News Liste Contain

First & Longest Dev Blog after the EA Launch!
16.02.24 17:05 Community Announcements
In this first Dev Blog, we summed up all the fixes and changes we made after the EA Launch of Contain. And what we are up to for the near feature patches.

As you may know, our early access journey started over a month ago. However, the initial reception wasn't quite what we had hoped for. Negative reviews and critical feedback flooded in on launch day, prompting us to take a step back and reevaluate our approach.

Then we started to work again in a heartbeat and released our first minor patch after few hours later and we kept doing it as fast as we could. A few days later we fixed one of the biggest issues in the game, The AI Soldiers were trying to wall bang through thick walls.
(Yes, it should have been fixed before the launch, this was just one of the biggest mistakes we made).

Gameplay Changes & Added Features:

  • Compass / Scan system has changed (Community request)While you can see your objective locations with yellow POI icons, now also you can see the objectives behind the walls, etc. without using scanning (without scanning can be changed). Environmental anomalies are still can be seen if the scan used, but can't be seen behind the walls.
  • For the Safe Hold mission we added a countdown timer on top of the screen (Later, we will relocate this timer to the datapad). (Community request)
  • This made it easy to track when the Cube would complete and the mission failed.
  • Self revive. (Community request)
  • Solo Play without Creating a Lobby. (Community request)
  • Mission Difficulty options. (Community request)
  • Color coding for anomalies as white for containable and red for aggressive enemies.
  • We made NVG as default equipment. (Community request)
  • We have added at least one reflex sight for every rifle and SMG as default. (Community request)
  • Weapon inspect default key binding is moved to "I" instead of "G" and Frag Grenade throw default key binding is "G" (Community request)
  • Mouse sensitivity and inverted mouse option added.
  • Toggle options for aiming and leans have been added.
  • The opening cinematic was removed from the start. (it's on our youtube channel) (Community request)
  • Some of the environmental VFXs are removed (Community request).
  • Mission map layouts have changed, with the revamp to our current mission-level layouts now you may choose more ways to go. And sync/split executions/approaches with your teammates.


  • Anomaly Soldier doesn't have snap headshot aims anymore.
  • Anomaly Soldier won't try to start shooting from behind the walls.
  • Anomaly Soldier reaction time is slightly decreased. (Depending on the difficulty)
  • Anomaly Soldiers have different recoils (Depending on the difficulty)
  • Anomaly Soldier sight and hearing ranges adjusted. (Depending on the difficulty)
  • Anomaly Soldier's shooting through behind the bushes issue has been fixed.
  • Anomaly Soldier Hit Points adjusted. (Depending on the difficulty)
  • Increased the distance of AI's hearing to player sounds, and allowed them to react more accurately to player footsteps and gunshots. (Depending on the difficulty)
  • Anomaly AI hitbox sizes have been slightly increased and Hit Points adjusted.

Fixes & other Features:

  • Green Screen Glitch on AMD GPUs with DX12 fixed.
  • Collision fixes on the maps.
  • Motion Blur toggle added.
  • FOV adjustment added.
  • DLSS added.
  • The key binding save issue has been solved and is more detailed now.
  • The saving issue with the options is solved.
  • The random full black atmosphere issue on the Too Late mission was fixed.
  • Loading Screen issues fixed.
  • Mag check icons visibility issue fixed.
  • VSYNC has been improved.
  • Graphic settings have been improved.

For a clear understanding of the basic controls of the game, we have added default key binding information to the Base of Operations Loading Screen. Also, we have added the same information to office screens as an environment dressing in the Base of Operations, they can be seen around.

What's coming Next?

A Beta branch for those who want to test a patch or feature before it goes live!

Firstly, our patches are getting bigger, and more complex. Also, as can be seen below content is already has started to change, and some gameplay mechanics are changing too as the community requests, so we will open a beta branch or a version of the game that can be downloaded separately for a patch to test before it goes live. So we can be sure it's working as intended, and as the community likes it or not.

