- Resurgence Refocused: A new area of operations has opened: Fortune’s Keep. Now that the remains of a massive explosion have torn the island apart, it’s up to you to sweep the area for threats, both human and undead![/*]
- Welcome Back to Fortune’s Keep: How has the island changed? We detail each of the 11 initial Points of Interest and the considerable changes contained within.[/*]
- New Gameplay Features: A wealth of new gameplay features are coming to Fortunes Keep, including a limited-time Contract to eradicate Zombie Nests, Zombies power-ups, Extendable Bridges, and a new score Tracker detailing your Squad Wipe Streaks.[/*]
- Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Resurgence: Ranked Play arrives in Fortune’s Keep, with the same fundamentals, and uses the Resurgence rules for the first time. Expect a stack of impressive rewards for your grind, and BR Ranked Play to come later in the year.[/*]
Resurgence Refocused, Returning Map: Fortune’s Keep

It’s been decades since the last battles were fought across this historic Mediterranean isle, and although seemingly familiar, Fortune’s Keep holds a great many new secrets. The island has evolved; Konni Group has set up a base of operations, conducting mysterious experiments within a new underground laboratory. Those nefarious activities have now led to a new terror stalking the island; a seemingly unplanned catastrophic event has literally ripped the island apart and set loose an unceasing, undead threat!

Developed by High Moon Studios, Fortune’s Keep is set to become your primary Call of Duty: Warzone destination at launch as you drop into Resurgence matches, challenge the very best players in Resurgence Ranked Play, and join the Horde Hunt Event! Read on for a full exploration and new gameplay features.
Check out the Events section later in this Blog for a full rundown of events coming to Call of Duty: Warzone (and Modern Warfare III).
Maps and Modes (Launch and In-Season)

The arrival of Fortune’s Keep adds to the active Areas of Operation in Call of Duty: Warzone. In addition, expect a variety of modes during Season 2. For more information on launch Playlists, consult the forthcoming Patch Notes on February 7.
Welcome Back to Fortune’s Keep (Launch)

Those Operators who joined Captain Butcher to pillage the island during the Call of Duty®: Vanguard era may find Fortune’s Keep a dichotomy of familiar locales and all-new geographical surprises. Join us as we investigate each of Fortune Keep’s 11 Points of Interest and showcase the changes to expect:
Keep: Rear Dock and Caves (North Coast)

The grandeur of the Keep, with its opulent tapestries, mosaic floors, and gilded throne room, is mostly intact. Look to the north for additional pathways: With the arrival of aquatic vehicles, the steep northern cliffs below the Keep have been modified, adding a rear dock for unloading cargo, along with a rough cargo elevator (now sporting two Ascenders) enabling fast upward travel to the battlements. Under the foundations of the castle is a rock tunnel with openings to the sea, which runs east to west, all offering tactical access to and from the Keep.
Terraces: Fishing Docks and Cliff Paths (Northwest Coast)

The battlements on the western side of the Keep may have seen better days, but the layout is still familiar. To the north along the coast, discover a second pier housing fishing boats and a bait shop. The area north of Terraces has received further construction changes, with Ascenders, additional stairs running along the cliffside, and small cave openings and grottos to traverse. This stretches north of the Graveyard along the coast to the northern tip of the Town POI.
Graveyard (Northwest Coast)

The ancient stone crypts still stand on the small plateau above the Town. You might want to bank on a thorough exploration of this somber spot, not least due to the connecting tunnels burrowing down toward the epicenter of the action!
Town: Helipad (Western Coast)

The coastal town is still as densely packed as you remember, with an old fortress bell tower, brightly hued apartments and stores, and a turret defending the cove from seafaring attackers. Atop the new Police Station on the north side of the cove is a helipad, usually a good spot to locate a Light Helo for airborne maneuvers.
Town: Fissure (Southwestern Coast)

Initial evidence of a sizeable seismic event to hit the island is visible in the southeastern corner of Town, where a sizeable fissure has cut through the earth, splitting a dwelling into two. Tactically, this allows you to investigate the giant crack, leading to multi-level fighting opportunities and an entrance down into the main impact crater to the east.
Overlook: Restaurant (Southwestern Coast)

