New Ceres
Greetings, dear viewers and listeners! Welcome to “The Frontier Voice”, this is Max “The Comet” speaking. In today’s issue:
The pirates who called themselves “Asclepius” volunteer organistaion are no more. Deputy finance director of the Sargas Fund announced successful elimination of the group. He posted the following on social media:
These bastards are gone, every single one of them, their leaders, coordinators, members of all ranks, stolen goods dealers. But we won’t stop at that. We will end every scumbag who received even half a credit from that gang. Lowlives of the galaxy, you will suffer the same fate. Let the fall of ‘Asclepius’ be a lesson to you.
This post was deleted three hours after publication and was replaced with this statement: “Our forces have successfully located and neutralized the bandit group. ‘Asclepius’ will no longer kidnap and rob people.”
General Ironside addressed all citizens of the galaxy. Here is a brief summary of his speech:
People of the galaxy! Today, humanity is divided, our worlds are still torn by conflicts and disputes. Even the Empire, the symbol of united humanity, has been fractured. Look what this has led to! Our home, the Earth, is lost to us. The Alien Invasion devastated dozens of thousands of planets, trillions have lost their lives. Felony, Solaris, Eridan, Monolith, Steperfide. The list of lost systems and worlds goes on and on.
Imperials, Federates, Jerichones, Revenants, the Emperor, Bartle, our electronic friends! I speak now to all of you. We have to stop star conflict for at least a moment.
For everyone who thinks my words to be naive, I have some questions for you. Are you sure that the next Invasion is not about to start? Are you sure that millions of hunters are not going to breach the borders of inhabited systems tomorrow? Are you sure that the cybers in their service are not about to open new gates to the Alien worlds?
Humanity must unite to face the threats that tear our galaxy apart. Only together we can find our way and not become slaves to biomorphs. I pledge that I will do whatever it takes to quench the flame of the ongoing conflict.
Imperials, Federates, Jerichones, Revenants, the Emperor, Bartle, our electronic friends! I speak now to all of you. We have to stop star conflict for at least a moment.
For everyone who thinks my words to be naive, I have some questions for you. Are you sure that the next Invasion is not about to start? Are you sure that millions of hunters are not going to breach the borders of inhabited systems tomorrow? Are you sure that the cybers in their service are not about to open new gates to the Alien worlds?
Humanity must unite to face the threats that tear our galaxy apart. Only together we can find our way and not become slaves to biomorphs. I pledge that I will do whatever it takes to quench the flame of the ongoing conflict.
These words sound very unusual coming from Ironside. It’s very tempting to agree with his general message, but only time will tell how sincere this speech really is and what will it lead to. For now, let’s move on to our next story.
Over a few past months, the number of dead and missing pilots in the Frontier has increased by a third, almost reaching the level of the Invasion and Portal Storm period. This tendency is noticeable both in the low stability regions and in well-protected systems. At the same time, according to public reports from every well-known state institutions, general pirate activity has lowered to roughly the levels prior to the recent Enclave crisis. We urge our viewers and listeners to remain extra cautious until the situation is clarified. Use safe routes and coordinate your movement with system patrols, declaring your flight in advance with system authorities.
And the last big news at the moment is the “Atlas” Weapon Factories. This new corporation has started production of new weapons. At the moment it is known that the Steel Legion, Helion corporation and, it seems, some anonymous Jericho buyer have ordered a trial batch. It’s hard to think of a better advertisement for weapons. Nevertheless, the appearance of a previously unknown company on the market at a time when tensions in the galaxy are rising seems to be natural. Little is known about the corporation itself, but after doing a little investigation of our own, we have come to the conclusion that rumours of a new hidden military base somewhere in the Felony system may be connected to the “Atlas” Weapon Factories. At the moment, our news agency cannot advise on the quality of their products, but having any weapons on your ship is a good idea. It increases the safety of living in the Frontier.
“The Frontier Voice” thanks you for your attention. We plan to release another investigation in an upcoming issue. No details yet, but it’s highly likely that you, dear viewers and listeners, will witness a sensational discovery. Max “The Comet”, signing off.