Greetings folks,
The day is finally upon us! Golgfag, Skulltaker and Gorbad have joined the fray - Omens of Destruction has arrived in Total War: WARHAMMER III alongside Update 6.0!
PLEASE NOTE: Although every effort will be made to get the bundle link up and running as close to 3PM GMT as possible, there may be a slight delay in the link being accessible. If you have trouble accessing the link at 3PM GMT please wait a moment and try again.
Check out the launch trailer now:
If you haven't already, you can read the full release notes at the link below:
Whose campaign will you be jumping into first? We look forward to hearing about your exploits!
See you on the battlefield!
— The Total War Team
If you experience any issues after downloading the update, please take a moment to Verify the integrity of the game files first to ensure there were no issues when downloading. A step-by-step guide can be found in this article.
If the issues persist, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.
Please note that user-generated mods may have compatibility issues with new game updates. If you are encountering performance or stability issues following a release, is recommended that you disable any mods you're running. If you continue to experience issues, please visit our support site for additional troubleshooting steps and assistance.