
Your pre-match Loadouts screen, which allows for up to ten total Loadouts to be created, renamed, duplicated, or deleted, is based around a weapons bench you can see in the background, behind the Loadout UI. This is updated as you access each part of your Loadout. Your Loadout – also known as Create-a-Class – is comprised of the following:
- Primary Weapon[/*]
- Secondary Weapon[/*]
- Melee Weapon[/*]
- Tactical[/*]
- Lethal[/*]
- Field Upgrade[/*]
- Perks[/*]
- Combat Specialty[/*]
- Wildcard[/*]
Primary Weapons

Your main, and usually hardest-hitting weapon, used for most of your time in combat. Gunsmith is available for this weapon. Choose from:
- Assault Rifles [/*]
- SMGs[/*]
- Shotguns[/*]
- LMGs[/*]
- Marksman Rifles[/*]
- Sniper Rifles[/*]

Weapon Examples: Expect 12 Primary Weapons to be available to use during the Black Ops 6 Beta. Vault Edition players can also try out Mastercrafted versions of some of the most potent weapons on offer, as follows:
Assault Rifle: AMES 85
Vault Edition Mastercraft Blueprint “Plague Doctor”

Full-auto assault rifle. Impressive accuracy and a suitable rate of fire makes this an excellent weapon for mid to long range engagements.
SMG: Jackal PDW
Vault Edition Mastercraft Blueprint “Scourge”

Full-auto SMG. Great mobility and handling make this an easy choice for Operators who aggressively seek CQB engagements.
Shotgun: Marine SP
Vault Edition Mastercraft Blueprint “Unrepentant”

Pump-action shotgun. Powerful and versatile with a short cycling time that allows for rapid target acquisition. Hand loaded with 1-shot kill potential in close quarters.
Sniper Rifle: LR 7.62
Vault Edition Mastercraft Blueprint “Brainstorm”

Bolt-action sniper rifle. The LR 7.62 delivers high damage with minimal recoil and slower handling. One-shot kill to the head, chest, and arms. Focus while ADS to steady.
Secondary Weapons

Your back-up weapon, used in emergency or context-specific situations. Gunsmith is available for this weapon. Choose from:
- Pistols[/*]
- Launchers[/*]
Weapon Example: Expect three Secondary Weapons to be available to use during the Black Ops 6 Beta, including this impressive sidearm:
Semi-auto pistol. The GS45’s auto round makes the sidearm unmatched in close range stopping power.
Melee Weapons

Your third weapon is a close-quarters armament with no ranged ordnance. Gunsmith is available for this weapon (Cosmetics only).
Weapon Example: Expect the Knife to be available to use during the Black Ops 6 Beta. Vault Edition players can also try out a Mastercraft version of this blade:
Vault Edition Mastercraft Blueprint “Mind’s Eye”

One hit kill. Military-issue tactical knife well-suited for CQC scenarios where stealth, speed, and lethality are required.
NOTE: MELEE WEAPON USE: As you’d expect your Melee involves the same key or button press as Melee (for controllers, this is the Right thumbstick). Tap this for a gun butt melee. Hold to bring out your Melee weapon, which will remain equipped until you swap back to your Primary or Secondary.
PLEASE NOTE: For a full list of all weapons and equipment available throughout the Beta, ensure you check out the free and official Black Ops 6 Guides.

Limited-per-life and reusable items that range from intel-gathering sensors to healing or disorientation devices, designed to offer a non-lethal advantage in combat.
Equipment Examples: Expect five Tacticals to be available during the Black Ops 6 Beta. Along with the Concussion and Tactical (Stun) grenades and the Stim Shot that refreshes your health and Tactical Sprint, be sure to try out the Prox Alarm; a set of two sticky alarms that ring and flash when an enemy is near, with tripped alarms showing up on allied minimaps.