This one was another mistake that we made, perhaps launching with a playtest version first would have been better to align us with our community. And we don't want to continue making this mistake, so here we are. Whoever owns the game can just try with a click, no fishy catch. We will announce it when it's ready.

What we are cooking right now and a rough list of what you get with the next upcoming patches?

  • VOIP
  • Matchmaking
  • The end game screen has changed. Removed unnecessary information until their respective mechanics were added.
  • In The Base of Operations we added another Gunsmith interaction zone (a table) for gun customizations in the Locker Room.
  • (We have seen many players missing the Big Gunsmith next to the mission select computer, and they go firing range to make changes on their guns *sob*)
  • Made some changes to AI behaviors. For example, when a player is in a bush Soldiers won't see them, and if not close enough to a player they can pass and go without a notice. (Not every single bush of course and not final, we will continue to work on this to make it more variable.)
  • We started on rework for the Audio and made changes for better attenuations and occlusions. (Again, not final, we will continue to work on this to make it better)
  • We made some collision changes to the environment models so bullets won't blocked right next to a wall or a model. (Still can be here and there, please report)
  • We made VFX changes on the grenade, the explosion looks cooler.
  • Anomaly enemy VFXs are reworked too. Removed the glitch effect on the Distrupter enemy.
  • Increased Distrupter's core size for easy to shoot, and also changed its color from White to Red.
  • (Generally, if some red things are coming to you, kill'em all! :) )
  • New environment and enemy sounds have been added. And some changed.
  • Door Mechanics. (Peeking, unlocking, or breaching with a Kick/C2/Crowbar/Battering Ram)
  • Ballistic Shields (Yep, it's already on the wall of Gunsmith)
  • FSR.
  • New behavior for soldiers. They can crouch while shooting.
  • (not everytime and the position where they are)

New Enemies

(Images below are still on WIP, not final)

The Husks. If they see or hear a player, they run and hit melee, easy to kill but disturbs and annoys the players.

The Spider Lady (We need a name for her, open for suggestions)

We are not giving any details about her behaviors and where and when she will appear. But all we can say about her is that as we told in our story cinematic, many people (corps, mercs, cults, etc.) started hunting the anomalies for their interest, and some of them wanted them for their new tech research and others wanted them for human experiments while Contain teams trying to capture and/or destroy those anomalies. This is just one example of "that" human experiments.

New UI Design

(Images below are still on WIP, not final)

With the new main menu UI changes, we will introduce in-game UI changes too. When they are ready, we will share and show images for it. We believe all those changes will improve the UX. Soon, we say no more for confusing and clunky UI!

Most Asked, wanted, requested, you name it!

We also started to work on a specific change and new features for the game that we have to list separately, Those are heavily requested/talked about by the community. Yes, we have started working on them!

  • Total overhaul for the gunplay and character movements.
  • Extraction-type missions.
  • Progression System.

THE Progression System

Oh boy! We planned this while we started developing Contain, but then decided not to do it, and removed it because we thought that "Not many players want this. And letting everything be accessible will make it better." But as all we can see, nope, we just killed the feeling of progression in the game. MISTAKE!

So, while we are coming to the end of this Dev Blog, We would like to remind you that those three will take time to balance, change, add, or remove things. So we decided to start small and we will continue to expand the features with the feedback we get.

As can be seen, our journey is far from over. With each passing day, we are in pursuit of a better game. Your feedback remains our compass and guides us toward the Contain's full potential. In the feature, we stand transparent and responsive. Your voices matter, we have listened and we keep doing it. With your support, we're confident that the best is yet to come.

For more information and details or if you want to get in touch and speak with us please consider joining our Discord. We are online, and we mostly use Discord for instant, direct communications.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with us and thank you for your feedback.

- Contain Development Team
Logo for Contain
Release:16.01.2024 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: SinginGiant Vertrieb: SinginGiant Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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