New Quality of Life Updates

Want to know how far you’re off from unlocking Nebula on your PPSh-41? Access a Weapon Camo or Calling Card challenge and simply select “Add to Tracked” (in the bottom-left corner of your menu screen). See the Multiplayer section of this blog for more details.
In addition to the challenge tracking and per-mode HUD Preset features listed above in the Multiplayer section, the Zombies team is also bringing new quality of life updates to the mode, including:
- Co-op Pause [list]
- In matches where everyone is in the same party, the party leader will now be able to pause the game for everyone to regroup on strategy or take a snack break during those high-round runs.[/*]
- If a player gets kicked for going AFK for too long in a co-op game, their loadout, Essence, and Salvage will now be restored after they rejoin the match in progress.[/*]
For more details, click here for the Community Update Blog.
Call of Duty: Warzone: Season 02 Content

Season 02: A focus on gameplay tuning, quality of life improvements, and addressing ongoing bugs. | [/tr]
New Perk: Regenerate your armor via the new Reactive Armor Perk at launch. In the mid-season, get the Low Profile Perk, improving your movement speed when crouched, prone, and downed. | [/tr]
Season 02 Ranked Play: Prepare for a new season of Battle Royale Ranked Play, including all-new rewards. | [/tr]
Incoming Call of Duty: Warzone Updates

As announced in the recent Community Updates blog, we’ve made the decision to prioritize focus on gameplay tuning, adding more quality of life improvements, and addressing ongoing bugs. This means that in order to deliver meaningful improvements to our players, new content originally planned for Season 02 has been shifted to create bandwidth to address foundational issues. These improvements won’t come all at once – rather, they’ll be staggered across the season and with quite a few quality of life changes coming mid-season. Our priority is having the most solid foundation that Battle Royale can offer and are excited for players to see it all live.
Rest assured, a full selection of content is still accessible, with access to our maps (Area 99, Urzikstan, Rebirth Island) and modes (Battle Royale, Resurgence, Plunder) available at Season 02 launch, and with BR Ranked coming during the launch window. Call of Duty: Warzone players will also be part of The Terminator and Shadow Hunt Events during the first few weeks of the season, and access all the shared Season 02 content, including the new base weapons.
For more details on updates to RICOCHET Anti-Cheat, Call of Duty: Warzone, Multiplayer, and Zombies, click here for the Community Update Blog.
Additional Equipment
Fight to gain the upper hand with the help of two new Perks coming in Season 02.
New Perks
Perk: Reactive Armor (Launch)
Perk Slot: 2

Your armor will regenerate up to 50% if you haven’t taken damage in the last 5 seconds.
Perk: Low Profile (Mid-Season)
Perk Slot: 1

You are able to move more quickly while crouched and prone. Move slightly faster when downed.
Gameplay, Quality of Life, Bug Fixes, & More
Season 02 of Warzone brings a wave of key updates aimed at tuning gameplay, improving quality of life, and addressing persistent bugs.
Weapon reload and swap speeds, jump mechanics, parachute transitions, and audio clarity have been fine-tuned to bring Battle Royale closer to our intended experience. This extends further with adjustments to default perks, equipment count, and body shield behavior.
We’re also introducing new quality of life updates, including being able to ping buy back flares and improvements to the stat tracker font for better legibility,
Regarding Ranked Play, players will see a refinement to the amount of SR required and adjustments to deployment fees.
To round it all off, we are deploying important bug fixes that target issues with map visibility, weapon interaction, and several perks.
Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play

Compete in a second season of Battle Royale Ranked Play, earning the following seasonal rewards as you progress:
Season 02 BR Ranked Play Rewards

- First Season Win: Elimination Charm[/*]
- Get 25 Eliminations: Elimination Sticker[/*]
- Get 100 Eliminations: Elimination Weapon Camo[/*]
- Get 250 Eliminations: Elimination Weapon Blueprint[/*]
- Silver: “Ranked Season 2 – “Silver” Emblem[/*]
- Gold: “Ranked Season 2 – “Gold” Calling Card, Emblem, and Weapon Camo[/*]
- Platinum: “Ranked Season 2 – Platinum” Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo[/*]
- Diamond: “Ranked Season 2 – Diamond” Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo[/*]
- Crimson: “Ranked Season 2 – Crimson” Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo[/*]
- Iridescent: “Ranked Season 2 – Iridescent” Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo[/*]
- Top 250: “Ranked Season 2 – Top 250” Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo[/*]
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6: General Content (MP, ZM, WZ)