East of Overlook (a fortified plateau with an old, multi-floor dwelling and Salty’s Snack Bar attached to it), on a slightly lower plateau overlooking the sea, is the Trattoria Il Luna, a newly constructed restaurant instead of the shack and military tents that used to be here. The eatery offers more than great views across the south of the island; there’s exterior access to tunnels below the cliffs.
Konni Outpost (Bay, Northeastern Coast)

Once a seldom-visited locale, the old Bay POI now gives Operators their first clue to the faction behind the island’s partial collapse. Konni Group has established a small outpost here, complete with a mechanic’s garage, several small server and monitoring rooms, and a storage cave with Ascender access to the Keep’s eastern perimeter.
Pier (Camp, Southeastern Coast)

Once a military camp with tents and a small watchtower, significant construction has since modified the southeastern coast into a pier and Tasting Room for the adjacent Winery, as well as a Rohan Oil Gas Station and convenience store.
Lighthouse (Southeastern Coast)

While Smuggler’s Cove has seen cataclysmic damage, the initially alarming cracks along the exterior of the old lighthouse haven’t toppled the structure yet.
Winery (East)

The chateau specializing in fine wines has seen better days, with massive structural problems visible across the premises. This includes a giant crack through the central courtyard, allowing a novel access into the now-flooded wine cellar. Perhaps that water can be drained? The old chapel, now used as storage for the vast fermenting casks, has lost its tower, which lies in three sizeable chunks.
Gatehouse (Center)

The true extent of the damage caused by an apparent colossal subterranean explosion is most visible when investigating the Keep Gatehouse in the center of the map. The ramparts, multiple turrets, the arched entrance, and the barbican (the circular outer defensive tower) has sustained major damage, with the barbican itself sinking into the unstable ground below.
Ground Zero (Grotto, South Coast)

Almost unprecedented destruction by the Konni Group has wiped an original point of interest off the map. The Grotto is now a deep crater, with portions of the island, including main roads and buildings, all sunken or fallen into a vast crevasse. The resulting wreckage should be explored as a matter of urgency, as the epicenter of the crater has been revealed to be a large Konni laboratory with a snaking network of corridors, chambers, and tunnels.
Tac-Atlas Intel Drop: Live Now!
Looking for an interactive overview of Fortune’s Keep? Our Tac-Atlas showcasing POI boundaries, Ammo Crates, UAV Towers, Redeploy Drone locations, Gas Stations, and tactical intel on each map locale, is now live! Click here to check it out.
New Gameplay Features
Expect the following new gameplay features to appear on Fortune’s Keep, within the launch window of Season 2:
Zombie Nests and Eradication Contract (Limited-Time, Launch)

Operators should be aware that recent seismic events may be linked to increased undead activity across the island. Therefore, a new and temporary Eradication Contract has been issued to all available Operators: Investigate any corpse you find, following tracks to a Zombie Nest of localized Zombie activity; they are infesting the island! Destroy the cysts, and any Zombie HVTs before the Contract completes. The exact type of HVT may change depending on time and other factors.
Rogue Signal Public Event (Limited-Time, Launch)

Within a match, expect the Rogue Signal competitive Public Event to periodically appear, pitting you against other Operators and teams in a 90-second objective-based mission. There’s Cash, XP, and a special unique Reward Cache on the line. After a notification appears, expect a new HUD element with an objective, a scoreboard, and your (or your team’s) placement compared to your rivals. The steps to completion are as follows:
- Receive Objective: All teams receive the same task. Examples include “Get the most kills,” “Deal the most damage to players,” or “Open the most caches.”[/*]
- Complete Objective: All teams can optionally complete the objective within the following 90 seconds. The top three teams receive cash prizes of varying amounts and the location of the special Reward Cache.[/*]
- Claim Reward: The Reward Cache remains locked for the next 30 seconds. Whichever team opens the Cache first receives the reward. Rewards are randomized, don’t remain with you after the match, and for Season 2 can include [[REDACTED]], a Wonder Weapon from MWZ, and [[REDACTED]].[/*]
Zombies Power-Ups (Limited-Time, Launch)

