Today, we're pleased to introduce Frostbound to Dungeon Defenders 2. This season introduces a flurry of new content, including the new Frostweaver hero, Elemental Rumble game mode, Frostbound Arena map, Frostbound Defender Pass, and more!
Cozy up and grab a hot drink, Defender. Just like the snow descending upon Dragonfall, we have a lot of ground to cover.
New Hero - The Frostweaver
From the bone-chilling peaks of the Frostward Mountains, the enigmatic ice mage known as the Frostweaver emerges, weaving the very essence of winter into his formidable magic. Once an apprentice, the forbidden practice of ice magic slowly morphed his body into what you see today.
Primary Attack
The Frostweaver uses Staves to complement their magical prowess and strike enemies from afar.
Secondary Attack
The Frostweaver manifests a Polar Vortex, a frigid vacuum of air that deals damage over time and freezes enemies.
- Flurry - Summon a flurry of icy projectiles that deal damage to all enemies hit.
- Cold Snap - Fire out an ice orb that explodes on contact with the first enemy struck, freezing the floor below them, dealing damage, and slowing enemies.
- Avalanche Strike - Slam your staff into the ground, causing an ice boulder to fall into an area.
- PermaFreeze - Create a blast of ice around you that freezes all enemies hit and deals massive magical ice damage.
- Blizzard's Embrace - The Frostweaver encases themselves in an ice cube, becoming invulnerable and regenerating health health over time.
- Arctic Empowerment - Increases your damage at the cost of a portion of your mana pool.
- Ice Wall - Create a wall of ice that blocks the path of enemies. When destroyed, the ice wall explodes dealing damage to surrounding enemies.
- Icicle Fragmentation - Creates a buff that lasts for x seconds; When you slay an enemy, they release an explosion of icicles dealing magical ice damage.
New Shards
- Arctic Assault Campaign - Increases the damage of Flurry by x%.
- Arctic Bulwark Chaos I - Increases the Health of Ice Wall by x% and duration by x seconds.
- Eternal Freeze Chaos II - Increases the duration of the freeze on PermaFreeze by x seconds.
- Frostbite Chaos III - All enemies hit by Cold Snap are inflicted with frostbite, taking x% of your ability power as damage for x seconds.
- Frost Fortress Chaos IV - Increases the explosive damage of Ice Wall by x%.
- Frostgaurd Chaos V - Take x% less damage while Arctic Empowerment is active.
- Frost Slayer Chaos VI - Deal x% more hero weapon damage to frozen enemies.
- Frostsplinter Chaos VII - Increases the damage of Icicle Fragmentation by x%.
- Frost Storm Chaos VIII - While Blizzard's Embrace is active, create a storm around you that deals x% of your ability power over time.
- Frozen Recovery Chaos IX - Increases heal percentage of Blizzards' Embrace by x%.
- Frozen Ruin Chaos X - Avalanche Strike deals x% increased damage to crowd controlled enemies.
- Glacial Amplifier Survival - Increases the damage boost of Arctic Empowerment by x%.
- Glacier's Wrath Chaos I - Increases the damage of Avalanche Strike by x%.
- Ice Armor Chaos IX - Gain an ice shield that blocks the next incoming damage. When hit, freeze all enemies around you dealing x% of your hero damage as frost damage. Recharges every x seconds.
- Polar Devastation Chaos X - Increases the damage of PermaFreeze by x%.
- Polar Efficiency Chaos VII - Reduces the mana cost Flurry by x%.
- Polar Vortex Chaos IV - Increases the damage of Cold Snap by x%.
- Restoring Ice Chaos III - Gain x% mana over x seconds while in Blizzard's Embrace.
- Winter's Burst Chaos VIII - Increases the radius of Icicle Fragmentation by x%.
- Winter's Edge Chaos V - Deal x% extra frost damage on every basic attack scaling with hero damage.
Frostbound Defender Pass

