News Liste Dungeon Defenders II

The Endless Survival Update
Dungeon Defenders II
08.08.23 15:40 Community Announcements

Endless Survival

New Gamemode - Survival

A new gamemode has been added to Dungeon Defenders 2 - Endless Survival! In this exciting new gamemode, players will choose a map and attempt to get as far as they can before being defeated. The enemies will start at a strength level similar to Chaos I, but will quickly get stronger every wave, eventually surpassing even the highest floors of Onslaught! Every five waves completed will reward the player with items, potentially including Survival-exclusive items and new Godly equipment. There will also be per-map checkpoints every fifth wave, so players don’t have to start from scratch every time they wish to play. The checkpoints are obtained relatively, so if your highest checkpoint on a map is 10, you join someone on checkpoint 15 on the same map and you complete 5 waves with them, your checkpoint goes up to 11 instead of 16. The checkpoint also only goes up if the waves you are completing are higher than your checkpoint’s value.

New Quality - Godly: The new highest quality in Dungeon Defenders 2 is Godly. Similar to Legendary, Godly will have 3 Mod and 3 Shard slots. However, Godly will have an all new tertiary stat and can roll with 3Mods upon acquisition. Godly Gear can only be obtained by playing Survival.

New Material - Godly Orb: Godly Orbs are a new material used to Advance Legendary gear into Godly, and can also reroll the tertiary stat on Godly equipment at the Blacksmith NPC. Godly Orbs can only be obtained by selling Godly Gear.

New Item - Survival Bag: Survival Bags are the primary reward for survival awarded after every 5th wave is completed. Survival bags can contain Legendary Weapons, Armor, and Relics. They additionally give Gold, Motes, Hammers, and Chaos 1 - 10 Shards depending on the type of bag. Bags come in 4 tiers depending on the equivalent Chaos level completed - Plain, Shiny, Pristine, and Exquisite.

New Item - Survival Chest: Survival Chests are obtained similarly to Bags, but they only have a 20% chance of dropping every five waves. Survival chests contain Legendary Weapons, Armor, and Relics, but Pristine chests have a chance to drop Godly equipment instead. Exquisite Chests are guaranteed to drop at least one Godly item! Survival Chests also contain Survival Shards, Gold, and Materials with a chance to drop Defender Packs and one of two new Rings - Ice, and Life.
Survival Challenges
Every Survival map has its own challenge to complete wave 100, awarding 1,000,000 gold and a common defender pack. Additionally, there are five new flairs for survival obtained from completing the new challenges for getting survival checkpoints on any one map. The challenges for the survival checkpoints are Survivalist (Wave 75), Wave Conqueror (Wave 100), Endurance Champion (Wave 125), Wave Master (Wave 150), Eternal Survivor (Wave 175), and Endless Master (Wave 200).

Survival Shards

Brace For Impact - After using your slam ability, take x% less damage for 3 seconds.
Weakness Targeting - Increases damage by x% for every status effect on the enemy, with a maximum increase of 30%.
Double Time - Reduces build time for Defenses during Combat Phase by x%.
Struck by Inspiration - Hero attacks have x% chance to reset all ability cooldowns.
Heroic Convergence - While Heroic Wave is active, you gain an additional x% Hero Damage and x% Ability Power. However, the damage boost of Heroic Wave is reduced by 30%.
Icy Strikes - Your primary attacks chill enemies for 7 seconds making them move at x% movement speed
Long Shot - Increases damage the further you are from your target, up to +x% more damage.
Resolute Armor - Limits potential damage taken from any one hit to x% of your maximum Health.
Stand Your Ground - While standing still, Hero Damage and Ability Power are increased by x%, and you take y% less damage.
Tranquil Haste - Increases your movement speed by x. Not active during Combat Phase.
Fleeting Rebirth - Increase the Defense Power and Health of the affected tower by x% for 35 seconds after spawning.
Marks for Life - Abilities that consume Mark have a x% chance on hit to apply a new Mark.
Thick Vines - World Tree damages enemies for an extra x% of your Defense Health.

Blacksmith: The Blacksmith no longer sells items, instead he has brand new Reforge and Devolve services. With the Reforge feature, you can reroll the tertiary stat on the godly gear in exchange for Godly Orbs and hammers. The Devolve feature allows you to devolve your gear from one chaos tier to the one below it, for example devolving a Relic item from Chaos IX -> Chaos VIII.

Explorer: The Relic Hunter’s name has been changed to Explorer as he no longer sells relics. Now he sells Survival Chests and Survival Shard packs in exchange for Godly Orbs.

New Bundle

Plain Material Bundle - Includes 99 Plain Motes and 40 of all other Plain Materials
Shiny Material Bundle - Includes 99 Shiny Motes and 40 of all other Shiny Materials
Pristine Material Bundle - Includes 99 Pristine Motes and 40 of all other Pristine Materials
Exquisite Material Bundle - Includes 99 Exquisite Motes and 40 of all other Exquisite Materials


Increased Flame Burst scalar by 50%
Increased Base AoE Decrease AoE increase per upgrade ( Buff )

Bug Fixes

Fixed Heroic Wave stacking with itself
Fixed tinkering costing nothing to reforge
Fixed spelling of carnival crates
Fixed Crystal Core under attack warning message typo on Wild Westival
Fixed Nimbus destroying the world tree if you are slain while building the Nimbus
Fixed oil on Slimes not applying to un-slowable enemies
Fixed Explosive Blades destroying towers after swapping or dying with Mercenary
Fixed Tandem Strike hyper shard causing enemies to heal
Fixed gold text turning red on upgrade UI when you don't have enough materials but do have enough gold


Replaced the opening movie to be the new Chromatic Games one
Made items able to be stacked by the player in your inventory
Damage numbers above 5,000,000 now appear on enemies

New set of Twitch Drops available from August 8th till August 31st! Get your exclusive in-game cosmetics now by watching your favorite streamers!
Logo for Dungeon Defenders II
Release:20.06.2017 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Trendy Entertainment Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:Steam Franchise:keine Infos
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