Greetings, Commanders!
We are in the final stages of development of the Offline Mode, but as it is such a highly requested and anticipated feature, we would like your input on one crucial aspect of its design: the campaign progress sharing.
To keep the ability to join coop games with your friends on the fly, the game now has a separate offline mode and online mode you can switch between (and of course, it loads into offline mode by default when you are not connected to the Internet); but the two technical differences between the two prevent campaign progress from being shared between them. So if you start a campaign in the online mode, you are not able to continue it in the offline mode, and vice versa.
We are working to change this feature and make single-player campaign progress shared between online and offline modes, but at the moment, we cannot give you an estimate of how long it will take. Our question to you is:
Would you prefer for us to release the offline mode in the current state, with separate progress for online and offline campaigns, before the end of October 2024; or would you rather wait longer while we work on ironing out this issue?
Please cast your vote by filling out this form. The poll will run until Monday, October 14, 10:00 AM CEST (01:00 AM PT).
Note that the decision will not impact the release of other content and features we have announced recently - these will come before the end of October either way.
Thank you to everyone who has already purchased Men of War II and is fighting in the trenches of World War II with us – let us know what you think about the game by writing a review here on Steam, posting in the Discussions or chatting with us on the Men of War II Official Discord server. Our journey is just beginning, and we can’t wait to share more info and updates with you.
As a reminder, if you are experiencing problems with the game and are receiving an error message you are unclear about, we have prepared a troubleshooting guide explaining the most common errors and hints for how to remedy them here.