17.06.24 11:37 Community Announcements
Hello raiders!

Welcome back to our new entry, where we can reconnect with you. In this dev diary, we want to tell you about all the resources a raider can use during dogfights in the Galaxy of Neterun.

In one of the previous dev diaries, we covered the basic mechanics of crafting and the modules that can be used. Among these, the most crucial modules in a raider's battle configuration are undoubtedly weapons.

In the demo of Hell Galaxy, you’ve already seen that there are both primary and secondary weapons, which vary based on the projectile type: there are gatlings, rocket launchers, lasers, and more that you'll discover in the full game.
Inspired by classic space combat games, we designed the weapons so that certain projectile types are more or less effective against specific enemies. For example, some enemies have additional protection, a shield similar to ours, and in these cases, it's necessary to use a laser weapon, which is more effective against shields.

However, weapons alone aren’t always enough to win a fight. Raiders' minds are directly connected to the machine, allowing them to focus on different parts of the body. This is represented in the game by the Setup system.

There are three different setups you can experiment with in battle:
- Balanced Setup: This setup neither favors offense nor defense.
- Attack Setup: This focuses the raider's mental energy on the ship's weapons at the expense of defense. This setup is useful when facing particularly tough opponents.
- Defense Setup: This increases shield strength at the expense of firepower, activating the raider’s survival instincts.
Finally, we’ve introduced a system of consumables that can be used to instantly boost the raider's stats or provide other effects.

Some consumables heal, some restore shield energy, and others protect the raider's mind. There are four slots in the ship’s architecture connected to the raider’s mind, allowing up to four different consumables to be equipped at a time for use in battle. There is a cooldown associated with each consumable that must be considered before using another.

That concludes this dev diary. We’ll see you in the next one!
Farewell, raiders!