News Liste Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon

Patch 0.6: Judgment of the Excalibur is LIVE!
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon
03.10.23 13:00 Community Announcements

Hey Everyone!

Today is the DAY! We are extremely happy to invite you to our first Major Patch - 0.6: Judgment of the Excalibur.

This patch improves the game on almost every single layer. Our team has worked tirelessly for the past 6 months to make "Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon" an awesome experience. This is BY FAR the biggest patch we have ever made - not only in Questline's history but also across all Awaken Realms games!

Now, the Patch is FINALLY out and we do hope you will enjoy it!
We will talk a lot more about the patch later, but let us start with a release trailer! :D


Early Access and future of Tainted Grail

We published Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon in March and thanks to your support we were able to commit right away to our dreams of creating an amazing RPG experience. As we have said in one of the updates - we fully understand that by taking part in Early Access you guys are giving us credit for trust. And we do not take it for granted!

Patch 0.6 took us a while, but it was definitely necessary. Before adding next chapters we needed to:
> Make sure the core gameplay is as good as it can be
> Add more systems that will be present throughout the game
> Lay a better technological foundation for a big open world game
> Work on optimization and graphical presentation

You can think of Patch 0.6 as the almost-final version of the first chapter - next patches will focus much more on adding next parts of the adventures ahead!

So, what is new and is it worth coming back to Avalon…?

First of all - with Patch of this magnitude, unfortunately all previous saves will be corrupted. As we have warned before - Major patches in this Early Access might have this effect.

But, we have prepared for you a special “skip Island Asylum” option if you want to start exploring the mainland right away and see what is new. And boy, there is a lot of NEW.


First, in addition to English and Polish, we have 4 new language translations added to the game: German, French, Chinese Simplified and Traditional. We are really excited to share our game with more people!


We have added quite a lot of new content to find in the area of the Horns of the South. From wired, travelling merchants, to Red Priest representative and even a whole new section with Galahad or hidden garden of the druids.

But there is much more to find - whole new areas and dungeons, items and a lot of awesome secrets to discover.
A lot of new loot too!
Our team has hidden a lot of smaller and bigger things to find, too ;)


We have worked hard on the technological backend of the game and we are happy to report that the game looks better, has better terrain, more NPCs and AI improvements optimization should be visibly better. It will greatly vary depending on your exact PC specs, from a few extra frames to even 30-40% better performance.

There is still some room for improvement and our team will definitely work on it, but the game is in a better place than it was on launch for sure.


We were able to fix a lot (but probably not all :P) bugs that were happening in the Early Access. From un-finishable quests, to perks that did not work as intended - a lot of those are ironed out, so your fun will not be interrupted.


We have vastly improved combat. From visual and audio feedback, through new sets of animation up to enhancing Enemies AI and move sets. Right now combat is challenging, but much more enjoyable!


We have worked through the whole map redesigning it. Firstly - for visuals, right now it is much more pleasant to the eye.
Secondly - to enhance optimization and lightning processes.
Thirdly - to work on level design, make some paths more intuitive and progressing through the map more rewarding.


We have also redesigned almost all dungeons in the game, so that all playstyles will be more viable. Now, you can very effectively play stealthy or at the distance.
Also, they look cooler and have a better placement of enemies and loot ;)


We are super excited to once again include some amazing tracks by Danheim to the game as well as adding a lot of new sounds of our own. In total, audio overlay of the game is greatly improved!


We have also added dual wielding options in the game and it is really fun to play it this way! You can either use two 1-handed weapons or for example two spells. Or two shields :D


As previously mentioned, we have increased the viability of the stealth playstyle. Want to rain some havoc as a sneaky archer or stab some enemies in the back? Now you can do it in style!
On top of that, we have introduced the first iteration of the theft system. While definitely not the final form - it changes the interactions and brings more realism to the game (no more stealing items in front of NPCs with no consequences :D)


All crafting systems in the game have been overhauled. You can expect easier interfaces, more impact from perks / talents and better balanced items.


Generally, the game looks better - we have worked on many levels. From big ones - like lighting or VFX effects of spells, up to capes finally moving in the wind :D


We have also worked through rebalancing the game. Some items got nerfed, some were upgraded and a lot was added. Generally, our target was to increase the number of different playstyles that you can enjoy and give us the ingredients that we could use to create some amazing combinations!

…and least, but most importantly:


Yes, you heard it correctly! Now you can start your fishing adventure in Tainted Grail! There also MIGHT be some horse that you can find and ride… :D

OK! So, there are tons of more details everywhere, but those would be the most important highlights of this patch. We deeply encourage you to play this refined version of Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon - Patch 0.6: Judgement of the Excalibur is OFFICIALLY OUT!

As always, we are super grateful for your continued support. This is the game we always have dreamt about making and being able to do so… it is awesome. If you want to help us - leaving a review on steam, sharing your feedback and spreading the word about the game would go a long way!

Thank you and we hope you will have TONS of fun with the new patch!

Questline team
Logo for Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon
Release:30.03.2023 Genre: Adventure-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Questline Vertrieb: Awaken Realms Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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