Pilots! The head of security of the Ellydium Corporation, Arlette Sokal, approached us with a new task. The marathon will end on June 25.
- All pilots who took places from 1 to 12 in the leaderboard recorded by the UMC engineers, will receive 500 monocrystals and 1000 GS, the “Key A1Z26” paint, “Even pierced with a sword, I will not retreat” taunt, title “Space detective”, and the “Ethan Hart” portrait.
- All pilots who took places from 12 to 24 in the leaderboard recorded by the UMC engineers, will receive 500 xenocrystals, the “Stasi sign” paint, “I am the edge of the sword pointed against weakness!” taunt, title “Cold-blooded strategist”, and the “Agent 700” portrait.
- All pilots who took places from 25 to 40 in the leaderboard recorded by the UMC engineers, will receive 300 xenocrystals, the “Mi6 mark” paint, “Nice hat. Did your mother make it?” taunt, title “Trasher”, and the “Garreth the Shadow” portrait.
Star Conflict Team