Call of Duty: General Content Summary (All Modes and Games) | [/tr]
Weapons Detail: Grab more than six new Weapons across Season 02, with four armaments revealed today, including the Cypher 091 Assault Rifle, PPSh-41 SMG, Feng 82 LMG, and TR2 Marksman Rifle. Expect a melee-focused set of new weapons to be revealed at mid-season! Plus, unlock new weapon attachments including the Underbarrel Crossbow, Belt-Fed Magazine, and more. | [/tr]
Battle Pass and BlackCell: The brand-new Season 02 Battle Pass delivers an impressive amount of new content, including free tiers and three base weapons alongside rewards like new Weapon Blueprints, Operator Skins, Calling Cards, Finishing Moves, Emotes, and more. | [/tr]
Season 02 Operators: The teched out Vortex headlines as the BlackCell Operator, accompanied by Battle Pass Operator Nocturne, a lethal assassin who ruthlessly hunts down his targets. Plus, take control of the cybernetic assassin The Terminator arriving in the Store alongside other incredible Bundles. | [/tr]
Weapons Detail
Primary Weapon: PPSh-41 (Launch)
SMG, Battle Pass Page 6 HVT Tier Reward, Page 14 Battle Pass Blueprint

Levels: 35
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers (3).
Full-auto submachine gun. Fast fire rate with impressive damage and high recoil. Moderate handling.
Make mincemeat out of the competition with the return of the fan-favorite World War II era PPSh-41 SMG, boasting an incredibly fast fire rate that makes short work of enemies at close range. Tame its unpredictable recoil by firing in bursts or empty the whole clip in hip-fire engagements. Consider the Extended Mag, Assault Pack Field Upgrade, or the Scavenger Perk to keep from running dry in long fights and keep pushing forward maximize your damage.
Primary Weapon: Cypher 091 (Launch)
Assault Rifle, Battle Pass Page 8 HVT Tier Reward, Page 11 Battle Pass Blueprint

Levels: 42
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers (3)
Full-auto assault rifle. Slower rate of fire balanced by great handling and excellent mobility.
For versatility, few weapons outshine the Cypher 091. With excellent range, handling, and mobility, the weapon performs well in a variety of engagements. With clear front mounted iron sights, minimal muzzle smoke, and controllable recoil, this AR makes for easy target acquisition even without an attached Optic. To top it off, its fast reload speed reduces downtime between mags, getting you straight back into the fight.
Primary Weapon: Feng 82 (Launch)
LMG, Battle Pass Page 3 HVT Tier Reward, Page 10 Battle Pass Blueprint

Levels: 48
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers (3)
Full-auto light machine gun. Very slow rate of fire with great damage and handling.
Possessing the best accuracy and handling in its class, the Feng 82 LMG offers a more aggressive, frontline option for players looking to stay in the thick of the fight without losing the LMG firepower expected of the weapon type. While the base magazine size is lower than its peers, the five magazines provided ensure that you’ll still have a lot of ammo to chew through before running low.
The weapon features a reliable three-to-four shot elimination out to 50 meters with moderate upward recoil that can be mitigated via controlled bursts as well as several Gunsmith attachments offering improved vertical recoil control.
Primary Weapon: TR2 (Launch)
Marksman Rifle, Event Reward

Levels: 39
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers (3)
Semi-auto marksman rifle. Great rate of fire and respectable handling.
Featuring best-in-class handling, this semi-auto Marksman Rifle is ideal for fast-moving sharpshooters seeking to combine mobility with precision and power. Its rapid re-centering speed encourages quick follow up shots without losing sight of your target, eliminating unarmored enemies in three-to-four shots out to 100 meters. Whether you opt for a long-range Optic to engage enemies at a distance or prefer a closer fight, the TR2’s ease of use promises a good outcome in the hands of a trained Operator.
Additional Ordnance (Mid-Season)
Season 02 offers an incredible choice of armaments for those Operators favoring close-combat takedowns! Expect to fill your Melee Loadout slot with multiple additional hand-to-hand weapons coming at mid-season... plus a rip-roaring projectile armament coming later on. Expect more information in the Season 02 Reloaded Blog.
New: Special Weapon Attachments

Crossbow Attachment (Launch)
Assault Rifles, SWAT 5.56 and AEK-973 Marksman Rifles, Underbarrel Attachment, Battle Pass Page 7 Reward
Add some flare to your Primary Weapon with the Crossbow Underbarrel Attachment. The three explosive tipped bolts detonate shortly after impact for an explosive finish, even if you hit just wide of the mark.

