Pilots! We continue to share the latest features that will appear on the game servers in the upcoming updates. Among them are new modes, events, and of course, ships!
New event “UMC Archives: Fire of love”
Soon, the next “UMC Archives” event will become available to all pilots. It will include a special battle pass, consisting of only one stage and lasting approximately one month. The event itself will run in parallel with the main Battle Pass “Secrets of the Precursors” and will end on March 14.
All pilots who complete the new event and unlock all 30 cells in it will receive a new Imperial ECM interceptor “Cor Vulnus”, as well as the modules and weapons of this ship, for free. And those who additionally buy pass packs will get additional bundles of resources, seed-chips and ammunition. You will be able to find them in most of the Battle pass levels. We will share more details about the contents of the levels with you during the start of the event.
New rank 16 ship “Cor Vulnus”
With the start of the event, all pilots will have access to the new ship “Cor Vulnus”.
At the very beginning of the Invasion, Robert Sanderson worked in one of the Empire’s numerous shipyards as a lead engineer. In his spare time he was designing a small rescue ship to build a single copy to give to his wife Valentina Vega, a doctor on the “Drake” with the personal name “Alexander von Werner”. Considering the huge need for these ships during the Invasion, the scout cruiser was unable to undergo maintenance and repairs for months.
In 4615, “Alexander von Werner” arrived to conduct a human evacuation of New Babylon, which was being infected by the biomorph virus. The cruiser’s drive beacon allowed it to bring enough evacuation ships to evacuate fifty million inhabitants in four days, and a part of the planet's administration was temporarily accommodated on the “Drake”. As it turned out later, this was a mistake. On the fifth day, New Babylon fell out of orbit and the Legion fleet declared its blockade. On the same day, an infestation of the Liu-virus broke out on the “Alexander”. The culprit was a revenant, who was able to disperse the virus into the ventilation system. Valentina Vega was able to find a way to recalibrate medical equipment to eliminate the surface contamination of the spacesuits of people living in compartments that were not affected by the diversion.
Thanks to the work of Valentina, it was possible to save 70% of the ship’s crew. But as she was preparing decontamination equipment for another run, another revenant, who was among the humans picked up from the planet, attacked Valentina. The guards managed to eliminate him, but the doctor’s spacesuit was damaged and her lung was burned through. After injecting herself with anesthetic and sealing the wound with biohermetic, Valentina continued to rescue the crew.
The Legion evacuated healthy people and the doctor, but Valentina died of complications on the way home before she could send a letter to her husband. Robert took the death of his wife hard, but completing the project became a matter of principle for him. However, the Galaxy no longer needed purely civilian ships, so Sanderson developed weapons and electronic warfare systems for his brainchild, and he approached this task with all the persistence of a man creating Legion ships.
In 4622 Robert was able to assemble the ship’s prototype, naming it Cor Vulnus. The ship turned out to be unique and effective enough to get Gabriel Hugot’s attention. The aristocrat negotiated with Robert Sanderson and started production of the new interceptors at his shipyard. The UMC was able to negotiate the ability to purchase some of the manufactured ships. The queue for purchase is booked for months in advance, so mercenaries looking to acquire a “Cor Vulnus” in the near future should get the attention of Gabriel Hugot or Robert Sanderson.
In 4615, “Alexander von Werner” arrived to conduct a human evacuation of New Babylon, which was being infected by the biomorph virus. The cruiser’s drive beacon allowed it to bring enough evacuation ships to evacuate fifty million inhabitants in four days, and a part of the planet's administration was temporarily accommodated on the “Drake”. As it turned out later, this was a mistake. On the fifth day, New Babylon fell out of orbit and the Legion fleet declared its blockade. On the same day, an infestation of the Liu-virus broke out on the “Alexander”. The culprit was a revenant, who was able to disperse the virus into the ventilation system. Valentina Vega was able to find a way to recalibrate medical equipment to eliminate the surface contamination of the spacesuits of people living in compartments that were not affected by the diversion.
Thanks to the work of Valentina, it was possible to save 70% of the ship’s crew. But as she was preparing decontamination equipment for another run, another revenant, who was among the humans picked up from the planet, attacked Valentina. The guards managed to eliminate him, but the doctor’s spacesuit was damaged and her lung was burned through. After injecting herself with anesthetic and sealing the wound with biohermetic, Valentina continued to rescue the crew.
The Legion evacuated healthy people and the doctor, but Valentina died of complications on the way home before she could send a letter to her husband. Robert took the death of his wife hard, but completing the project became a matter of principle for him. However, the Galaxy no longer needed purely civilian ships, so Sanderson developed weapons and electronic warfare systems for his brainchild, and he approached this task with all the persistence of a man creating Legion ships.
In 4622 Robert was able to assemble the ship’s prototype, naming it Cor Vulnus. The ship turned out to be unique and effective enough to get Gabriel Hugot’s attention. The aristocrat negotiated with Robert Sanderson and started production of the new interceptors at his shipyard. The UMC was able to negotiate the ability to purchase some of the manufactured ships. The queue for purchase is booked for months in advance, so mercenaries looking to acquire a “Cor Vulnus” in the near future should get the attention of Gabriel Hugot or Robert Sanderson.
What will make the “Cor Vulnus” ship special? Its weapon will fire up the systems of the enemy ship so that they can’t shoot properly, and the special module will make your enemies think only about you.
You don’t have to wait for long! Stay tuned!