Pilots, it’s time to look at the results of the Big Winter Survey! Today we’re going to reveal all the secrets of who actually plays these computer games of yours. Let’s fly on!
In total, almost 1000 people completed the survey.
As it turns out, most pilots are between the ages of 24 and 35. This is almost 38%. Another 23% said they were “an old Thar’Ga”. And almost 22% were older than 35. Pre-retirement age!
As we thought, almost all of our pilots are boys. There are almost 89% of them. Another 5% of pilots are girls. The rest are biomorphs.
More than 34% are from Western Europe. Another 29% are from North America. And 18% are from Eastern Europe. The rest are scattered around the world.
In addition to shooting biomorphs, more than 52% of respondents also work! Our condolences. 15% are studying. More than 16% are UMC mercenaries. The rest are retirees, managers of the universe, and astral explorers. That’s what they mentioned in the “Other” column.
The majority of players learned about the Star Conflict universe from advertising on websites. This is 33%. Another 27% were invited by friends. And 11% played with their brothers a long time ago and now decided to come back and remember how great it was. The years go by. The universe is heading toward its thermal death...
Almost 64% of respondents said that they are so old that they saw how the universe began, how worlds were created and destroyed... They’ve been playing the game for that long. Another 24% have been playing for more than a year. 4% play for six months. And another 7% have just started playing.
At the same time, almost 80% of the pilots in the game reached rank 13 and above. And there are only 6% of beginners with a level up to 6.
Preferences on the sides of the conflict were divided almost evenly:

Our pilots play a lot. 30% noted that they disappear in the game for several days a week. And another 66% spend a couple of hours a week playing the game. Another 4% do leave the game at all.
Most of all, players like to play PvE. There are 77% of them. Another 18% prefer to explore the Open space. And 39% enjoy playing PvP.
Almost 56% play computer games every day. Another 16% play 3–4 days a week.
Most of all, pilots love to play space simulators. There are 47% of such players. Another 42% like strategy games. 39% prefer fantasy RPGs. And 38% like action games. The Cyberpunk theme is close to 20% of players. Here you could choose multiple answers.
Happy holidays, pilots! And we are off to read all your comments and remarks! Always in touch, your UMC.
- Keep up the good work, I know it isnt easy especially trying to balance so many ships and weapons etc. Keep at it though despite its issues the game is still fun thanks to yours efforts. Happy Holidays when they come
- Thanks for this good game.
- I remember playing Star Conflict back in 2015-2017 for about 3,000 hours when I was around 8-10 and I was absolutely hooked, but in recent years I haven't really played as there isn't an english (or really any) playerbase at all. It's amazing to see my childhood game still receiving updates. I still love the flying dynamics and the GRAPHICS, (this game is SO beautiful). I see you guys had really poured your heart out into this game in previous years. I hope all of you have an awesome christmas.
- Thank you to the entire Star Conflict Team for all the hard work you are doing- 0w0 is excited to see the new content in open space and the new ships as well (more Ellydium please). Stay safe and Happy Hunting!
- Thanks for all the great content over the years! Can't wait to dive back in to rank up to pro.
- Thank you for keeping this game alive. It's one of my all-time favorites. I hope I'll still be able to play Star Conflict years into the future, one way or another.
Dear pilots, from the depths of our hearts we wish you all the best, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See you next year!
Your beloved UMC