A selection of Zombies-based power-ups are coming to Call of Duty: Warzone for a limited time, buffing your Operator in addition to the Perks you’ve already chosen! Seven Zombies power-ups (four familiar and three brand-new) are available across the map and are found by opening certain caches or eliminating rival Operators. These power-ups are instantly familiar — look for the hovering glowing objects and move into them to automatically collect them. But what powers can you expect to wield? Glad you asked:
- Double Points: 60-second duration. Doubles Plunder from ground loot and kills, and score events in Resurgence (that contribute to teammate respawn timers).[/*]
- Full Armor: Instant buff. Fully fills your active Armor slots on pickup.[/*]
- Max Ammo: Instant buff. Fully fills ammo for all your carried weapons on pickup.[/*]
- Fire Sale: 90-second duration. Reduces the price of all shop items for a small duration of time.[/*]
- Looting Spree: 60-second duration. Adds bonus items to caches, with a very high chance of a bonus Common item, and a small but significant chance of an additional Legendary item.[/*]
- Zarkour: 60-second duration. Increases movement speed by around 25%, with infinite Tactical Sprint and Reloading while Sprinting, and disables Fall Damage.[/*]
- Undead Sight: 45-second duration. Operators or AI enemies within the range of your vision are highlighted red and friendly squadmates are blue. Tracker footsteps are active.[/*]
Note: Expect possible powerup durations to be adjusted during the Season.
Extendable Bridges (Launch)

In the aftermath of the Fortune’s Keep explosion, surviving Konni Group forces surveyed the damage and soon constructed three Extendable Bridges over gaps in the fallen roadways. These are not portable, but rather you can extend or retract them across a gap in the road by using a small control console, one on either side of the bridge. The controls react to more than melee interaction, in case you’re wanting to activate the bridge at range. Use these bridges tactically, retracting them to prevent Operator and vehicle access, though withdrawn bridges form ramps resulting in spectacular airborne soaring . . . or a misjudged death plummet into the fissure below!
Fortune Favors the Bold (Launch)

Operators with previous Fortune’s Keep combat experience know that even a Konni explosion won’t have dislodged all the secrets this island has to offer. Latest intel confirms Wonder Weapons with limited ammunition support and no restock options can be acquired under certain circumstances, [[REDACTED]] available via several [[REDACTED]]. Multiple [[REDACTED]] are also active throughout the area of operations.
New Tracker: Squad Wipe Streaks (Launch)

Elite players looking to challenge themselves and their squad have more than just kill counts to brag about with this brand-new Tracker!
Look at the top right of your HUD during Season 2 to see a new “Skull and Sickles” icon next to the remaining teams, players, your kills, and players watching you. This keeps count of your Squad Wipe Streaks total; this represents the number of squad wipes you achieve back-to-back within a set period of time. This is tracked per match and is added to your main stats along with your personal best: Bragging rights confirmed! Here’s how this works:
- Step 1: Fully eliminate your first team and one point is added to your Squad Wipe total, and the match status HUD (top right) updates with an icon.[/*]
- Step 2: Next to this icon is a countdown bar, giving you (or a squadmate) around 90 seconds to eliminate your next team. If you’re already on a streak, the timer resets.[/*]
- Step 3: Search and eliminate the next team before the countdown bar empties and continue your streak. [list]
- Note: After each streak, a white flare shoots up from the last enemy player to be slain. Visible for around ten seconds, this enables rival squads to spot your aggression if they’re observant.[/*]
Note this feature will be disabled in Ranked Play, and remember you’re here to score a personal best, as well as stop rival squads from increasing their streaks, too.
Additional Features (Mid-Season)

Research Vessel (Mobile Point of Interest): A large pontoon-style watercraft has been rumored to appear in the waters off the coast of Fortune’s Keep, later in the season. Certain to draw attention, the craft is large enough for combat to take place across the deck. The ship comes with its own helipad, Ascenders, and a variety of countermeasures and [[REDACTED]] to discover.
Bunker Buster (Killstreak): Use binoculars to designate a target structure. This Lethal Killstreak launches a missile that vertically decimates a building through multiple floors, hopefully clearing out foes hiding inside. The impact creates a long column of gas designed to force surviving enemies out of cover.
Portable Decontamination Station (Field Upgrade): We’ve said it before, but we actually mean it this time — an improved version of the Portable Decontamination Station (PDS, also known as the Personal Decontamination Station) Field Upgrade joins the loot pool at mid-season, emitting a cloud of chemicals that counteract the corrosive properties of the circle gas, creating a temporary safe zone. Expect to deploy this to the ground, in water, on a platform, vehicle, and close to a Buy Station to reactivate it.
Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Resurgence (Launch Window)