Full Auto Mod (Launch)
AEK-973 Marksman Rifle, Fire Mod Attachment, Event Reward
Convert the AEK-973 into a fully automatic weapon chambered in 5.45x39mm. The change gives the Marksman Rifle a steady upward kick; press slightly downward through sustained fire to stay on target.
Binary Trigger (Launch)
Tanto .22 SMG, Fire Mod Attachment, Event Reward
Alter the weapon’s typical full-auto firing mode to a specialized semi-auto function that fires a bullet when the trigger is pulled and when it’s released for rapid fire capabilities. Blocks Barrel and Underbarrel attachments.
Belt-Fed Attachment (Mid-Season)
Three Attachments, LMGs, Magazine Attachment, Event Reward
Add an extreme amount of ammo that’s continuously fed to the weapon through sustained fire. The weapon may overheat, so allow it to cool off now and then before resuming your barrage of damage.
Season 02 Events

Expect an assortment of scheduled Events across Multiplayer, Zombies, and Call of Duty: Warzone. Earn rewards such as a new Primary Weapon, Melee Weapon, a razor-sharp Launcher, new special attachments, and more.
Event: The Terminator (MP, ZM, WZ)
Activation Dates: February 6 to 20
Total Rewards: 13, including Full Auto Mod for the AEK-973 Marksman Rifle and a PP-919 SMG Weapon Blueprint
Collect skulls to unlock rewards. Skulls are earned via eliminations in Multiplayer and Zombies, and by eliminating players and opening caches in Call of Duty: Warzone. Earn bonus skulls for eliminating enemies with explosive or fire damage.
Event: Shadow Hunt (MP, ZM, WZ)
Activation Dates: February 13 to 20
Total Rewards: 7, including Binary Trigger Fire Mod for the Tanto .22 SMG and the TR2 Marksman Rifle
To join Nocturne, you must first complete the challenges he has laid out before you. Don’t fail him.
Event: St. Patrick’s Day: Clover Craze (MP, ZM, WZ)
Activation Dates: March [[REDACTED]]
Total Rewards: [[REDACTED]]
Collect four-leaf clovers for landing eliminations in Multiplayer and Zombies, and by eliminating players and opening caches in Call of Duty: Warzone. Redeem for rewards.
More in the Mid-Season: Expect even more events and rewards arriving in the mid-season, with full coverage in the Season 02 Reloaded announcement.
Season 02 Battle Pass and BlackCell
Operator Nocturne Leads the Season 02 Battle Pass

Dispatch your enemies swiftly and efficiently with the new Nocturne Operator, a highly trained assassin who never fails to eliminate any assigned targets. Purchase the Season 02 Battle Pass for 1,100 COD Points or the Season 02 Battle Pass Bundle for 2,400 COD Points to immediately unlock the Instant Rewards Page of the Battle Pass, including the following items:
- 10% Battle Pass XP Boost[/*]
- The “Champ” Emote[/*]
- The “Shared Fate” Legendary Blueprint for the XM4 Assault Rifle[/*]
- The “Scarred” Legendary Weapon Sticker[/*]
- The “Nocturne” Operator and Skin, along with the “Nocturne BlackCell” Skin for those who purchase BlackCell[/*]
The Season 02 Battle Pass includes over 110 pieces of unlockable content (excluding BlackCell) including three new Base Weapons, an Underbarrel Crossbow Attachment, new Operator Skins and Weapon Blueprints, and a whole lot more. Read on for more BlackCell intel and stay tuned for a deeper dive with the BlackCell, Battle Pass and Store Bundles blog prior to Season 02 launch for a deep dive into the massive offering.
BlackCell Offerings

