Olympus system
Greetings, dear viewers and listeners! Welcome to “The Frontier Voice”, this is Max “The Comet” speaking. In today’s issue:
Private individuals are organizing an improvised trading in the Erebus and Pride systems by mining resources from asteroids. They often use tools and lasers not designed for mining. Such actions not only reduce the chance of extraction, but also risk blowing up the asteroid into pieces. Right now, our sources have no information on fatalities, but more than a dozen ships have been sent to shipyards for extensive repairs due to such “shenanigans”. Members of the newly formed “Asclepius” volunteer unit are patrolling the systems to assist those affected. We advise you to exercise caution and remind you that only specialized equipment should be used for asteroid mining, such as the ML-V2 issued by the UMC.
Our correspondent visited one of Sparta’s orbital settlements on the outskirts of the Felony system. People are in a difficult situation because of the conflict between Sparta and the Republic of Separate Worlds. Recently there was a major accident on the station and one of the life support nodes has failed. The situation is critical, if repairs are not made immediately, air regeneration on the station will become impossible. Nevertheless, people are refusing to evacuate.
Frontier sectors continue to surprise us with unsolved mysteries. Our correspondent was travelling to the Felony system when he found himself in the middle of a previously unknown anomaly in the Pandora system. Unlike the “usual” communication-breaking sections, this location did not affect any of the ship's systems except for engines. Before they were restarted, our correspondent took a few pictures. The resulting images showed glyphs of an ancient civilization, perhaps even the Precursors. Unfortunately, when the ship's reactor had to be shut down to restart the engines, much of the data was lost. Exercise extreme caution when travelling in the Frontier. Your lives are worth more than alien artifacts and the ruins of dead civilizations.
And now for the big news of the hour: my investigation has uncovered alien presence at the Abandoned Beacon in the Olympus system. With the help of my “Night hawk”, I was able to get close range photos of a Crystallid hunter and even managed to plant a spy bot on it. Before the bot was destroyed, I was able to find out that there was more than one Crystallid in the system. But what does this mean? A new invasion or a mere accident? That remains to be seen. In case of an alien encounter, immediately report to the organization controlling the territory.
Max “The Comet”, signing off. “The Frontier Voice” is always ready to take information from you, dear viewers. If you have encountered dangers in the Frontier, please inform us immediately, then we will be able to notify the residents of the sectors in time about a possible pirate ambush or a new safe route.