- Yeti Barbarian - Obtained by achieving level 1 in the Defender Pass.
- Frost Aquarion - Obtained by achieving level 45 in the Defender Pass.
- Frost Lord Skin - Obtained by achieving level 60 in the Defender Pass.
- EV2 Frost- Obtained by achieving level 75 in the Defender Pass.
Snowbound Sentinel Flairs
- Wooden Feathers - Obtained by achieving level 77 in the Defender Pass.
- Snow Storm - Obtained by achieving level 78 in the Defender Pass.
- Wooden Owl WIngs - Obtained by achieving level 79 in the Defender Pass.
- Owl Mask - Obtained by achieving level 80 in the Defender Pass.
- Blizzard Walker - Obtained by achieving level 3 in the Defender Pass.
- The Iceborn Gaurdian - Obtained by achieving level 11 in the Defender Pass.
- The Warden of the Frost - Obtained by achieving level 69 in the Defender Pass.
Elemental Rumble
From blaze balloons to poison pufferfish, Defenders have long since harnessed the elements to combat Etheria's enemies—so much so that the corrupt magi of the Old One's Army have taken a keen interest in the craft themselves! They've bound Etheria's primal forces to stone, attuned their foot soldiers en masse, and set their sights on the Gates of Dragonfall. Brace yourself, Defender, for an all-out Elemental Rumble!
Elemental Rumble enters Dungeon Defenders 2 as a new gamemode that seeks to challenge Defenders' elemental expertise and adaptability. Five maps will be available to play in Elemental Rumble at any given time, and these maps will rotate every week as the Old One's war parties march across the kingdom. Successfully defend Eternia Crystals from earthen orcs, water-attuned warboars, and goblins that might actually just be on fire for a chance to discover ancient armor, new pets, and more!
The 'Easy' difficulty of Elemental Rumble can be unlocked by completing an expedition in Chaos VII or greater. 'Medium' and 'Hard' difficulties can be unlocked by completing an expedition in Chaos X.
Weekly Rotation

In addition to the five-map weekly rotation, Elemental Rumble rewards (armor, candy, pets, and essence) will also be subject to a weekly cycle. Each week, an element (fire, storm, water or earth) will be chosen, and all rewards earned from the completion of Elemental Rumble maps or from the collection of elemental essence will pertain to that element.
A week's reward element—as well as a timer displaying the remaining length of the current map and element rotation—may be found within the Elemental Rumble tab of the game browser.
*If you're reading this on release day, note the first map and element rotation will be skipped!
Empowered Enemies
In each game of Elemental Rumble, players will defend an objective from five waves of enemies, regardless of the chosen map's usual wave structure. Each of a map's 'lanes' are attuned to an element at random and will produce enemies empowered by that element;
- Earth enemies are immune to petrify, take 200% damage from fire, 50% from earth, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from storm sources.
- Storm enemies are immune to electrocute, take 200% damage from earth, 50% from storm, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from water sources.
- Water enemies are immune to freeze, take 200% damage from storm, 50% from water, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from fire sources.
- Fire enemies are immune to ignite, take 200% damage from water, 50% from fire, physical, and magical damage types, and only 25% damage from earth sources.
Lane elemental affinities are consistent across all map attempts and do not change on a player-by-player basis, meaning all Defenders will be tasked with overcoming the same challenges each week!
Elemental Commanders

Elemental Commanders lead the charge against Dragonfall's defenses! These mini-bosses are exclusive to the Elemental Rumble gamemode, and are empowered with particularly volatile elemental abilities;
- Fire Orc Commander - Slams the ground and leaves a trail of fire that burns all heroes and towers.
- Fire Mage Commander - Burns all towers and heroes in range.
- Water Orc Commander - Slams the ground causing frost spikes to erupt from the earth, slowing the attack rate of defenses and traps.
- Water Mage Commander - Heals enemies surrounding enemies and grants them a movement speed boost.
- Earth Orc Commander - Creates earthquakes, dealing damage in a radius.
- Earth Mage Commander - Grants all enemies damage reduction.
- Electric Orc Commander - Creates EMP waves capable of stunning towers and traps.
- Electric Mage Commander - Stuns all towers and players in range.
Elemental Elites
About a quarter of all elemental enemies—(including mini-bosses)—will be Elemental Elites. Elite enemies have 50% more health, deal 25% more damage, and will receive a buff depending on their elemental affinity;
- Fire elites possess a 50% increased movement speed and apply a burn on-hit.
- Water elites heal for 5% of their total health every second.
- Earth elites take 50% less damage from projectiles.
- Electric elites release an EMP blast every 5s, stunning all towers and traps in range.
Elemental empowerments will always be consistent with an enemy's lane—for example, an earth-aligned lane will only spawn earth-empowered elemental enemies.
Ancient Armor