Deploy as the master assassin and new Operator Vortex headlining the Season 02 BlackCell content. Equipped with the latest technological advancements in stealth warfare, the “Vortex” Operator and animated Operator Skin emits black and red smoke from his arms and twin-sword handles. Vortex joins an exciting lineup of BlackCell content, including Operators well equipped to complete their mission, whether as assassin-themed hunters or unlucky targets on the run.
BlackCell owners can access the Season 02 Battle Pass via the exclusive BlackCell Page, instantly unlocking the following items:
- 20 Battle Token Tier Skips[/*]
- 1,100 COD Points[/*]
- The “Boneshard” Mastercraft Blueprint for the Jackal PDW SMG[/*]
- The “Blacksmoke” Weapon Blueprint for the AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle[/*]
- The “Hound’s Tooth” Finishing Move[/*]
- The “BlackCell” Clan Tag (showcased in Lobbies and Winner’s Circles).[/*]
- The “Vortex” BlackCell Operator Skin for the new Vortex Operator[/*]
Additionally, BlackCell owners can expect to access page after page of additional rewards within the Season 02 Battle Pass. These include:
- Seven BlackCell-exclusive skins for Nocturne (two Skins), Rossi, Marshall, Grey, Stone, and Toro.[/*]
- Six BlackCell-exclusive Weapon Blueprints for the AK-47 (Assault Rifle), DM-10 (Marksman Rifle), Feng 82 (New LMG), Cypher 091 (New Assault Rifle), ASG-89 (Shotgun), and PPSh-41 (New SMG).[/*]
- Over 130 item rewards (Battle Pass and BlackCell related) for those who fully complete the Season 02 BlackCell Battle Pass.[/*]
As usual, players who upgrade to BlackCell after purchasing the Battle Pass will also receive 1,100 COD Points back.
BlackCell Stackable XP Boost: Players who purchased Season 01 BlackCell and go on to purchase Season 02 BlackCell will earn a permanent 10% Player and Weapon XP boost! The 10% Player XP and Weapon XP Loyalty Bonus is for purchases of subsequent BlackCell seasons (up to 50% for BO6 seasons only).
The Season 02 Battle Pass brings two new base Operators to Crimson One along with multiple Operator Skins for both factions, accessible within the Operators menu once acquired.
Vortex (BlackCell, Crimson One, Launch)
“Vortex” Skin: BlackCell Instant Reward Page

There’s no escaping this master assassin, known only under the alias Vortex. All biographical information for this Operator has been [[REDACTED]].
Nocturne (Battle Pass, Crimson One, Launch)
“Nocturne” and “Obsidian” Skins: Battle Pass Instant Reward Page, Battle Pass Completion Page

“Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.” – Nocturne
A bounty’s been activated on the Rogue Black Ops team, and Nocturne is here to collect. Other than his incredible lethality on display, all biographical information for this Operator has been [[REDACTED]].
The Terminator (Bundle, Crimson One, In-Season)
Store Bundle

“I’ll be back.” – The Terminator
The ultimate killing machine arrives as The Terminator deploys from the future to decimate its enemies across Season 02. This brand-new Operator comes with two Ultra Skins inspired by the original movie. Take control of the cyborg assassin who first crashed onto the silver screen in 1984, releasing as a Store Bundle shortly after Launch.
New Store Offerings
Get a look at some of the top Bundles coming to the Store in Season 02 before we offer an even deeper dive in our Season 02 BlackCell, Battle Pass, and Bundles blog arriving prior to Season 02 launch.
Tracer Pack: The Terminator

Sent by the supercomputer Skynet to crush the human population’s chance at survival, The Terminator stands ready to annihilate anyone in its way in the “Tracer Pack: The Terminator” Operator Bundle. The Bundle includes a new Operator featuring two Ultra Skins: the humanlike “T-800” and the cyborg “Titanium Core.”

To get the job done, the cyborg comes packing with four Red Tracer-equipped Weapon Blueprints based on classic armaments from the 1984 film in addition to the "T-800 Style” Finishing Move, “Tracking...Tracking...” Emote, "What Pain?” Emblem, and “Lookin’ Fly” Calling Card.
Tracer Pack: LA Fire Relief Ultra Skin

As part of our efforts to help support and provide relief in the wake of the devastating fires in Los Angeles County, Activision is donating $1 million combined to the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) Foundation and direct relief.
Available now for a limited time, we are also releasing the LA Fire Relief Pack to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone. One hundred percent of Activision’s proceeds from each purchase of the “LA Fire Relief” Pack will go directly to the LA Fire Department Foundation and direct relief for local fire relief efforts and support in southern California.
As a company with roots deeply tied to the Los Angeles area, our hearts go out to our friends, colleagues and residents impacted by the devastating fires.
Other Incoming Bundles

Stay on the lookout for plenty of other exciting content arriving in the Season 02 Store, including the “Tracer Pack: Mission Redacted Reactive” Bundle, the “Tracer Pack: Death Mosh Mastercraft and Ultra Skin” Bundle, and the “Tracer Pack: Satin Smoke Reactive” Bundle. Expect a closer look at the season’s upcoming Bundles and more in the Season 02 BlackCell, Battle Pass, and Store Bundle blog.
Upgrade to Black Ops 6 Today!

Black Ops 6 is available now, and there’s never been a better time to experience the spy action thriller Campaign, the in-depth tactical chaos of best-in-class Multiplayer, and soak in the gory glory of an incredible round-based Zombies experience! Click here to Purchase Black Ops 6.

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