Ranked Play arrives in Call of Duty: Warzone, taking place in Fortune’s Keep and using the Resurgence rules for the first time. The fundamentals are the same — fight your way toward the Top 250 Leaderboard and earn Ranked Plays as you progress — but there are alterations and innovations to be aware of, as discussed below.
This is the first of the Ranked Play modes to come to Call of Duty: Warzone. Battle Royale players should expect a Ranked Play experience to return later in the year.
Resurgence Ranked Play: The Basics
Ranked Play Resurgence is the official competitive Call of Duty: Warzone experience. Players must be at least Level 55 to access this mode. Here are the initial match parameters:
Party Size: Trios
Map: Fortune’s Keep
Game Mode: Resurgence
Public Event restrictions: Yes (Firesale and Restock happen at fixed circles. No other Public Events are available)
Vehicle restrictions: Yes (e.g., No Turreted Vehicles)
Restricted gameplay elements: Yes
Buy Station Inventory Adjustments: Yes
The ranking system used here is very similar to that in Modern Warfare III Multiplayer. Learn more about that here.
Skill Divisions

As before, there are seven standard Skill Divisions (SD). You begin at Bronze I when Ranked Play launches in Season 2, and you earn a Skill Rating (SR) based on your match performance. Your SD/SR from last year will not carry over.
- This is related to Placement, Kills, Assists, and Kills by your squad.[/*]
- The SR Points earned are increased based on the number of enemy squads remaining in your match, as usual.[/*]
- A Deployment Fee is deducted from your SR total at the start of each match once you reach Silver I Skill Division, and that fee increases the higher your Skill Division Tier is.[/*]
- At the end of each Season, you are set back three Tiers below where you finished in the previous season.[/*]
- Players Crimson II and above will be set back to Diamond I.[/*]
- SR Forgiveness, Demotion Protection, Squad Backout, Match Cancelling, and Suspensions are all included in this Mode, and RICOCHET Anti-Cheat™ will be enforcing a zero-tolerance policy related to cheating.[/*]
Ranked Mode Resurgence: Alterations and Innovations

