We've just rolled out Hotfix 5.0.4.
Here's what we've got today:
- Confederating minor factions will no longer increase the cost of confederating Legendary Lords in the Great Book of Grudges
- Fixed an issue where the Nurgle Plagues button could sometimes become permanently disabled in multiplayer campaigns
- Fixed an issue preventing Anvil of Doom characters from performing melee attacks under certain circumstances
- Added some missing VFX and audio to Thorek's Anvil of Doom melee attacks, including a fresh new effect where his anvil runes glow brighter when making a strike!
- Made Malakai's gun a tiny bit less eager - it now fires its bullets in sequence instead of firing every bullet immediately on the first shot
- Added audio to Malakai's third shot in his firing sequence
- Fixed an issue where several different Legendary Heroes (I've got my eye on you, Ghoritch!) could spawn at a random character that did not belong to the player
- Fixed health bar not filling correctly on unit information panel in campaign
- Fixed an issue where Hero character names and icon outline did not match the player's colour
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer campaigns where the Tomb Kings Mortuary Cult HUD button was locked if another player was Dwarfs
- Fixed an issue where Chaos Lords of Nurgle and Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle variants were missing their Nurgle Authority skills
- Fixed the bandits caravan event not triggering
- Fixed an issue where some generic combat skills in the Daemon Slayer's skill tree used the hero variants (three levels instead of two that lords usually require)
- Fixed crash when loading a saved character in the army setup
- Fixed an issue where horde factions could infinitely recruit capped units by creating and loading a save immediately after recruiting them
As always, thanks for your ongoing feedback and bug reports. We'll be back in the coming weeks with Patch 5.1. Until then, we'll see you on the battlefield!
—The Total War Team
If you experience any issues after downloading the update, please take a moment to Verify the integrity of the game files first to ensure there were no issues when downloading. A step-by-step guide can be found in this article.
If the issues persist, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.
Please note that user-generated mods may have compatibility issues with new game updates. If you are encountering performance or stability issues following a release, is recommended that you disable any mods you're running. If you continue to experience issues, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.