Limited-per-life items that harm enemies, usually via an explosion.
Equipment Examples: Expect five Lethals to be available during the Black Ops 6 Beta, including the Frag, Sticky, and Thermo grenades, as well as the trusty Combat Axe. For perhaps the biggest explosion in this category, try out the Blast Trap, a planted explosive device that detonates when enemies approach.
Field Upgrades

Impressive tactical or lethal devices that are powerful and recharge during a match after use.
Equipment Examples: Expect five Field Upgrades to be available during the Black Ops 6 Beta, with some being familiar (the Trophy System), some being a hybrid from previous games (the Assault Pack that drops extra ammo and equipment to resupply your team), and some well-suited to Black Ops, like Sleeper Agent. This allows you to infiltrate the enemy team, appearing as a friendly to them for a short duration. Kills extend the time you’re in disguise, though gunfire and closeness to the enemy reveals your true identity!
Perks, Specialties, and Wildcards
The Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Perk system brings innovation, familiarity, and streamlining to your initial choices when choosing the three abilities you bring to each MP match, with added depth as you ponder the advantages of Combat Specialties, as well as the Wildcard feature you can pick to fully flesh out your Operator.

Perk 1, 2, 3: You have a selection from all the available Perks to choose from in one of three different slots. This might be “Assassin” (Enemies on a kill streak get a unique minimap marker and drop Bounty Packs when killed. Pick up the Packs for more Score) in Perk 1 or Double Time (Greatly increased duration of Tactical Sprint) in Perk 3. You pick one Perk per slot, for a total of three Perks that activate immediately at the start of every match.
“Combat Specialty”: In addition to the name and combat capabilities, each Black Ops 6 Perk has color associated with it. This visual reference denotes the Combat Specialty the Perk offers, but only if grouped with two other Perks of the same color (or Specialty).
- For example, “Engineer” (Perk 2) is color-coded blue, meaning it grants the Recon Combat Specialty, but only if your two other Perks (from Perk selections 1 and 3) are also color-coded blue (i.e., they are also grant the “Recon” Specialty).[/*]
- Choose three Perks of the same color in slots 1, 2, and 3, and you’re able to pick an additional Specialty.[/*]
Combat Specialties
Equipping three Perks of the same Combat Specialty (Enforcer, Recon, or Strategist, denoted by the red, blue, or green color) will activate its Combat Specialty in-game. There are three, which are automatically added to the Specialty slot. If your three Perks are of differing colors (or Specialties), no Specialty is granted. The Black Ops 6 Beta has the following Specialties available:
Enforcer (Red)
Killing enemies grants a temporary buff to movement speed and health regeneration rate.
Recon (Blue)
Enemies can be seen through walls for a short time after respawn, a HUD edge indicator flashes when an enemy is outside your view, leave no death skulls when killing enemies.
Strategist (Green)
Earn a score bonus for objectives and destroying enemy content, see enemy content through walls a short distance, deploy equipment and Field Upgrades faster.

Lastly, you can further augment your favorite Loadouts by adding a single Wildcard. Last utilized in Black Ops Cold War, these allow you to add a modifier that would normally bend or break the rules of the Create-a-Class system. The Black Ops 6 Beta has the following Wildcards examples available (with more at launch):
Equip any non-melee weapon in Primary and Secondary slots.
Receive three extra attachment points for your Primary Weapon.
Perk Greed
Equip an extra Perk.

As well as bringing a Loadout to battle, you’re able to choose three Scorestreaks, some of the most powerful recon, tactical, or destructive tools at your disposal. These are earned by increasing your score count during a single life, as score resets if you die. Equip the Dispatcher (Green) Perk, and the score required to access each non-lethal Scorestreak is reduced. Black Ops 6 also has no limitations to the three Scorestreaks you can choose from: Pick any three you like. Examples include the following, which will be available in the Beta:
- Scout Pulse: Radar ping that reveals nearby enemies on the user’s minimap.[/*]
- RC-XD: Deploys a small remote controlled, remote detonated explosive vehicle.[/*]
- Hellstorm: Control a long-range missile with brake and boost capabilities and secondary missiles.[/*]
- Interceptors: Call in a fighter jet squadron that eliminates enemy air targets.[/*]
- Chopper Gunner: Take control of the door gun turret on an assault chopper.[/*]

A partial roster of Operators has been unredacted: These are in-game characters you can play as and are chosen in the associated menu. Additional Operators will be available at launch, but here are the Operators you can pick from during the Black Ops 6 Beta, from both the Rogue Black Ops and Crimson One Factions:
Rogue Black Ops

- Adler (Vault Edition)[/*]
- Park (Vault Edition)[/*]
- Westpoint[/*]
- Nazir[/*]
- Bayan[/*]
- Marshall[/*]
Crimson One