Obtainable as rare rewards from Elemental Rumble maps and from the collection of elemental essence, Ancient Armor is imbued with the primal elements that once shaped Etheria long ago. Donning multiple pieces of the same armor set may grant the wearer all new set bonuses;
- Fire Lord Set [list]
- Equipping 2/4 armor pieces grants 10,000 hero damage.
- In addition to the previous bonus, equipping 4/4 armor pieces grants the following abilities; Damaging an enemy enrages you, increasing your hero damage by 25% and movement speed by 25% for 5s. You also release a heatwave, dealing 250% hero damage as fire damage 3 times per second to nearby targets.
- Equipping 2/4 armor pieces grants 10,000 hero health.
- In addition to the previous bonus, equipping 4/4 armor pieces grants +50% tenacity, and the following ability; After taking damage, gain 50% damage reduction temporarily, and enemies that attack you become rooted. This ability can only activate once every 10s.
- Equipping 2/4 armor pieces grants 10,000 ability power.
- In addition to the previous bonus, when 4/4 armor pieces are equipped, abilities will have a chance to activate 'Tidal Flow'. While in 'Tidal Flow', gain 25% more ability power and regenerate an additional 25 mana per second for 5s.
- [list]
- Equipping 2/4 armor pieces grants 5,000 hero damage and 5,000 ability power.
- In addition to the previous bonus, equipping 4/4 armor pieces grants the following ability; Whenever the hero deals damage, a lightning bolt strikes their target, dealing 500% hero damage and ability power as magic damage to all enemies in range and stunning them for 3s. This ability can only activate once every 10s.
Ancient armor is upgraded via the use of Elemental Stones, a new material exclusive to the Elemental Rumble gamemode. Elemental stones are also available to purchase from the Material Shop.
Set bonuses can be mixed and matched, for example, wearing two pieces of both the Fire Lord Set and Water Lord Set will grant the user 10,000 hero damage and 10,000 ability power.
Elemental Candy
Elemental Candy may be obtained from the completion of Elemental Rumble maps, granting the user elemental buffs for 15 minutes upon consumption;
- Earth Candy - Killing an enemy has a 65% chance to summon an earthquake, dealing 150% of your hero damage as earth damage to nearby enemies.
- Fire Candy - Randomly shoot out a volcanic, homing projectile to nearby enemies, dealing 2500% of your ability power as fire damage.
- Storm Candy - Randomly create an EMP blast that deals 150% of your hero damage as electric damage and stuns enemies.
- Water Candy - Attacking an enemy has a 55% chance to spawn a geyser under them, dealing magical water damage and knocking them up.
Elemental Candy effects do not stack. Consuming an Elemental Candy while a buff is already active will replace the current buff regardless of the Elemental Candy buff type or remaining buff duration.
Elemental Pets
New elemental allies may be recruited as rare rewards from Elemental Rumble maps. Similarly to previous rewards, these are also subject to a week's designated reward element.
- Elemental Fire Cat - Obtainable as a rare drop from any Elemental Rumble map.[list]
- Ability: Volcanic Shrapnel - Fires a volcanic ball that deals 2500% hero damage as magical, fire AoE damage, and ignites enemies.
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- Ability: Earth Spike - Summons an earthen spike, dealing earth damage to nearby foes equivalent to 3000% hero damage.
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- Ability: Water Gun - Fires a torrential blast of water dealing 2000% of hero damage as magical water damage, and drenching all enemies hit.
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- Ability: High Voltage - Increases critical strike chance by 100% and critical strike damage by 50% for 7s.
All Elemental Cat pets have extremely rare golden variants that may be obtained as a reward from any Elemental Rumble map!
Elemental Essence
Each week, defenders can earn additional rewards from Elemental Rumble by collecting Elemental Essence!
Elemental Essence is automatically rewarded to defenders upon completion of an Elemental Rumble map at a rate of 1/2/5 for Easy/Medium/Hard difficulties. Additionally, completing all five weekly elemental maps will grant bonus Elemental Essence; 10 for completing all maps on Easy, 25 for completing all maps on Medium, and 50 for completing all maps on Hard. Completing a map on Medium or Hard difficulty will also count as completing the map on all lower difficulties.
Collecting elemental essence will earn different tiers of rewards;
- Collecting 20 Elemental Essence rewards 500,000 gold.
- Collecting 40 Elemental Essence rewards 1 defender pack.
- Collecting 60 Elemental Essence rewards 500 defender medals.
- Collecting 80 Elemental Essence rewards 5 elemental stones of the week's designated element.
- Collecting 100 Elemental Essence rewards 1 piece of ancient armor of the week's designated element.

