Attention, pilots! This is Lucas Horn. My officers have intercepted a message from one of the Blackwood shipyard production sites. It contains information about the new ship that will soon be available to the UMC. Let’s have a closer look at the secret design, parts of which even had to be hidden among the files of the old Imperial destroyer “Invincible”, especially since even a rookie can clearly see that some parts of the new ship were clearly inspired by the “Salamander” frigate, released just a year prior by the same manufacturer.
For starters, the ship they created has a code name DB-7SAS-18-H-E11, which stumps even the most literate mercenaries, so let’s just call it “Bashe”, short and sweet.
The design uses the Pivoting hull plates that allow the ship to bend following the slightest move of its helm. It can smoothly pass by asteroids (or small planets, considering the signature and cruising speed of the ship) and fit between the rocks of the Devil’s Jaw or lava canyons of the Naberia-392 complex. Originally, the ship could bend at much sharper angles, but it affected the test pilots’ behaviour: they couldn’t help but start playing a game of “Snake” (a videogame that was found on ancient Finnish communication devices). They would inevitably crash the ship’s front into its own rear and completely forget that they were supposed to be testing the thing. That is why the decision to reduce the pivot angle was made…
As for the weapons, the destroyer is equipped with the Ion plasma cannon “Snake”, which has three modes:
The “Deceptive maneuver” special module is often called “skin shedder” among the staff. It makes the ship go invisible for 5 seconds and simultaneously make a very fast leap forward (especially fast for a destroyer). It also leaves a decoy copy of the ship behind, which tries to look busy and lights up the space in a variety of different colours. This module can provide many opportunities for pilots to surprise the enemy. For instance, be sure to try out this Lifehack: use a Wormhole projector to create a wormhole before activating the module, then activate the wormhole while still being invisible.
The active “Lightning” homing system constantly follows the closest enemy within 10-kilometer radius semi-sphere (its location depends on the module’s positioning), and upon activation sends a charge to the semi-sphere, which also deals damage in a chain to all other enemies up to 10 km around the original target. In the end, you deal more than 20,000 EM damage to three targets. And you don’t have to even aim, you can have a nap and then just push the button, and “Bashe” will take care of the rest.
The “Weapon destabilizer” unique modifier reduces all enemy weapons and modules damage by 30% within a 750 m radius sphere around the ship. While you may have powerful spherical Reflecting shields (that don’t reflect anything within the sphere), those still don’t work like this module: permanently active with no cooldown! So any close attacks to you will always have half the power. Just imagine, the module reduces the damage of Plasma Arcs, Rams, Webs, Rays, Clouds, Crystals, Anomalies and even GPBs activated within the sphere. If you’re also skilled with your active and special modules and “Bashe” weapons, your ship becomes a very dangerous target for anyone who wants to get close for an attack.
The “Snake skin” unique modifier provides a good old classic 20% boost to hull durability and adds 15 points of resistance to all types of damage. Just this one feature makes “Bashe” the most durable destroyer in our galaxy!
In conclusion, it is no surprise that the Blackwood shipyard was hiding this design by misguiding inattentive spies. Let’s also not forget that the “Bashe” model supplied to mercenaries across the galaxy has no maintenance cost. Any shipyard will work on it for free! You can plunge into any adventure and pull off the most wild attacks and still manage to repair your ship afterwards without having to take out a huge loan or pray for credits at the “Sanctuary”!
In any case, good luck to all pilots in their ventures and battles, great loot and free space to you all!