Greetings, Commanders!
A new patch for Men of War II just went live - as usual, this means a short downtime for multi-player servers (no longer than 20-30 minutes); but all single-player campaigns remain available in the meantime. The update focuses on fixing various bugs you've reported, and the full changelog is available below. But before we get to that, we want to give you the option to get much more involved in the decisions that will directly impact the game's future. That's why we would like to ask you to come to the Men of War II Official Discord server and...
Vote on the future game mode in Classic PVP Match-Making!
We have set up a poll on the Discord server, where you can vote whether to keep the current game mode (Front Line) in Classic PVP Match-Making, or change it to Assault Zones, a mode familiar to fans of previous Men of War games, so that the gameplay experience is even more "Classic". We will abide by your decision, so please, make sure you cast your vote - the poll will be open for 7 days, and if the winning option is to change the game mode, we will implement it in our next update, planned for next week.
We love receiving feedback from our community, and we hope votes like this will make it more convenient for even more of you to take part in forming the future of Men of War II. That does not mean we will stop reading the comments here, the Steam Discussions, or the various chats and forums on the Men of War II Official Discord Server. Please keep reporting any problems or issues and sharing your suggestions there. And if you already like the game, consider writing a review here on Steam to support the developers!
Full Changelog
General Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed an issue where noise markers from enemy artillery (flashes indicating approximate artillery positions hidden by the fog of war on the map) would disappear too quickly.
- Vertical synchronization (VSync) is now enabled by default in the game's graphics settings. The option to remove FPS limits was causing interface slowdowns on some PCs. We are looking into more permanent solutions for future patches.
- Removed damage to vehicles from ramming machine guns and other small guns.
Changes to Individual Missions
- Mission "Vanguard" (campaign "Operation Overlord"): Fixed the task condition for holding the highway.
- Mission "Brest" (campaign "Operation Overlord"): Fixed the condition for obtaining the "Valuable Cargo" achievement.
- Mission "Death from Above" (campaign "On Their Own Soil"): Fixed an issue where the retreat task was not given to the troops.
- Mission "Operation Lüttich" (campaign "The Falaise Pocket"): Fixed the condition for obtaining the "Smoked Eel" achievement.
- Mission "Through the Snow" : Fixed the condition for completing the final task.
Fixes and Improvements to Maps
- Fixed an issue where tanks could not pass over bridges on the "Dead River" map.
- Enhanced various textures.
"Conquest" Mode
- The maps "Village," "Saint-Lô," and "Volokolamsk Highway" are now available in "Front Line Defense" mode (to activate them, restart the campaign by pressing the "Restart" button in the menu).
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash on the desktop when importing heightmap.
Miscellaneous Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash to the desktop when opening the inventory, if no hotkey was assigned for the pause function.
- The durability of wooden bridges has been increased.
We will see you on the battlefield soon, Commanders!