Elemental Essence progression and its rewards reset each week when new Elemental Rumble maps are chosen.
New Challenges
With the addition of Elemental Rumble, Defenders may find themselves receiving new daily and weekly challenges;
- Win 2 elemental rumble maps
- Kill 150 earth/water/fire/electric enemies
- Get 50 elemental essence.
- Collect 20 elemental stones.
- Kill 100 elemental commanders.
Frostbound Arena

Test your mettle in the Frostborn Arena! This map features an onslaught of frostborn enemies from all directions, a low DU allotment, teleporting enemy portals, and limited respawns!
In order to survive, Defenders will need to utilize the buffs granted by eight stone podiums encircling the core. Each wave, two of these podiums will activate randomly, offering defenders the choice between one of two buffs to aid them in their defense! Potential buffs include;
- Increased health and damage reduction.
- Mana and health regeneration.
- Increased damage dealt to frostborn enemies.
- Increased chance to stun enemies.
- Decrease enemy speed on hit.
- Increased critical chance and critical damage.
- Increased hero damage and ability power.
- Reduced ability cooldown and increased hero speed.

Defenders who complete the Frostbound Arena may obtain the exclusive Snowflake Staff weapon or Owl pet from victory chests;
- Owl [list]
- Ability: Feather Fury - Fires 10 feathers dealing 250% magical hero damage each.
WInter Wonderland Returns
The Frostweaver's arrival was accompanied by a magical blizzard, completely enveloping Dragonfall in snow overnight! Townsfolk are unsure how this will affect the local ecosystem, but have taken advantage of the opportunity to decorate for the holidays regardless.

Winter-themed goodies return and are available to claim each day from under the Winter Tree in the Tavern or Town Hub! Lucky defenders may receive Penguin Commander, Snow Mage, and King Nutcracker pet eggs from these gifts.
Ravena Rotspell—being a staunch proponent of anything that lacks tricks, treats, or any manner of creepy crawlies—has taken this change of scenery as her cue to leave Dragonfall for the time being.
- The Spooky Skeleton Bundle, Halloween Spooktacular Bundle, and other Spooktacular Flairs have left the Emporium.
- Winter Wonderland bundles and costumes have returned to the Emporium, including the Winter Wonderland Pet Bundle, Winter Wonderland Accessory Bundle, Nypmh of Yesteryear, Lord of WInter's Bounty, Reaper of Future Winters, and Mournful Molly.
- Primal Frostweaver costume - 1200 gems.
- Defender Pass Season 2 Skin Bundle - 2080 gems. This bundle includes;[list]
- Aquarion Huntress Costume
- Abyssal Initiate Costume
- Crabmancer Costume
- Aquarion Guard Costume
- The Frostweaver Hero
- Primal Frostweaver Costume
- One additional Hero Card
Black Market Dealer
- The Golden Penguin Commander, Golden King Nutcracker, and Golden Snow Mage return to the Black Market Dealer and are available to purchase for 400 gems.
- The Golden Owl pet is now available to purchase from the Black Market Dealer for 250,000,000 gold.
- Fixed Malakai's Manor typo in the map selection screen.
- Fixed an issue where Betsy occasionally destroyed cores instantly on Campaign difficulties Easy and Hard, and C8 Prime.
- Fixed an issue where the Aquarion's 'Water Warrior' shard would give a higher-than-intended damage bonus and affect her ability power.
- Fixed Ring of Water scaling with basic attack damage as opposed to hero damage.
- Fixed the Bloodstained Athame dagger not using the appropriate shot type.
- Fixed the description of the Aquarion's Superheated Water shard. Shard provides standard 25% ignite bonus, description incorrectly displayed 20%.
- Fixed the description of the Hunter's Napalm Gargoyles shard. Shard provides standard 25% ignite bonus, description incorrectly displayed 20%.
- Fixed some collision issues on Tornado Canyon.
- Fixed a missing air lane on Aquarion Throne room whilst playing in Onslaught.
- Fixed 'Weakness Targeting' shard providing full damage bonus regardless of the number of status effects on the target.
- Fixed 'Burning Strikes' shard not providing ignite damage bonus when hitting an oiled enemy.
- Removed 'Report Bug' option from the Tavernkeep. To report a bug, you can join our Discord or submit a ticket to our help desk.
For Etheria!