While the basics of Ranked Play remain familiar, several changes and innovations have been introduced to adjust the rules as they relate to Resurgence and to add some additional benefits to your grind. Here’s how this all breaks down:
Alteration — Rank Progression: As before, players progress their Skill Rating (“Rank”) by earning Stars, with up to three Stars being earnable per match. These placement Stars are adjusted for the lower squad count, as follows:
Place in the Top 8 of Squads: One Star
Place in the Top 5 of Squads: Two Stars
Finish 1st: Three Stars
Alteration — SR Placement: Tuning adjustments have occurred due to the lower squad count and faster Resurgence playstyle, resulting in the following SR rewards:
Teams Remaining: 14: SR = 0
Teams Remaining: 10: SR = 15
Teams Remaining: 8: SR = 30
Teams Remaining: 6: SR = 45
Teams Remaining: 5: SR = 60
Teams Remaining: 4: SR = 80
Teams Remaining: 3: SR = 100
Teams Remaining: 2: SR = 125
Teams Remaining: 1: SR = 150
Alteration — SR for Kills and Assists: The SR you receive for Kills and Assists has been tuned based on the lower number of teams remaining:
Teams Remaining: 9+: SR Per Kill/Assist = 5. SR Per Non-Assisted Kill = 2.
Teams Remaining: 8: SR Per Kill/Assist = 7. SR Per Non-Assisted Kill = 3.
Teams Remaining: 3: SR Per Kill/Assist = 15. SR Per Non-Assisted Kill = 7.
SR Deployment Fees per Match: This is unchanged.
New — Seasonal SR Challenges: Begin each Ranked Play Season strong, and ensure you rank your way out of early Divisions rapidly by earning bonus SR Rewards for completing Challenges. Visible in the front-end menus, the following Challenges can be completed once per Season:
First Kill or Assist: +100 SR
10 Kills or Assists: +100 SR
25 Kills or Assists: +100 SR
50 Kills or Assists: +100 SR
100 Kills or Assists: +100 SR
Reach Top 8 Squad: +100 SR
Reach Top 5 Squad: +100 SR
Reach Top 3 Squad: +100 SR
Win a Match: +200 SR
Altered — Ranked Challenges: The Seasonal Kill and Placement Challenges you should be familiar with have received an adjustment due to the faster pace and lower squad count of Resurgence. Expect these Ranked Play Challenges (with the rewards detailed):
Finish in the Top 8, 25 times: “Melted” Large Decal.
Finish in the Top 5, 10 times: “Pro Issue” Striker SMG Blueprint.
Finish 1st: “Popped Off” Charm.
Get 50 Kills or Assists: “WZ Season 2 Competitor” Sticker.
Get 250 Kills or Assists: “WZ Ranked Play Season 2” Loading Screen.
Get 1,000 Kills or Assists: “WZ Season 2 Ranked Veteran” Weapon Camo.
New — SR Death Fees: Beginning at Silver I, Death Fees become active in matches. They are designed to highlight specific survival by a single player within a squad. A Death Fee deducts a small amount of SR each time you die in a match. Resurgence allows for multiple deaths per match, but a skilled Ranked Player’s focus on each match should be to place high, with high kills and low deaths.
Protect your life and play to win in Ranked Play Resurgence! Note you cannot lose more SR than your match Deployment Fee:
Example 1: A Player has a –100 Deployment Fee and a –15 Death Fee. They are at –100 (as they haven’t scored any Kills or Assists yet) and die. No Death Fee is deducted.
Example 2: A Player has a –100 Deployment Fee and a –15 Death Fee. They are currently at –90 SR (as they’ve added +10 to their points), but then they die. A Death Fee is applied but only a portion; they lose –10 SR and are back at their starting Deployment Fee.
Altered — Rejoining and Match Cancelling: Players will not be redeployed if they become disconnected but will remain in the match. Additionally, at least three squads must remain in a match for a disconnected player to rejoin. Matches can be canceled during the pre-lobby once the player count drops below 13 squads.
Season 2 Ranked Play Rewards

What about the rewards on offer? Aside from the challenge rewards listed above, expect an impressive selection of unlockables, all unique and separate from the Modern Warfare III Multiplayer Ranked Play.
Rank Rewards: Earn up to three Rank Stars per match, with unlocks at every five Ranks, including the following:
Rank 5: Calling Card and “Sweat Buggy” Vehicle Skin.
Rank 10: Calling Card and “On the Rise” Animated Emblem.
Rank 15: Calling Card and “Carrying the Squad” Weapon Sticker.
Rank 20: Calling Card and “Team Player” Weapon Charm.
Rank 25: Calling Card and “GOAT” Animated Emblem.
Rank 30: Calling Card and “WZ Ranked Play Rank 30” Weapon Camo.
Rank 35: Calling Card and “WTB” Weapon Sticker.
Rank 40: Calling Card and “Beamed” Weapon Decal.
Rank 45: Calling Card and “You Tried” Weapon Charm.
Rank 50: Calling Card, “WZ Ranked Veteran” Animated Emblem and four Operator Skins.
Skill Division Rewards: Climb the Divisions throughout Season 2, and claim the following unique rewards:
Highest Division — Bronze: “WZ Season 2 Bronze” Emblem.
Highest Division — Silver: “WZ Season 2 Silver” Emblem.
Highest Division — Gold: “WZ Season 2 Gold” Animated Emblem and Large Decal.
Highest Division — Platinum: “WZ Season 2 Platinum” Animated Emblem and Large Decal.
Highest Division — Diamond: “WZ Season 2 Diamond” Animated Emblem and Large Decal.
Highest Division — Crimson: “WZ Season 2 Crimson” Animated Emblem and Large Decal.
Highest Division — Iridescent: “WZ Season 2 Iridescent” Animated Calling Card, Animated Emblem and Large Decal.
End Season 2 in Top 250: “WZ Season 2 Top 250” Animated Calling Card, Animated Emblem, and Large Decal.
End Season 2 No. 1 Overall: “WZ Season #1 Overall” Animated Calling Card and Animated Emblem.
Welcome to Ranked Play Resurgence: Time to claim your Fortune’s Keep crown!
Next up: General Overview
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