Psiloi ships improvement
Dear owners of “Psiloi” ships,
The UMC announces a firmware update for “Psiloi” model ships manufactured between 4621 and 4624. All ships with serial number SJAAB14 are to be immediately transported to the nearest service centres for mandatory maintenance work.
The reason for this maintenance is due to some software problems our engineers identified. In particular, it was found that under certain conditions, the ship starts playing the Templar anthem at maximum volume when reaching high speed. This creates a potentially dangerous situation, distracting pilots and reducing the controllability of the ship. Additionally, we have received numerous reports from “Psiloi” owners that the boosters activate while attempting to switch on lights in the ship. This malfunction causes a sudden increase in speed, which can lead to loss of control of the ship in unexpected situations.
Authorised representatives of the United Mercenary Center (UMC) will promptly contact owners of “Psiloi” ships that are subject to the firmware upgrade and provide instructions on the necessary steps to perform the upgrade at the nearest service centres. Owners can also verify for themselves whether their ship is eligible for the upgrade programme by checking the serial number of their ship.
We understand that this situation may cause inconvenience, therefore, if your ship requires urgent maintenance because of the critical errors, you will be provided with a replacement ship AJF-12 “Dvergr” for the period of maintenance work, which will allow you to continue to carry out missions and other tasks without interruption. All work related to firmware upgrades and troubleshooting will be performed at no cost to the owners.
Thank you for your understanding and assistance in maintaining the highest standards of safety and quality.
Best regards,
The UMC engineering team
“Dream armada” event

Pilots, the UMC opens a retrofitting program for mercenaries that reached rank 5. Make 10 flights daily and get materials for creating ships of rank 15 as a reward. The reward will change every five days, don't miss the resources you need!
The event is available until December 12.
The “Dream armada” packs are now available in the official project store. Packs will be available for a limited time until December 12. The ships will be available to pilots with no time limit.
Star Conflict: Octopus
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This pack includes:
- Federation rank 15 engineering frigate “Octopus”
- Active module Restoring projector
- Special title “Sly fox” — for successfully completing missions that involve evading the pursuit of enemy ships using the manoeuvrability of “Octopus”.
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Crystal drone” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “Jason Robn”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Star Conflict: Ronin
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This pack includes:
- Jericho rank 15 cover frigate “Ronin”
- Active module Field generator “Shadow of Bartle”
- Special title “Deadly predator” — for destroying multiple enemy ships and dealing significant damage to enemy bases.
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Crystal drone” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “Charlie Angel”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Star Conflict: Saw One
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This pack includes:
- Jericho rank 15 command fighter “Saw One”
- Active module “Downpour” system
- Special title “Blood Reaper” — for successfully completing missions that involve defeating a large number of enemies in a short period of time.
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Crystal drone” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “Angela Mitchell”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Star Conflict: Jaguar
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This pack includes:
- Federation rank 15 fighter “Jaguar”
- Active module Artillery barrier drone
- Special title “Ruthless hunter” — this title is awarded to pilots who relentlessly pursue their enemies, and never retreat or surrender.
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Crystal drone” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “3-Jane Marie Ashpoule”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Star Conflict: Caltrop
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This pack includes:
- Jericho rank 15 ECM interceptor “Caltrop”
- Active module Stasis mine
- Special title “Bounty hunter” — this pilot specializes in eliminating specific targets. He searches and destroys dangerous opponents to eliminate the threat.
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Magnetic mine” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “Peter Riviera”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Star Conflict: Peregrine
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This pack includes:
- Federation rank 15 sabotage interceptor “Peregrine”
- Active module Electronic interference dispenser
- Special title “Biomechanic” — for being able to effectively operate a bionic computer and use the full capabilities of an organic neural network.
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Magnetic mine” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “Hideo”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Star Conflict: Kraken
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This pack includes:
- Empire rank 15 long-range frigate “Kraken”
- Active module Gravitational defence projector
- Special title “Admiral of Perdition” — for taking part in the most challenging battles and military operations with Kraken.
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Crystal drone” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “Molly”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Star Conflict: Mjolnir
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This pack includes:
- Empire rank 15 gunship “Mjolnir”
- Active module Crushing blow
- Special title “Warrior of Chaos” — for the ability to effectively operate various weapons and abilities in combat, inflicting maximum damage on the enemy.
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Crystal drone” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “Wintermute”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Star Conflict: Cyning
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This pack includes:
- Empire rank 15 recon interceptor “Cyning”
- Active module Hacking booster “Konung”
- Special title “Master of Intelligence” — for successfully completing several recon objectives using “Cyning”
- Special ammunition against aliens — “Resonating crystal”, “Resonating charges”, “Resonating slugs” — 30 pcs.
- Special missiles “Magnetic mine” — 30 pcs.
- Portrait “Zolvin Ivec”
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 14 days!
Changes to the “Survival” mode

Attention, pilots!
We are happy to announce the change of teams in the “Survival” mode! Starting from November 7, all pilots will have an opportunity to try out new ships and their unique mechanics.
The following ships will be available in the “Survival” mode during this season:
- Long-range frigate “Helios”
- Recon interceptor “Psiloi”
- Cover frigate “Shrike”
- Gunship “Typhon”
Customise the ships’ systems, prepare your crew and get ready to humble! (your opponents).
Balance changes
Star blaster
- Changed the firing mechanics of the weapon: both turrets now fire at the same time
Star sail
- Added the ability to block projectiles
- The module now does not increase all parameters of the ship, instead it increases the fire rate of weapons and manoeuvrability
- Added shield and hull restoration when the module is active
Psiloi special module External propulsion system “Repulsor”
- Now reduces the ship’s manoeuvrability when the module is active
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented installing decor on the “Psiloi” ship
- Reworked certain in-game texts and descriptions