- Brutus (Vault Edition)[/*]
- Klaus (Vault Edition)[/*]
- Caine[/*]
- Toro[/*]
- Bailey[/*]
- Stone[/*]
Note! Operator Westpoint has two limited skins (named “Squish” and “Squash”) that are only unlockable during the Black Ops 6 Beta, which are available permanently at game launch.
Black Ops 6 Beta Rewards

Earn cosmetic rewards by reaching Player Level milestones throughout the Multiplayer Open Beta that will persist through the launch of Black Ops 6 when it releases on October 25***.
The rewards and required levels follow:
- Level 2: “Beta Tester” Animated Emblem[/*]
- Level 6: “Beta Tag” Spray[/*]
- Level 11: “No Bugs” Weapon Charm[/*]
- Level 15: “Quick Draw” Emote[/*]
- Level 20: “Squish” Westpoint Operator Skin (only unlockable during Weekend One)[/*]
- Level 20: “Squash” Westpoint Operator Skin (unlocked during either Weekend)[/*]
- Level 23: “The Truth Lies” Loading Screen[/*]
- Level 27: “Beta Expert” Animated Calling Card[/*]
- Level 30: “Bug Smasher” Weapon Blueprint[/*]
Stay up to date on all the latest information – updated by Treyarch – during the Black Ops 6 Beta Weekends and beyond by visiting the Call of Duty Patch Notes page. Be sure to follow CODUpdates and Treyarch on X for additional, timely intel.
Pre-Order Digitally and Get the Reflect 115 Camo Pack, Vault Edition Available

Pre-order Black Ops 6 today, and you’ll receive a variety of pre-order benefits, including the brand-new Reflect 115 Camo Pack for Modern Warfare III and Call of Duty: Warzone!
Pre-order the Digital Edition on PC to receive the following:
Reflect 115 Camo Pack (New!)
Woods Operator Pack*
Early Access to the Open Beta**
Pre-order the Vault Edition on PC and receive the previous rewards as well as the following:
Hunters Vs. Hunted Operator Pack
BlackCell Season 1
Mastercraft Weapon Collection
GobbleGum Pack
PLEASE NOTE! Those players who pre-ordered the Vault Edition will be able to gain access to the Hunters Vs. Hunted Operator Pack, as well as the Mastercraft Weapon Collection, during the Black Ops 6 Beta.
Game Pass Subscribers are set to receive all Digital Edition benefits, and those who upgrade for $30 (or local equivalent) to the Vault Edition will receive all Vault Edition benefits.
Those players who have already preordered Black Ops 6 will receive the Reflect 115 Camo Pack automatically.
The Reflect 115 Camo Pack consists of the Reflect 115 Mastery Camo for use in Modern Warfare III and Call of Duty: Warzone. In addition, you receive three Flawless Aetherium Crystals, three Legendary Aether Tools, and three Ray Gun Weapon Cases for immediate use in Modern Warfare Zombies. All content does not carry forward into Black Ops 6.
Official Comms Active: Stay Informed. Not Misinformed
Misinformation is everywhere: Ensure you stay one step ahead with the latest official Black Ops 6 information by checking the Call of Duty Blog in the weeks up to launch with important comms you won’t want to miss.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is published by Activision. Development for the game is led by Treyarch, in partnership with Raven Software. Additional development support provided (in alphabetical order) by Activision Central Design, Activision Central Technology, Activision QA, Activision Shanghai, Beenox, Demonware, High Moon Studios, Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer Games.
The Truth Lies.
*Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III / Call of Duty: Warzone on the pre-ordered platform required to redeem Woods Operator Pack and Reflect 115 Camo Pack. Sold / downloaded separately. Must be redeemed by October 25, 2025.
**Actual launch date(s) and platform availability of Open Beta subject to change. See for more details. Minimum Open Beta duration is 2 days. Limited time only. Internet connection required. Online multiplayer subscription may be required.
*** Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 required to redeem. Sold separately.
© 2024 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, MODERN WARFARE, CALL OF DUTY WARZONE, and CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
For more information, please visit www.callofduty.com and www.youtube.com/callofduty, and follow @Activision and @CallofDuty on X, Instagram, and Facebook. For Call of Duty Updates, follow @CODUpdates on X.