Malakai's Manor when in Survival Mode.
  • Fixed lower Chaos-tiered items rolling with higher Chaos-tiered mods when acquired from Survival Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where pet crit stats would not properly update with buffs.
  • Fixed gold-granting consumable items not warning players before use while at maximum gold limit.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'error' panel for the Defender Pass wouldn't close.
  • Fixed an issue where mods rolled at tiers higher than Chaos VIII when in Mastery Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the helmet slot would be automatically selected upon opening the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where Shield Goblins would not attack the core on the Ramparts map.
  • Fixed tower-stacking.
  • Fixed an issue where the Gargoyle Statue defense would not target Lava Bugs.
  • Fixed the 'Weakness Targeting' shard applying extra damage to all damage sources as opposed to only status effects.
  • Fixed Tornado Highlands only dropping three talismans instead of eight when played on Chaos III.
  • Fixed an issue where associated rewards would not be granted to players for evolving items.
  • Fixed billboards not using the correct icons for the Stone Wolf.
  • Fixed an issue where the boss variant of the Stone Wolf would not have a boss health bar.
  • Fixed an issue where the Scavenger would store duplicated items.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slimy Ghost Cat pet could not be evolved.
  • Fixed gold over-rolling.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies would deviate from intended paths on the Lava Mines map.
  • Fixed Malthius getting stuck on Forgotten Ruins.
  • The Mastery tab now shows the correct number of challenges when searching for a game with a specific difficulty or map.
  • The description for the 'Popcorn Machine' now displays the correct duration of the item.
  • The 'Overpowering Screech' shard is now valid only for the Hunter.

Black Market

  • The Black market Dealer is now selling his patent-pending 'Gold Spray' for the Adept hero, with more soon to come.


  • Holiday themed items have been removed from the Emporium.
  • Winter has released its grasp on Dragonfall--the snow has melted, and the tavern has returned to its usual state.

Social Defenders

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For Etheria!
Logo for Dungeon Defenders II
Release:20.06.2017 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Trendy Entertainment Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:Steam Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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